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Chewing Gum in Church #1
Chewing Gum in Church is the new "Yikes" book by Steven Weissman, starring "Sweet" Chubby Cheeks, Kid Medusa, the Pullapart Boy, Elzie Crisler, Dead Boy, X-Ray Spence and, of course, Li'l Bloody. In a series of one page strips, this cast, having survived enough adventures to fill three mass-market paperbacks, now "settles" into a daily routine of
The Living Mummy and Other Stories #1 - HC
When Jack Davis took up his pen for EC Comics, he made his innocent victims more eye-poppingly terrified, his ax-murderers more gleefully gruesome, and his vampires and werewolves more bloodthirsty and feral than any other artist. These horror and suspense tales — from the pages of Vault of Horror, Haunt of Fear, Crime SuspenStories, and Shock
Voodoo Vengeance and Other Stories #1 - HC
With his eerily crisp, contemporary graphic style, Johnny Craig was the “Mr. Clean” of EC horror comics. (“Cleanest horror stories you ever saw!” said his colleague, artist Wallace Wood.) Eschewing outright blood and gore, Craig imbued his stories with his signature brand of terror, foreshadowing the inevitable shock to come by
Setting the Standard - Comics by Alex Toth 1952-1954 #1
Toth's influence on the art of comic books is incalculable. As his generation was the first to grow up with the new 10-cent full-color pamphlets, he came to the medium with a fresh eye, and enough talent and discipline to graphically strip it down its to its bare essentials. His efforts reached fruition at Standard Comics, creating an entire
Messages in a Bottle - Comic Book Stories by B. Krigstein #1
Working in comic books for just over a decade in the 1940s and '50s, Bernard Krigstein applied all the craft, intelligence, and ambition of a burgeoning "serious" artist, achieving results that remain stunning to this day. While his legend rests mostly on his landmark narratives created for EC Comics, dozens of stories for lesser publishers
All Time Comics - Bullwhip #1
Behold Bullwhip: the mysterious crimefighter sworn to keep Metro City’s streets safe from villainy and violence! Writer Josh Bayer, acclaimed artist Ben Marra (TERROR ASSAULTER: O.M.W.O.T.), and Firestorm co-creator Al Milgrom team up for the startling story “Web of Oblivion!”, which pits our hero against The Misogynist, Raingod, and the
Spawn of Mars and Other Stories #1- HC
This highly anticipated collection features over two dozen science fiction stories brimming with Wallace Wood's meticulously detailed, genre-defining brushwork. Included are titles like "Spawn of Mars," "The Dark Side of the Moon," "A Trip to a Star," "The Invaders," "The Secret of Saturn's Ring," and "The Two-Century Journey." Like every book in
Love and Rockets #2
27 pages | 37.9 мb.

Tags: Love and Rockets Love Rockets Fantagraphics
Choose between the original cover, designed by Jaime, or the Fantagraphics exclusive variant, designed by Gilbert. The comic book event of 2016! Love and Rockets is back as an all-new, ongoing comic book series (Vol. IV for those keeping track at home)! On Jaime’s side: What do you do when none of your old punk friends want to be punk any more?
We Told You So - Comics as Art - HC
In 1976, a group of young men and women coalesced around a fledgling magazine and the idea that comics could be art. In 2016, comics intended for an adult readership are reviewed favorably in the New York Times, enjoy panels devoted to them at Book Expo America, and sell in bookstores comparable to prose efforts of similar weight and intent. We
The Longest Day of the Future #1- GN
In a futuristic city, two mega-companies share power, while indulging in a thankless war to eliminate the other by any means necessary. The crash of an extraterrestrial flying saucer will, perhaps, change that. This masterfully crafted, witty and irreverent graphic novel is the debut from Argentine cartoonist and graphic designer Lucas Varela.
What Parsifal Saw #1 - TPB
129 pages | 157.9 мb.

Tags: What Parsifal Saw Parsifal Saw Fantagraphics
What Parsifal Saw collects work produced by artist Ron Regé, Jr. following the release of 2012’s acclaimed opus, The Cartoon Utopia. Regé’s interest in esoteric ideas and spirituality has permeated into all aspects of his work, as highlighted by “Cosmogenesis,” his adaptation of selections from the writings of 19th century occultist
My Favorite Thing is Monsters Vol.1
Narrated by 10-year old Karen Reyes in the form of a hyper-articulate graphic diary employing the iconography of B movie horror imagery and pulp monster magazines, My Favorite Thing is Monsters is a murder mystery, a family drama, a sweeping historical epic, and a psychological thriller about monsters, real and imagined, within and without. My
Gag on This - The Scrofulous Cartoons of Charles Rodrigues #1 - HC
Charles Rodrigues was one of the fiercest, most audacious, taboo-busting cartoonists who ever lived, and our second collection of his cartoons from the National Lampoon may be the most jaw-droppingly potent collection of single gag cartoons ever published. There was no subject Rodrigues wouldn’t tackle and none that he couldn’t make funny.
All Time Comics - Crime Destroyer #1
From Fantagraphics, the publisher of the world's greatest cartoonists, comes ALL TIME COMICS, a shared superhero universe featuring the world’s most fantastic heroes. Atlas! Blind Justice! Bullwhip! Crime Destroyer! Each issue of ALL TIME COMICS features a mash up of new cartoonists and classic comic book creators collaborating with writer Josh
Simply Samuel #1 - GN
62 pages | 98.2 мb.

Tags: Simply Samuel Samuel Fantagraphics
Simply Samuel is a silent graphic novel picaresque and metaphoric meditation on life and being alive. This breathtakingly colorful and visually inventive book unfolds in front of the reader as a puzzle of short stories and momentcapturing images. Samuel is a pale ghost-like character who wanders through a colorful world. He exists almost invisible
Ray and Joe - The Story of a Man and His Dead Friend #1
Fantagraphics is proud to announce the release of the first volume of another great, under-appreciated, quintessentially American cartoonist. "Black as sin and decay and perversion" is how National Lampoon editor Tony Hendra described the work of Charles Rodrigues. By all accounts, this small, politically conservative, devout Catholic, was a
Hate #01-30 + Annuals Complete
The hatred was written and illustrated by Peter Bagge it was first published in 1990 and held for 30 issues released napokvartalny schedule. Hatred of Buddy Bradley " Bradley" neat things the story of Peter Bagge 's website . In the first 15 issues, he lives in Seattle with his roommates Smelly and George , and find love with Valerie then Lisa.
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