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Longshot Saves The Marvel Universe #04
Worst threats ever have / will face Marvel Universe? In Hulkvengers? Kraven on Pheonix? WolfCap? Wolverine King vampires? Cosmic Carnage? Sounds like a job for Longshot, is not it?
Thunderbolts #19
Thunderbolts journey into the Punisher War Wagon! The team that gets along well this will be a dream to ride, is not it? RIIIIIIIIGHT ...
Deadpool #20
23 pages | 65.6 мb.

Tags: Deadpool Cable Deadpool Devil Dinosaur Moon Boy
Another flashback to the past history Deadpool! At this time, Deadpool brings on a cosmic level!
Deadpool #20
23 pages | 65.6 мb.

Tags: Deadpool Cable Deadpool Devil Dinosaur Moon Boy
Another flashback to the past history Deadpool! At this time, Deadpool brings on a cosmic level!
Deadpool Annual #1
In the final chapter of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Hey, you know how Deadpool is always so funny? Let's see if he can keep that afterwards
Thunderbolts #18
INFINITY tie! The gangsters, aliens, broken promises, and now ... this? Things could not go more wrong for the lightning ...
Deadpool #19
25 pages | 35.8 мb.

Tags: Deadpool Captain America Deadpool Wolverine 2013
In the final chapter of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Hey, you know how Deadpool is always so funny? Let's see if he can keep that afterwards
Deadpool #19
25 pages | 35.8 мb.

Tags: Deadpool Captain America Deadpool Wolverine 2013
In the final chapter of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Hey, you know how Deadpool is always so funny? Let's see if he can keep that afterwards
5 Ronin #01-05 Complete
5 issues pages | 104.8 мb.

Tags: 5 Ronin Deadpool Wolverine 2011
This alternate history of Earth with a samurai version of Wolverine, Hulk, Punisher, Psylocke and Deadpool were published in the weekly chart as the "5th week" event, as there were 5 of navigation in the month of March 2011.
Thunderbolts #17
INFINITY tie! "Bolts" perfect plan "is going to the rails after Thanos! One of the Black Order sets her sights on Red Leader!
Uncanny X-Men #13
X-Men: BATTLE OF ATOM, part 7! Chaos in the School Jean Grey as X-Men and the Future of X-Men attack! Rachel Gray is the only X-Man qualified to defeat opponents secret!
Deadpool #18
24 pages | 37.4 мb.

Tags: Deadpool Butler Captain America Kim Park Wolverine 2013
Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Part 4 of 5 Deadpool was last ammo! Three Weapon Plus alumni unite to destroy it!
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