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Collection Marvel (14.07.2016, week 28)
Collection Marvel Comics for 14.07.2016 (28 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 007 2. All-New X-Men 011 3. Civil War II - Amazing Spider-Man 002 4. Civil War II - Choosing Sides 002 5. Civil War II - Gods of War 002 6. Civil War II 003 7. Daredevil 009 8. Deadpool 015 9. Guardians of the Galaxy 010 10. Marvel
DC week – The New 52 (13.07.2016, week 28)
Collection DC Comics for 06.13.2016 (28 weeks). The collection includes such comics:
Collection Marvel (06.07.2016, week 27)
Collection Marvel Comics for 06.07.2016 (27 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Amazing Spider-Man 015 2. Captain America - Sam Wilson 011 3. Civil War II - Kingpin 001 4. Civil War II - Ulysses Infinite Comic 002 5. Civil War II - X-Men 002 6. Deadpool - Too Soon Infinite Comic 001 7. Deadpool v Gambit 002 8. Han Solo 02 9. Invincible
DC week – The New 52 (06.07.2016, week 27)
Collection DC Comics for 06.07.2016 (27 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Bloodlines 04 2. Batman Beyond 014 3. Future Quest 002 4. Green Arrow 002 5. The Flintstones 001 6. Aquaman 002 7. Superman - The Coming of the Supermen 06 8. Green Lanterns 002 9. Batman v3 002 10. Superman 002 11. Justice League Rebirth 01
Collection Marvel (29.06.2016, week 26)
Collection Marvel Comics for 29.06.2016 (26 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. A Year of Marvels - July Infinite Comic 001 2. All-New - All-Different Avengers 011 3. Black Panther 003 4. Captain America - Steve Rogers 002 5. Captain Marvel 006 6. Darth Vader 022 7. Extraordinary X-Men 011 8. Hyperion 004 9. Mockingbird 004 10. Silk
DC week – The New 52 (29.06.2016, week 26)
Collection DC Comics for 29.06.2016 (26 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Teen Titans - Annual 002 2. Deathstroke - Annual 002 3. Dark Knight III - The Master Race 005 4. Grayson Annual 003
Collection Marvel (22.06.2016, week 25)
Collection Marvel Comics for 22.06.2016 (25 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Captain America - Sam Wilson 010 2. Carnage 009 3. Civil War II - Choosing Sides 001 4. Daredevil - Punisher - Seventh Circle Infinite Comic 008 5. Deadpool v Gambit 001 6. Doctor Strange 009 7. Drax 008 8. Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe -
DC week – The New 52 (22.06.2016, week 25)
Collection DC Comics for 22.06.2016 (25 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Suicide Squad Most Wanted - Deadshot and Katana 06 2. Deathstroke 019 3. Scooby-Doo Team-Up 032 4. Looney Tunes 231 5. Batman '66 Meets Steed and Mrs Peel 002 6. Aquaman 001 7. The Flash 001 8. Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Five 027 9. Wonder Woman 001 10.
Collection Marvel (15.06.2016, week 24)
Collection Marvel Comics for 15.06.2016 (24 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. A Year of Marvels - June Infinite Comic 001 2. All-New Inhumans 008 3. Amazing Spider-Man 014 4. Black Widow 004 5. Civil War II - Ulysses Infinite Comic 001 6. Civil War II - X-Men 001 7. Civil War II 002 8. Deadpool 014 9. Guardians of Infinity 007 10.
DC week – The New 52 (15.06.2016, week 24)
Collection DC Comics for 15.06.2016 (24 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Swamp Thing 06 2. Green Arrow 001 3. New Suicide Squad 021 4. Titans - Rebirth 001 5. Scooby Apocalypse 002 6. Poison Ivy - Cycle of Life and Death 06 7. Teen Titans Go! 032 8. Justice League 051 9. The Dark Knight Returns - The Last Crusade 001 10. Batman v3
DC week – The New 52 (08.06.2016, week 23)
Collection DC Comics for 08.06.2016 (23 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Legends of Tomorrow 004 2. Red Hood - Arsenal 013 3. Harley Quinn and Her Gang of Harleys 03 4. Earth 2 - Society 013 5. Constantine - The Hellblazer 013 6. Black Canary 012 7. Wacky Raceland 001 8. Scooby-Doo - Where Are You 070 9. Legends 30th Anniversary
Collection Marvel (08.06.2016, week 23)
Collection Marvel Comics for 08.06.2016 (23 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 006 2. All-New X-Men 010 3. Civil War II - Amazing Spider-Man 001 4. Civil War II - Gods of War 001 5. Daredevil 008 6. Darth Vader 021 7. Deadpool & The Mercs For Money 05 8. FCBD 2016 - Captain America 9. FCBD 2016 - Civil War II
Collection Marvel (01.06.2016, week 22)
Collection Marvel Comics for 01.06.2016 (22 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. A-Force 006 2. All-New Wolverine 009 3. All-New, All-Different Avengers 010 4. Amazing Spider-Man 013 5. Daredevil - Punisher - Seventh Circle Infinite Comic 007 6. Deadpool 013 7. Invincible Iron Man 010 8. Marvel Civil War II Previews 001 9. Marvel
DC week – The New 52 (01.06.2016, week 22)
Collection DC Comics for 01.06.2016 (22 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Green Arrow - Rebirth 001 2. Batman - Europa - Director's Cut 001 3. Bloodlines 03 4. Batman Beyond 013 5. Doctor Fate 013 6. Teeny Titans 001 7. The Adventures of Supergirl 010 8. Batman - Rebirth 001 9. Green Lanterns - Rebirth 001 10. Superman - Rebirth 001
Collection Marvel (25.05.2016, week 21)
Collection Marvel Comics for 25.05.2016 (21 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Amazing Spider-Man 001.5 2. Captain America - Steve Rogers 001 3. Captain Marvel 005 4. Carnage 008 5. Civil War II Daily Bugle Newspaper 6. Daredevil 007 7. Deadpool 012 8. Doctor Strange 008 9. Drax 007 10. Extraordinary X-Men 010 11. Guidebook to the
DC week – The New 52 (25.05.2016, week 21)
Collection DC Comics for 25.05.2016 (21 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl 052 2. Secret Six 014 3. The Flash 052 4. Justice League 3001 012 5. We Are Robin 012 6. The Omega Men 012 7. Suicide Squad Most Wanted - Deadshot and Katana 05 8. Deathstroke 018 9. Grayson 020 10. Scooby Apocalypse 001 11. DC Universe - Rebirth 12.
Collection Marvel (18.05.2016, week 20)
Collection Marvel Comics for 18.05.2016 (20 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New Wolverine 008 2. Civil War II 000 3. Daredevil - Punisher - Seventh Circle Infinite Comic 006 4. Deadpool - Last Days of Magic 001 5. Deadpool & The Mercs For Money 04 6. International Iron Man 003 7. Karnak 004 8. Old Man Logan 006 9. Power Man and
DC week – The New 52 (18.05.2016, week 20)
Collection DC Comics for 18.05.2016 (20 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Titans Hunt 008 2. Martian Manhunter 012 3. Harley Quinn 028 4. Poison Ivy - Cycle of Life and Death 05 5. Doctor Fate 012 6. Aquaman 052 7. Future Quest 001 8. Superman-Wonder Woman 029 9. DC Superhero Girls Special Edition 01 FCBD 10. Suicide Squad Special
Collection Marvel (11.05.2016, week 19)
Collection Marvel Comics for 11.05.2016 (19 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 005 2. All-New X-Men 009 3. All-New, All-Different Avengers 009 4. Black Panther 002 5. Darth Vader 020 6. Deadpool 011 7. Green Lantern Corps - Edge of Oblivion 005 8. Guardians of Infinity 006 9. Guardians of the Galaxy 008 10.
DC week – The New 52 (11.05.2016, week 19)
Collection DC Comics for 11.05.2016 (19 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Red Hood - Arsenal 012 2. Catwoman 052 3. Constantine - The Hellblazer 012 4. Legends of Tomorrow 003 5. Earth 2 - Society 012 6. Harley Quinn and Her Gang of Harleys 002 7. Starfire 012 8. Swamp Thing 05 9. Scooby-Doo, Where Are You 069 10. Batman - Teenage
Collection Marvel (04.05.2016, week 18)
Collection Marvel Comics for 04.05.2016 (18 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. A Year of Marvels - May Infinite Comic 001 2. All-New Inhumans 007 3. Amazing Spider-Man 012 4. Black Widow 003 5. Captain America - Sam Wilson 009 6. Daredevil - Punisher - Seventh Circle Infinite Comic 005 7. Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe -
DC week – The New 52 (04.05.2016, week 18)
Collection DC Comics for 04.05.2016 (18 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Superman - The Coming of the Supermen 04 2. Scooby-Doo Team-Up 014 3. New Suicide Squad 020 4. Midnighter 012 5. Green Lantern v5 052 6. Batman - Superman 032 7, Detective Comics 052
DC week – The New 52 (27.04.2016, week 17)
Collection DC Comics for 27.04.2016 (17 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl 051 2. Batman '66 Meets the Man From U.N.C.L.E. 012 3. Batman v2 051 4. Black Canary 011 5. Cyborg 010 6. Dark Knight III - The Master Race 004 7. Deathstroke 017 8. Grayson 019 9. Harley Quinn 027 10. Justice League 049 11. Justice League 3001 011 12.
Collection Marvel (27.04.2016, week 17)
Collection Marvel Comics for 27.04.2016 (17 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New Wolverine 007 2. Amazing Spider-Man 011 3. Angela - Queen of Hel 007 4. Avengers Standoff - Assault On Pleasant Hill Omega 001 5. Carnage 007 6. Daredevil 006 7. Doctor Strange - Last Days of Magic 001 8. Doctor Strange 007 9. Drax 006 10.
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