DC week – The New 52 (23.11.2016, week 47)
- DC / Collections publisher
- Pages: 17 issues
- 2016 year
- English comics
- Size: 579.1 mb.
- Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics DC week
1. Action Comics 968
2. Batgirl 005
3. Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 001
4. Batman Beyond 002
5. Blue Beetle 003
6. Deathstroke 007
7. Detective Comics 945
8. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 09
9. Harley Quinn 008
10. Injustice - Ground Zero 008
11. Scooby-Doo Team-Up 040
12. Sixpack and Dogwelder - Hard Travelin' Heroz 04
13. The Flash 011
14. The Hellblazer 004
15. Vigilante - Southland 02
16. Wonder Woman 011
17. Super Powers 01