DC week – The New 52 (21.12.2016, week 51)
- DC / Collections publisher
- Pages: 18 issues
- 2016 year
- English comics
- Size: 874.2 mb.
- Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics DC week
1. 4_Kids_Walk_Into_A_Bank_003
2. All-Star Batman 001 Director's Cut
3. Aquaman_013_
4. Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 003
5. Batman_v3_013
6. Cave_Carson_Has_a_Cybernetic_Eye_003
7. Cyborg_007
8. Green_Lanterns_013
9. Harley_Quinn_010
10. He-Man-Thundercats_03
11. Injustice - Ground Zero 012
12. Justice League Vs Suicide Squad 01
13. Justice_League_011
14. Nightwing 011
15. Raven 04
16. Suicide_Squad_Most_Wanted_-_El_Diablo_and_Amanda_Waller_05
17. Superman_013
18. Trinity_004