New comics
The Transformers - More Than Meets the Eye #22
25 pages | 48.7 мb.

Tags: Transformers Transformer More Than Meets the Eye
DEATH IN THE RANKS! Rodimus and his crew are confronted by the enemy within-and not everyone will survive the encounter. Everything has been building to this: all-out war aboard the Lost Light!
The Sixth Gun #35
In Ghost Walk, Becky saw dozens of possible worlds. But none of its shock ... or seduce her ... as much as the world is your own creativity! Meanwhile, Gord, Kirby, and Asher lead the final assault against Missy Hume and the Kingdom of Skinwalkers-and you will never see this ending coming!
Code Monkey Save World #01
Put-upon coding monkeys combined with raging in love with a super-villain to fight robots, zombie servant, and perhaps even with each other as they struggle to impress the amazing women for whom they fruitlessly for a long time. Based on the songs of the Internet superstar musician Jonathan Colton.
Captain Ultimate #03
You've seen it in action, but where is the greatest hero in the world come from? For the first time anywhere: the secret origin of Ultimate Captain Adventure, which will lead you to the end of time!
Regular Show #04
25 pages | 8.4 мb.

Tags: Regular Show kaboom Allison Strejlau KC Green 2013
Check out the latest release of this crazy RIDE Golfcart arc! Mordecai and Rigby's quest for soft drinks is finally coming to an end! Will they be able to get into the party? Will refreshments be cool enough for Cool Frog? Author of the famous cartoonist KC Green (Gunshow) and incentive covers pretty enough to hang on your rec room!
Adventure Time #21
It does not matter how many episodes or issues you get your hands on for the adventure time, there will always be something new and exciting waiting for you at every uglom.Komicheskogo great read for allages and it's not just for fans of the show (but seriously, who is not fan?). This is a great comic about the fans in a fantastic world of
Collection DC - The New 52 (16.10.2013, week 42)
15 issues pages | 557.8 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52
Collection DC Comics for 16.10.2013 (42 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Animal Man #24 2. Batman '66 #4 3. Batman And Two-Face #24 4. Batman Superman #4 5. Batwoman #24 6. Birds Of Prey #24 7. Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion #1 8. Green Lantern New Guardians #24 9. He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe #7 10. Justice League Of
X-O Manowar #18
To the future, to the unity of the ... With its national state of Dacia strengthened in eastern Romania, XO Manowar leaned world to his will. But he will not stand unopposed. With the assembled forces of the United Nations and NATO primed attacked the newly created homeland Visigoth people, people inside the indestructible armor Manowar about to
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #7
First exciting issue of the new, ongoing adventures of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe!While the Masters of the Universe mourn the loss of a fallen friend, Hordak infiltrates Eternia!Featuring the return of She-Ra! Now known as Despara, the most lethal weapon in Hordak?? army, she returns to Eternia as He-Man?? newest enemy
X-Men - Legacy #18
The final battle between the Legion and the X-Men! David faces off against his father's killer - but Cyclops and Emma Frost's telepathic still have some tricks up his sleeve! With two of the most formidable opponents of the last of David added to this volatile mix, it is a victory beyond his comprehension?
Wolverine MAX #12
Logan makes a decent life fighting for cash on the outskirts of Las Vegas, but he's still not sure why he came to Sin City in the first place. Who wrote the note, which brought him here? And why he can not bring himself to leave? Susie, a former dancer from New Jersey, may have the answers - but it is more than she appears? Everything comes to a
Superior Spider-Man #19
Necessary Evil CONCLUDES! The moment that changes the world of Spider-Man - and the Marvel Universe for years to come. What Spider-Man is responsible for such things? Spider-Man 2099, or the Supreme Spider-Man? The main event for the cast and Spider-Man ... and in the future.
Strange Nation #01
All Norma park ever wanted to be a journalist, to tell the truth, and to hold those in power accountable. But after she loses his prestigious job of the newspaper, the only place that would hire her supermarket tabloid alien people. She soon discovers a vast and dangerous conspiracy. Aliens. Sasquatch. Doomsday cults. It's all real, and it's all
Six-Gun Gorilla #05
26 pages | 41.4 мb.

Tags: Six-Gun Gorilla Simon Spurrier Jeff Stokely 2013
After their harrowing confrontation with the body's army Auchenbran, Six-Gun Gorilla and blue retreat in the desert in the hope of finding people from the blister - strange, abstract entities that may be key to the ultimate quest to return the blue "medallion" ...
Cable and X-Force #15
Father and daughter reunited as Cable and Hope separate missions converge! The cable has finally solved one of the most vexing problems - but a dozen are still on the horizon! There is no rest tired as hope, cable, and the rest of X-Force come together to solve a sinister new threat!
Bloodshot and H.A.R.D. Corps #15
After the corporate war just got a lot deadlier. Trapped in the enemy stronghold, bloodshot was broken - was dismantled piece by piece, Nanite Nanite for most of the disturbed minds of the Harbinger Foundation! But when the alarm goes off in Bloodshot, which can Black Ops military contractor known as the growth of the Spirit brings to the
The X-Files - Season 10 #5
26 pages | 27.9 мb.

Tags: The X-Files Season 10 X-Files X-Files Season 10
Mulder and Scully are living a quiet life in the suburbs of civil fake names, leaving the paranormal in the past. But the visit of an old friend (Skinner) submit to, their normal routine almost forgotten feeling of anxiety and danger: they know that everyone who has been involved in the project "The X-Files" started a deadly hunting!
The Spider Annual
The annual output of the popular comic strip "The Spider" of the publisher Dynamite comics
The Shadow #18
28 pages | 44.6 мb.

Tags: The Shadow Shadow Garth Ennis
Interesting comic, a mixture of politics, mystery and detective superhero. Well, that Ennis immediately brought the shadow of the shadow and did not describe its origin, kick off the event with a new scene. Picture, too bad, it lives up to expectations.
Star Trek - Khan #1
24 pages | 27.8 мb.

Tags: Star Trek - Khan Star Trek Khan Star Trek comics
The second film adaptation of the comic book - the only one in which comics have not released simultaneously with the show. IDW have decided to correct this misunderstanding, so prefacing a future release of all of film adaptations (including this one) under one cover.
Garth Ennis Jennifer Blood #32
The Trial Of Jennifer Blood continues, as we find out more about the apocalyptic circumstances that led to Jen's downfall. Contents may include: The Ninjettes vs. Jen! The increasingly odd Detective Elaine Pruitt vs. Internal Affairs! Ray Buwick vs. A Large Milkshake! Life Imprisonment vs. Execution! (Can we have a phone vote? No? Okay.)
Birds of Prey #24
One is wanted for a murder she did not commit. The other - on the run because she knows too much. They Dinah Laurel Lance and Eve Crawford - Black Canary and Starling. And together they - secret team of Gotham City to fight villains. But now, they have attracted the attention of a reporter who wants to expose them, and another team that wants to
Wonder Woman #24
24 pages | 34.4 мb.

Tags: Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Wonder Woman comics
She - a tool of the gods, it is - the embodiment of strength Amazons, she - very cunning and greatness. Defender of the weak and oppressed, plenitelnitsa hearts and a great warrior. It's a miracle, not a woman. But call me her ... Diana, Wonder Woman!


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