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Archer and Armstrong #17
34 pages | 75.9 мb.

Tags: Archer and Armstrong Archer Armstrong
Sect CIVIL WAR reaches startling climax! (... And this time we mean that literally)! ARCHER against Armstrong! Incredible second identity for Mary Mary! Obadiah Archer gets a bold new role - and a mission! BUILDERS master secret revealed! We joked before, but now we are serious: This changes everything, and Valiant Universe will never be the same
Thunderbolts #20.NOW
"No Mercy", Parts 1 and 2 Ghost Rider BECAME Thunderbolts! Thunderbolts General Ross were united not to remove the problem no one else could ... but what about when the problem is in the team? Seemingly omnipotent crazy called Mercy has gone too far, killing innocent people in order to fulfill its mission of mercy twisted. Who can turn to the team
Thor - God of Thunder #17
The grand finale of the damned! Desperately tour Torah Nine Kingdoms leads him to Midgard, the Earth, where he makes his final stand against the dark forces of Malekith and the Wild Hunt. But what happened with the latest compatriots Torah League Realms? Who is revealed as a traitor in their midst? And what a bloody victory Malekith already won?
Nova #12
25 pages | 44.2 мb.

Tags: Nova Sam Alexander Gerry Duggan
Hot on the trail of the missing body Nova, Nova, and manages to save the life of some new friends in deep space.

Nova #12 (2014)

Publisher: Marvel
Fantastic Four #16
FINAL ISSUE! Fantastic Four are ... Doomed! Dr. Doom has taken over power and Kang Annihilus and supreme ruler of the whole world. Good news: it's Doomed Universe. Bad news: our universe is next. The only people in his way are the Fantastic Four and Fantastic Four ...! Eight Elements Challenge Conqueror annihilating fate with the fate of infinite
Daredevil #35
25 pages | 33.6 мb.

Tags: Daredevil Dr. Ketterson Elektra Foggy Nelson
Daredevil pulls his allies together to make an all-out attack on the Sons of the Serpent, before they can infect the rest of the nation - but he's going to find out how blind justice can be! PLUS ... You are required! Appearance on Elektra, which sets the stage for a huge change in the life of Matt!
Clive Barker's Next Testament #7
Tristan Eslpeth do not know where they need to go, but no way to get there ... Meanwhile, Julian is forced to make a very public display of loyalty to Vick as their herd encounters resistance from an unexpected source.
Clive Barker's Hellraiser - The Dark Watch #12
As the war between the Hells rages, three men hold the title lead Cenobite - Elliot Spencer, Kirsty Cotton, and Harry d'Amour, any attempt to end the conflict in their favor.
Wolverine MAX #15
24 pages | 44.8 мb.

Tags: Wolverine MAX Wolverine Jason Starr
Series finale! Logan will get the answers he is looking for, or just more questions? At the end of all, he makes a decision that will change his life forever.
Uncanny X-Men #16
24 pages | 35.3 мb.

Tags: Uncanny X-Men Magneto Brian Michael Bendis
Magneto reaches the intersection. Everything he fought for is being questioned, and he was forced to make a decision that will change him forever!
The Sixth Gun #37
Drake and Becky lead squad in the pursuit of their enemies, and they found them! Surrounded on all sides by enemies bloody, Becky has her final showdown with Missy Hume. And if that was not enough ... in the midst of a deadly firefight ... our heroes are betrayed by one of their own!
Night of the Living Deadpool #01
Deadpool wakes up from a coma food to find ... zombie apocalypse HAPPENED! Can the Merc with a Mouth Merc not be in your mouth? Writer DeadPool KILLOGY Cullen Bunn brings us to one of the darkest tales ever Deadpool ... not only because it is in black and white (and red)!
Gravel - Combat Magician #00
43 pages | 72.2 мb.

Tags: Gravel - Combat Magician Gravel Mike Wolfer
Gravel returned to the issue launch super-sized and all new monthly series ! Mike Wolfer worked on each issue Gravel today , and he returned to his black magic ways , joined by artist Gabriel Rearte who conjure great page ! This # 0 is an ideal place for new readers , self- stories and huge eat- that - came - to resume all previous editions of
Amazing X-Men #03
24 pages | 39.8 мb.

Tags: Amazing X-Men Azazel Beast Nightcrawler Storm
BEAST UNLEASHED! Dr. McCoy is pushed over the edge and gives his wild side, like never before! X-Men, the split between heaven and hell, in way over his head! Can they get to the front of the evil Azazel Nightcrawler doing?
The Wraith - Welcome To Christmasland #3
Joe Hill's New York Times best-selling novel, NOS4A2, introduced readers to the world of a terrible curve Christmasland and crazy man who ruled there: Charlie Isle of Man Talent III. Now, the new original comedy series, Hill throws wide the gates candy say a special history, which both accessible to new readers, and be sure to please fans of the
All-New X-Men #21
X-23 is back, joining all-new X-Men Cyclops and kissing? What does this mean for Jean Grey? Jean and X-23 are forced to unite against a mysterious force, so it is better to understand it
Revolutionary War - Dark Angel #01
Part 2 of "Revolutionary War" When Shevaun Haldane experiencing disturbing visions Darkmoor castle, she realizes the danger can come to the UK Marvel heroes. With time running out, Shevaun has no choice but to satisfy as Dark Angel again. Adventure that will take fans through the past, present and future Marvel UK!
Justice League of America #11
The march toward TRINITY WAR begins with part one of 'WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS'! Green Lantern! Green Arrow! Catwoman! Katana! Vibe! Hawkman! Stargirl! They aren't the world's greatest super heroes-they're the most dangerous! But why does a team like the JLA need to exist? What is their ultimate mission? And who is pulling the strings? Plus: Find
The Steam Engines of Oz - Volume 1
Arcana Comics and Steampunk Originals collects the first four chapters of ONF epic steampunk future , set in the world of Oz . One hundred years after the witch is killed, the Emerald City is ruled once resurrected hero, and salvation comes from the unlikely key young Victoria Wright . She comes to find out the smallest of actions can have far
The Steam Engines of Oz - The Geared Leviathan #03
This Armageddon as Munchkins face off against twins daughters of the Wicked Witch of the West! Can they, together with its allies, Iron Man, Victoria, and the Lions win Geared Leviathan and the magical power of the twins?
Superman - Wonder Woman #4
21 pages | 39.6 мb.

Tags: Superman-Wonder Woman Superman Wonder Woman
Download free comics Superman - Wonder Woman 4 series
Forever Evil - Rogues Rebellion #4
Lex Luthor is out of prison and finds out that Superman was not seen within 24 hours. It launches a plan where it sends astronauts into space and kills the engine shuttle...
DC Universe vs. The Masters of the Universe #4
Barely managing to escape after his last battle with Chi-Mohn, Skeletor went to the most unpredictable world to restore - Earth! There he begins to implement his plan for pumping out the magic of the earth's core. Joining together in unexpected command Myung-Hee goes in search of Skeletor. Came into conflict with the heroes of the universe DC, Hee
Beware the Batman #6
23 pages | 14.3 мb.

Tags: Beware the Batman Batman Katana Professor Pyg
As Katana goes hand in hand with some of the thugs Professor PYG, in the race to Batman Gotham Arms Hotel, to save the boy and his family!


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