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Sons of Anarchy #6
With plans to transfer Kendra to safety at the place, TIG, Jax and the rest of SAMCRO prepare to cross dangerous driving. But Griggs and Ghost Brothers are hot on their trail, and even worse, some of SAMCRO begins to question risking everything just to help ex-daughter long deceased member ...
Battlestar Galactica - Digital Exclusive Edition (Vol 2) #8
Tom Zarek was a political activist for more than 30 years. Before the fall of the Twelve Colonies it was a charismatic, eloquent and ideologically savvy political agitator, who was sent to prison for destroying a government building on Sagittarone. The culmination of his imprisonment was flying on "Star Queen" superluminal prison ship. At the time
Rachel Rising #23
26 pages | 37.3 мb.

Tags: Rachel Rising Bryn Erin Rachel Beck
"Snowfall in Manson is the number of victims," said Lilith. Now the small town of Manson is in complete whiteout, as the mother of all witches exacts its terrible revenge. Try as she might, there is only so much Rachel can do to stop it without the help of a little girl named Erin Breen. Do not miss the latest chapter in the famous series of
Amazing Forest #03
Collection of the greatest stories ever told. Tales for the brave. Ideas for strange. Evil concepts, stir the minds of those with darkness in their hearts. Modern anthology that lends itself to a time when stories were short and ugly. Author Eric Freitas & Ulises Farinas, every other comic drawn amazingly talented artist, each lending their unique
The X-Files - Season 10 #9
26 pages | 31.4 мb.

Tags: The X-Files Season 10 X-Files X-Files Season 10
The X-Files - a comic book series, published by IDW comics by the eponymous television series Chris Carter.
Constantine #11
20 pages | 35.9 мb.

Tags: Constantine dc Constantine download Constantine
John Constantine isn't a conventional hero--he lies, cheats, and manipulates others to get the job done. But for all his faults, he's the only one capable of saving the day after learning of information that could shake the DC Universe to its core.
Stitched #19
28 pages | 37 мb.

Tags: Stitched Kenji Nakamura Mike Wolfer
The horrific final issue! In the explosive conclusion of the storyline " Seven Swords " all-out war breaks out between the yakuza clan Tokyo and undead strike force Stitched ! Kenji Nakamura's quest for revenge crushing hits roadblock as allies become enemies , sacred trust violated and deadly deceptions are revealed . Now , the man who once
Death Sentence #05
31 pages | 51.2 мb.

Tags: Death Sentence Monty Verity Weasel
This issue: Monty and Verity to develop new powers, the likes of which the world has never seen - and Weasel caught in the middle! Battle rages in London, and its effects are felt all over the world! Is there a future promise Verity only chaos and death - or she could find a cure? Critical and fan favorite, the death penalty increases to the epic
Crossed - Badlands #47
Daniel Way tale of horror at sea continues, the Coast Guard crew plan to start a new life on a remote island continues to develop. But something is rotten on board, and even more so the captain is trying to reduce it, the more control it begins to decompose. Crossed C- Day 2014 is coming, and the best way to prepare for the annual horror is read
Simpsons Comics #208
Bart separated from his family at the airport, gets on the wrong flight and into the seat reserved for a boy his age named 'Brit' Simpson, eventually in England. Once there, Bart finds himself in Springshire, where everything looks and acts all too familiar. He even has to evade the evil Sideshow Bobby, a former police officer with a grudge
The Accelerators #05
32 pages | 49 мb.

Tags: The Accelerators R.F.I. Porto Gavin Smith
How dreadful Playtime rush to its deadly climax of our time traveling heroes realize that all of their adventures can be part of a larger plan. Someone was interference with the past, and nothing was left to chance. Now, all roads lead to the future. Will they escape in time?
X-Force #01
23 pages | 39.4 мb.

Tags: X-Force Cable Fantomex Marrow Psylocke
Nearly every sovereign state in the Marvel Universe uses sanctioned superhumans to protect national interests and pursue a secret agenda. The United States has the Secret Avengers. Britain has MI13. And mutants has X-Force. In this dirty secret no-holds-barred, a deadly game of superhuman Black Ops, veteran X-Man Cable and his team will be spying,
Protocol - Orphans #4
It should be noted that the comic book almost no one expected. However , after it turned out that the series looks pretty interesting and promising. The first issue of a comic book called "Protocol Orphans" is now available in stores and official resources Boom! Studios. Author made ​​Michael Nelson , best known for a series of Supergirl, and
Rogues! #03
24 pages | 36.4 мb.

Exciting opening of our new story arc with amazing art Diego Galindo! Something new happened in Gerada, city Thousands of thieves - is the new Chief Magistrate, and he incorruptible! One after another, the robbers and swindlers of Gerada imprisoned or killed. Only Bram Laska still on the loose!
Revolutionary War - Death's Head II #01
Part 4 of "War" The long-awaited return Totenkopf - one of the biggest hits of the original Marvel UK! Totenkopf! Death's Head II! On an adventure together for the first time ever! What threat can be severe enough to cause the two heroes together with all the time? How about the villainous organization Mys-Tech resurfacing with the army?
Subatomic Party Girls #03
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak - somewhere on the other side of the universe! Evil Boss has Drixly beryllium steel where he wants them, trapped in his mind a terrific memory maze, but do not expect more from the girls! There's an opportunity to escape, but who (or what) ... is Gregasus? Find out in "BREAKOUT!"
Prime-8s #02
18 pages | 35 мb.

Tags: Prime-8s Science Fiction Superhero Suspense
Greatest Dane and his sidekick Pugglist, go on stage, throwing an ultimatum on our masked vigilantes: Reveal your personality, or else! Meanwhile, power Mandrill story involves Prime-8, and a shocking secret is revealed.
Harbinger #21
36 pages | 61.7 мb.

Tags: Harbinger Ax Peter Stanchek Harbinger Resistance
" Resistance " ratchet up rates ! Peter and The Departed wanted information to be free , but now they are going to pay a very high price . Once again, the Renegades are on the run from the combined forces of the Fund and the harbinger of the project closing Rising Spirit on all sides. This time , however, a new team member , Oh, leave a trail of
Eternal Warrior #06
36 pages | 71.3 мb.

Tags: Eternal Warrior Greg Pak
Long live the eternal emperor! First glimpse into the Valiant Universe in 4001 year continues here! Eternal Emperor rules over blighted landscape, the last hope of a desperate group of survivors. When you see a mysterious force and threatens to destroy the last vestiges of his people, he is faced with a terrible choice: go with irradiated
X-Men Legacy #24
25 pages | 44.6 мb.

Tags: X-Men Legacy Blindfold Legion
"FOR WE ARE MANY" CONCLUSION! Collapsing under the weight of disappointment his dead father, god-like powers of the Legion out of control, resulting in mutants fate in the balance. For what purposes will the Legion go to save the world from itself? That's it. This is the end. Anything can happen ...
Wolverine and the X-Men #41
Schools OUT FOREVER! FINAL QUESTIONS! It's the end of the year for Jean Grey school - but where our graduates now? And who would have survived the experience! Jason Aaron, Pepe Larraz & Nick Bradshaw bring the story of Jean Grey school to an end!
Thor - God of Thunder #19.NOW
Last days MIDGARD begin NOW! Thor, the Asgardian God of Thunder , has always fought to save his adoptive home of Earth. But who can he fight when the planet itself dies ? Mortal ally and the secret agent Torah Rose Solomon has a few ideas. Namely largest and most infamous energy company in the world Roxon , and his ruthless new CEO known as " The


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