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Avataars - Covenant of the Shield #01-03 Complete
Eurth alternate Earth created Shaper Worlds with Eternity , Infinity, Living Tribunal, Uatu Watcher and oversees . Hloriany , Prester John and stranger helping to create . As a result, the world of Might and Magic inhabitated with alternate reality counterparts in the classic Marvel heroes and villains. The names and circumstances may differ , but
Annihilators - Earthfall #01-04 Complete
Miracles SPACE heavy hitters come to earth and fight the Avengers! What has brought Gladiator, Quasar, Ronan, Ikon and Beta-Ray Bill to our planet ... and why are they at odds with the powerful heroes of Earth? All this, plus each issue will include a five-page chapter of an all-new, all-hilarious Rocket Raccoon & Groot story!
Annex #01-04 Complete
4 issues pages | 52.8 мb.

Tags: Annex Abner Dunson Brace Dr. Hillman Barto J. Jonah Jameson
From the pages of his debut in Amazing Spider-man Annual 27, Annex leaps into his very own mini-series!
Animax #01-04 Complete
4 issues pages | 74.2 мb.

Tags: Animax Star Marvel
Ani-Max got it's very own short comic-book series as part of Marvel Comics' Star Comics imprint.
Amazing Spider-Man - Extra #01-03 Complete
Even with three issues every month, we can not fit everything we want to Amazing Spider-Man. So a new day: EXTRA! takes more insight to the new world of Spidey three stories that give your family, friends and foes, stories that affect spiders deep in the coming months. Members BrainTrust Spider Guggenheim and Wells welcome Joe Kelly (DEADPOOL,
The Weird (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 47.8 мb.

Tags: The Weird The Weird comics DC Comics
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The Untold Legend of the Batman (1-3 series) Complete
3 issues pages | 30.8 мb.

Tags: The Untold Legend Batman dc comics download Batman
The story of the darkest and deepest secrets of the pre-crisis Batman that you never knew. For starters, Bruce Wayne was the first Robin, sidekick to private detective Slam Bradley. Also, his father, Thomas Wayne, was the original Batman! That's just the tip of the iceberg!
Teen Titans Go! (1-55 series) Complete
55 issues pages | 762.6 мb.

Tags: Teen Titans Go Teen Titans comics Superheroes Comedy
Young and talented teens struggling with evil, and it is with them. In the comic, as well as in the animated series full of humor and surprises. Comics describe the events occurring during the animated series, as well as after it.
Teen Titans Go! #1
Comic takes as its basis the animated TV hit! TIMELESS series of all ages!
Superman and Batman vs. Vampires and Werewolves (1-6 series) Complete
6 issues pages | 140.4 мb.

Tags: Superman and Batman Vampires and Werewolves dc
Superman & Batman vs. Vampires & Werewolves - comics Superman and Batman where they meet vampires and werewolves. Published by DC Comics. Writer Kevin VanHook, artist Tom Mandrake. Published six issues every two weeks from December 2008 to February 2009.
The Silken Ghost (1-5 series) Complete
5 issues pages | 55 мb.

Tags: Silken Ghost Silken Ghost comics Silken Ghost Crossgen
Meet history Silken spirit. The crisis in the church, and are designed to protect the five warriors martial arts. If it does not protect the evil its shadow falls on the whole world ...
Orion (1-25 series) Complete
25 issues pages | 734.7 мb.

Tags: Orion Orion comics dc
Apokolips and New Genesis has always stood on the brink of war . Hoping to make peace , or at least delay the inevitable , the leaders of both planets exchanged sons. Thus, the treaty was signed (The Pact), according to which there should be no war until the princes live in foster worlds. Isaiah son (Izaya), Scott Free (Scott Free), moved to
Mystery in Space (Volume 2) 1-8 series
Afterward that as a space mercenary retired Captain Comet podoh from some bombs ( wimp ) his consciousness as psychic energy flew off in the wilds of space , where faced with energy in a coma freak Weird . The collision happened what - tos incomprehensible, and the comet was reborn in a new body rejuvenated himself at the same house . All such
Mark of Charon (1-5 series) Complete
5 issues pages | 59.9 мb.

Tags: Mark of Charon Mark of Charon comics Mark Charon Crossgen
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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (1-5 series) Complete
A petty thief - Harold hunted theft equipment and other good one vataschil his lucky ticket - fleeing from one lost by-case, he accidentally ran into the door and hit the sample film about cops and gangsters, as well as the role of a gangster neponaslyshke familiar to him that he was immediately taken, so he's from New York was in Los Angeles,


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