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Mars Attacks - First Born #02
Post invasion, abandoned on earth was born on Mars was taken by Uncle Woody and his blind niece. But the baby is not the only Martian still here ... and others are much more aggressive, especially when they learn about the child's place among human survivors.
Justice League Beyond 2.0 #23
As the Justice League and Justice Lords battle for the fate of both worlds, the Lord Superman does the unthinkable.
Indestructible Hulk - S.M.A.S.H. Time Vol.3
Working for a secret unit of SHIELD, Hulk goes on his most dangerous mission yet! After the events of AGE Ultron, the story breaks - and only Hulk is strong enough to hold it together - but only through Bruce Banner! It's Hulk vs. most Chronarchists in the last hours before the extinction of the dinosaurs! Kid Colt, Two-Gun Kid, Kid rawhide and
Guardians Of The Galaxy - All-New X-Men - The Trial Of Jean Grey
Check the original X-Men is being sent shockwaves through the universe Marvel, but we saw only the effects on Earth - until now! When an alien race discovers that Jean Grey - Phoenix host destructive force - returned to Earth, they decided to hold it accountable for horrific acts of Dark Phoenix! Now, it is up to the cosmic Guardians of the Galaxy
Bad Dreams #03
27 pages | 39 мb.

Tags: Bad Dreams Amorpha Mary Gary Winnick
Quest bad dreams "to restore night goes on as Mary and her companions find themselves face to face with Amorpha, Queen dreams. Under her spell, nothing is truly as it seems. The intrigue continues to grow as secrets are revealed and new ones in their place!
All-New X-Men - All-Different Vol.4
X-Men shocked to the core by the effects BATTLE atom! Kitty Pryde is particularly affected, and her belief in the Jean Grey School Wolverine eroded. With her ​​students have gone that Kitty do? Meanwhile, the X-23 is back, joining the all-new X-Men Cyclops and ... kisses! What does this mean for Jean Grey? When Jean and X-23 are forced to
All-New Ultimates #04
The next generation of Ultimates! Hot Tips directors and fun in the sun: What, you thought it was a new Marvel Swimsuit Special? It's just a black widow, Kitty Pryde, knife and bomb troubles, Coney Island style! What makes a villain Spider-Man fall in love? And what a tragedy will change life Bombshell?
Alien Legion - Uncivil War #01
At the tip of the spear bahatovydovoho Legion is a group of Nomad - the worst of the worst style in the hot forge of battle in the best of the best. Now gray-haired veterans of the squad are on what needs to be boring milk performance; shepherding refugees fleeing the civil war tearing their system. Maybe a good chance to enhance novices
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - New Animated Adventures #12
This Valentine's Day, and love is in the air ... but not for spider Bytez! Moody mutant was enough soft material and is going to make sure that everything is as miserable as he is! Turtles have to act quickly, otherwise the whole city will be caught in the web of evil!
Ordinary #2
32 pages | 51.4 мb.

Tags: Ordinary Ordinary comics titan
What if everyone woke up with superpowers - and it was the worst thing in the world? When a strange plague gives every human being on the planet special powers, it's seen as the next step in human evolution. But hope quickly turns to terror, as every war, terrorist attack, every crime, every simple street argument escalates a truly horrific point.
Lobo - Portrait of A Bastich (TPB)
The popular anti-hero Lobo biker assassin. American barmoley, only a hundred times worse. With a built in his head radio chip, he always hears the sounds of heavy metal. Most of his time this guy spends in the bar, swallowing whiskey like water. He was born on some planet-utopia called Zarni, and from the first days of his life began to manifest
Vampirella Morning In America #03
50 pages | 60 мb.

Tags: Vampirella Morning In America Vampirella
She was born on Drakulone where blood flowed down the rivers and served as a natural food for there the inhabitants. When Vampirella came to Earth, she was destined to become a vampire and feed on human blood, but this occupation proved not to her liking. Instead, Vampirella with Adam Van Helsing, the latest in the family of vampire hunters, began
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Helsing #03
In pursuit of a mysterious stranger, who sent her lost diary of his father, Liesel Van Helsing travels to Rome. There she comes in contact with Jonathan Harker, a meek bookstore owner who will help her in her quest to find Dracula. However, they could not get much, as they watched a trio of deadly vampires known as the brides!
Letter 44 #07
First Letter of 44 arc comes to an end: the new life comes in deep space, the crew of Clark learn important truths about why foreigners came to our solar system, and the president Blades teaches his enemies, what it really means to go against the President of the United States.
Ravenous #1
31 pages | 52.1 мb.

Tags: Ravenous Ravenous comics Creature Entertainment
Download Ravenous comics, Published by Creature Entertainment.
Dejah Of Mars #02
29 pages | 21.9 мb.

Tags: Dejah Of Mars Carthoris Dejah Thoris
The more rocks Dejah Thoris overturns find the missing John Carter, the more the evidence points to something greater and more insidious than its disappearance. And the greater the chance that it will disappear - or be gone - herself!
Godzilla Rulers Of Earth #13
24 pages | 22.8 мb.

Tags: Godzilla Rulers Of Earth Godzilla Chris Mowry
While Godzilla's disappearance brought calm to the planet, the threat from the past set to revive and restore peace they once controlled. No monster is not secure and there is no future, I am sure, as one of the greatest enemies of Godzilla preparing to return in a way no one saw coming!
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Godstorm Hercules Payne #03
Now revealed as the son of Zeus, Andre Paine begins to feel its true power awakening. Nevertheless, he now not only on the run from the cops, but the most powerful gang in Los Angeles. Andre can be a demigod, but he's not going to help him much when the whole town wants to see him brought to justice ... dead or alive.
Collection Marvel (25.06.2014, week 25)
20 comics pages | 979.5 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 25.06.2014 week 25
Collection Marvel Comics for 25.06.2014 (25 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New Doop #03 2. New Warriors #06 3. Original Sin #3.1 4. New Avengers Annual #01 5. Fantastic Four #06 6. All-New Ghost Rider #04 7. New Avengers #20 8. Original Sins #02 9. Guardians of the Galaxy #16 10. Amazing Spider-Man #03 11. Uncanny Avengers #21
Southern Dog #01
25 pages | 19.7 мb.

Tags: Southern Dog Jasper Dixon Jeremy Holt
When an awkward high school teenager Jasper Dixon hides injury during hunting trips with his family, his wolf bite infected in combination with hormonal changes of puberty causes a disturbing physical transformation. Now he is forced to confront his upbringing Deep South and monsters far worse than that, he has become!
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Wonderland #24
The Queen of Spades is revealed as a great manipulator for the evil that has been plaguing Calie and Viloet in life. As Calie leads a ragtag team of soldiers towards the lady, hoping to take it down forever, they do not know they are being watched by the Void, an incarnation of miracles. Begins the countdown to the landmark twenty-fifth issue of
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Wonderland Clash Of Queens #05
All war IN WONDERLAND! The Queen of Hearts has Ebony Blade ... and it did not suit lady, diamonds and clubs. Three armies converge on the hearts "of the castle, but will they kill each other to win the hearts army? Whoever was left standing will oversee all miracles! Tapping into an age of darkness
Fathom - Kiani #04
26 pages | 45.1 мb.

Tags: Fathom - Kiani Anika Kiani Luzhin
The stakes are higher than ever for Kiani, as she must find a way to overcome Luzhin and his soldiers to locate her sister, Anika. However, technology has allowed him to siphon Luzhin because of its elite blue blood, creating a much more powerful enemy hell-bent on the destruction of its existence because of its treachery!


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