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Azrael #1000000
24 pages | 18.5 мb.

Tags: Azrael Azrael comics 1000000 Angel Wings
In 853 first-century Superman is still alive, but you spent more than 15000 thousand years in the heart of our Sun, and is ready to return. To his return contains all the greatest heroes of the universe, of all ages. Galaxy is protected thanks to the Justice Legion Alpha in which structure all the same great names: Superman, Batman, Flash,
Guardians of Metropolis (1-4 series) Complete
Metropolis - is a fictional city that appears in comic books published by DC Comics, and is the city in which he lives Superman.
Infinite Crisis - Fight for the Multiverse #09
Batman and his team Multiverse heroes land in atomic universe, the home world of the villainous atomic two people.
The Vampire Diaries #33
Now that Bonnie is alive again, the girls plan to Whitmore College by storm, starting with the party's Angels and Devils Omega PSIS cast.
Suicide Squad - Raise the Flag (1-8 series) Complete
Two years ago, Rick Flag missing for the next mission. Everyone thought he was dead. But now there is information that the legendary soldiers returned. And Amanda Waller reassembles good old Suicide Squad! Trap it or hero really survive?
Star Wars - Rebellion (0-16 series) Complete
17 issues pages | 287 мb.

Tags: Star Wars Rebellion Star Wars Rebellion Star Wars comics
Events in this comic takes place in the period between Episode IV - "A New Hope" and an episode of V - "The Empire Strikes Back." Series tells the story of selfless struggle of Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire.
Star Wars - Splinter of the Mind's Eye (TPB)
It began with the mysterious pyramid ships--the Tho Yor--scattered to the eight corners of the galaxy, and ended with the establishment of an Order that would change the universe forever. Here's your first look at the Star Wars of 25,000 years ago--before there were lightsabers, when the ties to the Force were new, and before the Jedi spread out
Smallville - Chaos #06
Metropolis is under siege mystical, capture Emil within STAR Labs from unlikely sources help.
Justice League Beyond 2.0 #24
As the Justice League and Justice Lords battle for the fate of both worlds, the Lord Superman does the unthinkable.
Eradicator (1-3 series) Complete
3 issues pages | 43.5 мb.

Tags: Eradicator Eradicator comics dc
Initially, the name - "Destroyer" was not related to all the famous hero. In ancient times, the advanced, but a dying race of aliens created many devices that store information about their culture. They sent them into space with his own kind, to tell others about themselves civilizations. One such expeditions got on Krypton, where she met a
Batman - The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga #2
Biography Batman for 70 years has undergone many changes, major and minor, which is associated with the policy DC. Over time, the characters inevitably grow old, and to avoid this or possible inconsistencies with alternative scenes, a publisher may "reset" the story that happened in 1986 after the crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths. Historian
Man Called Kev (1-5 series) Complete
5 issues pages | 164.7 мb.

Tags: Man Called Kev Man Called Kev comics Man Called Kev widstorm
Helping his "beloved" homosexual superhero, Midnighter Kev finally drowned in shit. Even when you save the innocent children, the murder of his comrade, and then headmaster of MI5, just go with it can not. Therefore, the new management is trying to quickly fuse Kev away from England. And he even has to go.
Extremist (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 33.3 мb.

Tags: Extremist Extremist comics vertigo
The Extremist is a 4-issue miniseries published by DC/ Vertigo in the early 90's. It has never been collected in one book. The series was helmed by writer Peter Milligan and artist Ted McKeever, and it is somewhat of a career high point for both of them.
SpongeBob Comics #34
In Part 3 of the epic "Showdown in shady Shoals," SpongeBob says he knows how the first meeting between Mermaid Man and the Sea King Vera Reganto MUST have gone down. How does he know? Because it is their biggest fan! Thus unfolds spazzy, sponge-woven tale of underwater superzlodeev strength and friendship - all madly delineated Jerry Ordway.
SpongeBob Comics #33
Spongebob first multipart saga continues in part 2 of "Showdown in shady Shoals" - showing knock-down, drag-out battle between the underwater Mermaid Man and his arrogant rival, faith Reganto! This sub-aquatic slap fight that got SpongeBob square on the edge of his seat! Plus we have a slew of annual themed stupidity Gary goes to camp in "Survival
Destiny - A Chronicle of Deaths Foretold #01-03 Complete
Since the 3-issue series delving into the past and future of the Infinite, with painted artwork and framing sequences Kent Williams. In 2009, a small town has against the devastating pandemic, its residents left desperately hoping to survive the next outbreak of plague. Then a mysterious stranger comes out of nowhere, sales page, which he says is
Cosplayers #02
37 pages | 35.8 мb.

Tags: Cosplayers Annie Ben Baxter Verti
"Cosplayers" chronicle continues as Annie and Verti part in the 3-day anime convention "Tezukon. 'They come in a cosplay competition as Princess Mononoke and Lady Devil May Cry. During the convention they will face against Street Fighter 2 Cammy, faced with two otaku boys who are obsessed with their videos on YouTube, and correspond manga
Cosplayers #01
37 pages | 40.5 мb.

Tags: Cosplayers Annie Verti
Annie and Tweedledee two cosplayers teenager with too much time on their hands. Annie wants to act, and Verti wants to be a photographer / filmmaker. Together they make a movie with himself and showing the unsuspecting cast of extras they write through a hidden camera. What could go wrong? One shot dose of humor and melancholy from the creator of
Congo Bill Vol.2 #01-04 Complete
Jungle adventurer, golden monkey, and a strange power that binds them to return with a vengeance in the new mini-series Vertigo, which combines big guns, war action, black magic and real historical events into a powerful brew. World-class team of Black Ops journey deep into Africa at war mission so secret that only their team leader knows his


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