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Superior Spider-Man #32
SUPERIOR Spiderman STARTED edge SPIDER-verse! Extra size monumental issue, including stories, drawn by the living legend ADAM Kubert (ORIGIN 2, AVX)! How Superior Spider-Man is still around? Where is he? What is he doing? Road to SPIDER-verse starts here!
Painkiller Jane - The 22 Brides #02
Jane and BRIDE 22 to sense the next target in the state of New York underground terrorist group and a race against time to stop it before it killed hundreds. This issue also features guest pin-ups.
Miracleman #09
43 pages | 72.2 мb.

Tags: Miracleman Dr. Gargunza Liz Moran Marvelman
The battle ended with Gargunza. Birth Miracleman and Liz Moran baby! And the shocking surprise ending in the realization of this great question! Including material originally provided in MIRACLEMAN (1985) # 9, plus the bonus content.
The C-Listers #03
31 pages | 53 мb.

Tags: The C-Listers
The C-Listers #02
Superpowers do not pay the rent As lightning strikes suddenly in debt and unable to pay its creditors, it refers to "non-traditional" ways of generating income. While relations lieutenant lightning with his girlfriend still explodes over his troubles, love life Manticore takes turn for the better.
Iron Fist - The Living Weapon #05
All broken it? Is Danny Rand Iron Fist no more? What fresh hell monstrous soon to be unleashed?
Genius #01
33 pages | 42.7 мb.

Tags: Genius Destiny Adam Freeman
GENIUS: QUESTIONS 1-5 WEEKLY during August Winner Top Cow's Pilot Season makes its triumphant return to print! What if the greatest military mind of our generation was born to people who are already highly conditioned to wage war, who know nothing but violence from the moment of birth, and must constantly adapt to new predators in order to

Genius #01 (2014)

Publisher: IDW
Zaya #02
30 pages | 55.8 мb.

Tags: Zaya Jean-David Morvan

Zaya #02 (2014)

Publisher: Other
The Punisher #09
23 pages | 28.4 мb.

Tags: The Punisher Black Widow Crossbones Punisher
Friend from foe CROSSOVER In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, PUNISHER is fighting alongside - or against -? Black Widow for access to the deadly criminal network. But the clock is ticking. Frank and Natasha will be able to complete their mission before they removed their enemies ... or each other? See the rest of the story in Black Widow # 9!
Mayflower #01
31 pages | 31.6 мb.

Tags: Mayflower
Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files - War Cry #03
The siege has begun! Harry Dresden and his team of young Wardens are trapped in an isolated house surrounded by hundreds of Red Court vampires. But really a vampire after Venatori Harry and co. there to save, or they are after bigger prize? And if there is another reason for the presence of the Red Court, why not tell your White Council Wardens?
Suicide Risk #16
31 pages | 43.4 мb.

Tags: Suicide Risk Leo Winters Requiem
Now awake, aware and pissed off that have done supervillain known as Requiem looking for answers. There are huge gaps in his memoirs, he does not know how he came to be in this world he does not know in this life, not his. But the mass murderer known as Requiem does know one thing: He wants answers, and no it does not hurt or kill to get them. Not
Sonic Universe #66
25 pages | 42.4 мb.

Tags: Sonic Universe Knuckles Ian Flynn
"The Great Chaos Caper." It was he who, full of frenetic final rough fighters! In one corner, trying to complete their mission and save the world, is Knuckles! In the other corner, titanic beast Dark Gaia! Chaotix and Bullies continue to fight, a broken spirit and a Chaos Emerald is currently pacing, and streams of water pouring in! Do not miss
Rocket Raccoon #02
23 pages | 61.3 мb.

Tags: Rocket Raccoon Skottie Young
Framed. The most famous Raccoon in the galaxy was arrested and falsely accused of murder! The real killer? Pretender Procyon, that seems to be one step ahead of the Rocket at every turn. Now, it's up to Rocket certain someone from Planet X, to find the truth!
Chaos #04
36 pages | 78.3 мb.

Tags: Chaos Evil Ernie Lady Hel Rick Young Smiley
While selected under siege by zombie biker gangs, murder and Dead Onez, Evil Ernie makes his way to St. Louis in search of a man who can key to Armageddon!
Original Sin #03.3 - Hulk vs. Iron Man #03
Superstar writer Mark Waid & Kieron Gillen to join the blockbuster artists Mark Bagley and Luke Ross for a king collision gamma bomb. Events Original Sin released the greatest mysteries of the universe Marvel. And Bruce Banner is going to learn the secret that has remained buried for a long vremeni.Sekret that goes back to that fateful day, that
Star Mage #05
24 pages | 38 мb.

Tags: Star Mage Aaron King Arylos Darien Connors
A few months after the dramatic climax in Issue 3, Darien and his friends are forced to fend off monsters Orasmas' while Arylos seeks truth. Also, what Ground Aaron King have to do with anything?
New Avengers #22
"THIS IS A VERY END ..." Illuminati destroys under the exploded planet.
Moon Knight #06
The threat from the first issue came back to cause problems for Moon Knight! This mysterious man is the new black SPECTRE and it does not mean anything good for the defense of night travelers. Do not miss the conclusion of Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire.
Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man #04
HE Spider-Man story is talking about !!! SPIDEY VS SPIDEY! What else do you need?
Jennifer Blood - Born Again #1
The streets of Lalaland run red when Jennifer Blood returns to declare a new war on the mobs. Or does she? As a low level hood plots to leverage her in a bid to take over the Los Angeles underworld, her war attracts some very dangerous attention and unexpectedly sets a lethal international chain of events in motion. A deadly new direction from
Legendary Star-Lord #02
Peter captured hunter golovami- who may have a strange relationship with his past! Maybe Peter and bounty hunter to make amends before it is fed to a giant alien? And who is the mysterious Mr. knife - and why he's so interested in the Star of the Lord?


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