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Fantastic Four #08
ORIGINAL SIN: fatal FOUR PART II Fantastic Four is now bursting at its foundation! Ben will be able to handle the original sin he knew about Johnny? Sue and Reed will miss the rest of Franklin and the Future Fund? It will be what is left of the team will be able to stop their headquarters from closing on ... The Avengers?
Captain America #23
21 pages | 50 мb.

Tags: Captain America Arnim Zola Red Skull
Tomorrow Soldier Part 1 That's it! In the last chapter of this story, which begins in Dimension Z! After the devastating events of the last issue of the Earth, how can Steve Rogers survive their new situation? Two of his oldest enemies move forward their plot! Enter Arnim Zola and the Red Skull! A person from the past hunts Steve. Maybe even the
The X-Files - Season 10 #15
25 pages | 24.8 мb.

Tags: The X-Files - Season 10 Mulder Scully
Agent Mulder was infected oil, hosted alien beings, seeking to use their knowledge, history and experience to unlock something mysterious and scary powerful. But Mulder and future alien colonist having it not only looking at it ..
Spider-Man 2099 #02
22 pages | 29.4 мb.

Tags: Spider-Man 2099 Liz Allan Lyla Tiberius Stone
ALL-NEW SERIES from the pages of Amazing Spider-Man! The book you have been demanding for months finally gets the stands! Miguel O'Hara is Spider-Man in 2099, but it is currently stuck in 2014. He stuck here his father, who is the head of an evil corporation called Alchemax in 2099. However, in 2014, Alechmax just been formed and Miguel have a
Naja #08
266 pages | 27.5 мb.

Tags: Naja Jean-David Morvan

Naja #08 (2014)

Publisher: Other
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Inferno Rings Of Hell #1
Mercy Dante is back! The Age of Darkness is coming, and players choose sides between the evil Dark Horde army and the forces of good. Still, Lucifer, the ruler of limbo, not remain aloof from the case and Horde and its enemies. But it's time for her to choose a side. Using his faithful servant Mercy, she aims to bring the dark and his Queen, that
God is Dead #18
28 pages | 50.3 мb.

Tags: God is Dead Jesus Christ Mike Costa
Jesus Christ walks the earth again. But gone are the visions of his pity and sacrifice. Now the world trembles as the gods return to fight to the last piece of humanity to understand for themselves. Join the ranks of blasphemous as Mike Costa delivers a story that will take you to scream into the pits of hell. Available with a regular, Iconic, and
Crossed - Badlands #59
26 pages | 45.1 мb.

Tags: Crossed - Badlands Justin Jordan
Justin Jordan continues terror as this story of debauchery as the savior can not be what he seems. Crossed Chronicles heinous crimes that man is capable of and there are no safe areas to hide. In the world of grinning maniacs, there is no help. There's no hope. There is only Crossed. Available in Regular and Red Crossed Incentive cover by
Armor Hunters #03
SURRENDER OF EARTH armor or die After the shocking final moments previous issue, Armor Hunters made ​​their intentions clear, and if XO Manowar does not go to them immediately, thousands of innocents will be additional losses that are brutal war. The most formidable heroes seeker of fame are going to go on the offensive, but the armor Hunters
Amazing Spider-Man #05
Radioactive spider, which gave Peter Parker his powers bit someone else, too! Silk who and where was she? Do not miss this incredible new character, which will be one of the main Spider-player for the whole year!
Hulk #05
"BANNER DOA" TAKES mind-blowing turn! To stop the destruction of the Avengers HULK dangerous plan is put into play Brain injury cure Bruce Banner, but at what cost? Forbidden knowledge that Tony Stark used to save his friend?

Hulk #05 (2014)

Publisher: Marvel
Collection DC - The New 52 (13.08.2014, week 32)
16 issues pages | 720.3 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 13.08.2014 (32 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl #34 2. Batman #34 3. Batman Eternal #19 4. Birds Of Prey #34 5. Constantine #17 6. Green Lantern Corps #34 7. Harley Quinn #9 8. Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Two #19 9. Justice League United #4 10. New 52 Futures End #15 11. New Suicide Squad #2 12.
Skinned #03
23 pages | 30.1 мb.

Tags: Skinned Aldair
The Devilers #2
32 pages | 58.1 мb.

Tags: The Devilers The Devilers comics dynamite
Download The Devilers comics
Nightcrawler #05
18 pages | 48.5 мb.

Mastermind of the attacks at close Nightcrawler is revealed ... And when the night calls his friends for backup, the fight comes to Jean Grey School! But torn between two worlds, his family, and X-Men-night stand who will? One thing is certain: When the dust settles, one of his worlds will be changed forever ...
Wolverine and the X-Men #07
22 pages | 39.2 мb.

Tags: Wolverine and the X-Men Oya Quentin Quire
Tomorrow never LEARNS FINALE! Phoenix Corporation against the X-Men and their very future hangs in the balance! Jason Latour and Mahmud Asrar conclude a chapter of one of the smash hit all new Marvel Now!
Thunderbolts #29
Punisher vs Thunder, Part Two As Frank moves to take out his former allies ... Another former ... Thunderbolt close to both of them!
Avengers World #11
22 pages | 39.9 мb.

Tags: Avengers World Iron Man Weather Witch
AIM Empire makes its position. In one catastrophic moment, the world erupts in flames. Rebellion begins!
Avengers Undercover #08
"Gone away" part 1 of 4! Runaways fans alert: This issue is dedicated to Nico ... and it rose again evil ex-boyfriend, Alex! Oh, and something really bad happened to a friend of Runaway Chase! Why are we so mean? Plus: What's wrong with Cammi? Only Baron Zemo know ...
Archer and Armstrong #23
The end is near! Archer and Armstrong survived their stay in the Hotel California, but now they are at the mercy of the church and despicable Retrology Lizard King! What is the disgraced former rock star has in store for our dysfunctional duo, and what secret he believed that affected celebrities (living and dead) for untold decades?
All-New X-Men #30
After penetration of the New Charles Xavier's school, the future brotherhood - led by the son of Charles Xavier and Mystique defeated students and X-Men, yes. As they lay a few inches away from death, Brotherhood set their sights on the only powerful enough to stop them - a young Jean Grey! As Jean Grey is preparing for the greatest battle of


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