New comics
The Squidder #3
31 pages | 59.3 мb.

Tags: The Squidder The Squidder comics
We expect a story of an old soldier in the world, post-apocalypse. Comic genre consists of the intersection of horror, fantasy and creative elements of HP Lovecraft. Remarkably, the drawing is made ​​real squid ink!
Scooby-Doo Team-Up #11
Is Titans Tower with ghosts? Robin calls in some expert - but when Scooby, Shaggy, Cyborg, and Beast Boy to stop chowing down on pizza and start looking for clues?
Michael Avon Oemings The Victories #15
Usually aloof scale initiatives Dark Horse suddenly gave a whole bunch of plans to resuscitate the old characters and advance their new hits as a stand-alone projects and as part of the anthology Dark Horse Presents.
Hinterkind #11
22 pages | 48.9 мb.

Tags: Hinterkind Prosper Queen Telsche Ian Edginton
Buried under the ground in the city of ghosts, Prosper must make a difficult decision in their lives. Meanwhile, the knives, the killers move in for the Queen Telsche and Malachi, the Red Knight.
Fairest #29
22 pages | 55.4 мb.

Tags: Fairest Cinderella Marc Andreyko
"The men and MICE" barrels toward its epic conclusion in this penultimate chapter! Secrets mice / men hybrids revealed! Cindy and the man responsible for it all to return to Fabletown just in time for ... Chaos? Spies, intrigue, murder, and more rodents than subway tunnel in New York!
Turok – Dinosaur Hunter #7
The main character - redskin Turk - falls into a lost world, pulled out of our time, which runs all the villain Campaigner, hope to seize an ancient artifact called Chronoscepter. With it Kampeyner intends to get into our world and, of course, to capture it.
Concrete Park – R-E-S-P-E-C-T #1
Restless young outcasts from Earth wake up on a distant desert planet, war-torn gangs. That take migrants from Scare City, kill each other or together and create something amazing, beautiful and new?
Batman '66 #42
125 pages | 98,1 мb.

Tags: Batman '66 Batman Dick Grayson Shame
Batman and Robin hit the dusty trail to track down the six-firing Sidewinder, shame. He went to rob a train. Can the Dynamic Duo stop it in its tracks?
Heavy Metal #269
118 pages | 84 мb.

Tags: Heavy Metal Enki Bilal Marco Turini Marko Djeska
Beat the beginning of summer ass of Heavy Metal! Through regular heartbreaking chapter Enki Bilal in 'ANIMAL'Z В», the final part of the epic dystopian Marco Turini in' EVA 'and much, much more! Things heated in Heavy Metal and the June issue will surely get annual Rockin 'and Rollin' in style! Do not burn yourself, order your opinion now!
2000AD 1897
32 pages | 24 мb.

Tags: 2000AD Carcer Judge Dredd SlГЎine
More SF barnstorming thrill of Eisner nominated anthology UK! Secrets of a mysterious section of the Ministry of Justice revealed in 7 Judge Dredd: Mega-City Confidential; Then future LAWMAN rash tackle from shooting spree in 'shooters night; Celtic barbarian Slaine crosses the causeway to the island terrifying Monadh manslaughter; The number of
The New 52 – Futures End #18
Following the events Forevere Evil, closing and restarting the series publisher DC decided to move to the next phase. This new step was, proven series such as 52, Trinity, Countdoun and Brightest Day / Justice League Generation Lost, a large version of the weekly comic strip with various possible spin-off group offami writers and artists, which
Trinity of Sin – The Phantom Stranger – Futures End #1
New ongoing The Phantom Stranger, who will write Dan DiDio. By the way, if anyone knows - the protagonist of the series just otretkonili in biblical Judas, because the proverb says, "You do not know what to do - just add the Bible". Somewhere in the pages of this ongoinga expected first appearance poslerebutnoe Spectrum
Angel & Faith Season 10 #6
Died down quite ambiguous events of the 8th season of "Buffy - The Vampire Slayer" ended and ongoing Angelic in IDW. The rights to the Angel again went to Dark Horse, and now the continuation of the 8th season will be written under one roof. And it will consist of two series (25 rooms) - directly "Buffy Season 9" and just "Angel and Faith". In it
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Two #22
Guardians Ganthet to take a direct hand in the battle with terrible results. And Black Canary moves in for murder.
Green Arrow - Futures End #1
Green Arrow does not have any superpowers. Nevertheless, he has a natural gift of archery. According to Green Arrow: Year One, Oliver Queen a big fan of Howard Hill, understudy to do all the stunts in the film The Adventures of Robin Hood. As a child, he even met with Hill and he taught him a lesson or two, and said that he is a born archer.
Grayson - Futures End #1
Dick Grayson was the only son of the Flying Grayson, couples working professional acrobats, they traveled the world together with the Circus Khali. When Dick was ten, his parents were killed in front of the crowd during his crown rooms without a safety net. They sawed trapeze gangster Boss Zucco (head of the local mafia), as the owner refused to
Batman Eternal #22
First Batman Eternal series was announced during the recent Comic-Con New York, where the publisher has shared information with fans about the new project . It was stated that will oversee the ongoing directly Scott Snyder, a team of writers and artists will be changed periodically . Such a rotation is a common practice for such weekly series. On
Earth 2 – Futures End #1
23 pages | 43.6 мb.

Tags: Earth 2 Futures End Earth 2 Futures End
The first issue of the monthly series from author James Robinson and artist Nicola Scott! Special guests Alan Scott and Jay Garrick, and more! Who are the heroes of "Earth 2" and what happened to them? May think that you know the "Earth 2" ... but it's 52 new items from DiSi Comics, here anything can happen! Do not miss the debut extended edition!
Justice League #33
FOREVER EVIL tie-in! With the Justice League still missing almost not working Cyborg will need help if he is going to take down a criminal syndicate! To do this, he must find a physician Magnus!
Green Lantern - Futures End #1
Each Green Lantern has a power ring that gives him great control over the physical world as long as the owner of the willpower and physical strength to use it. Although the Green Lantern ring of the Golden Age, Alan Scott, fueled magic rings worn by all subsequent Lanterns were technological creation of the Guardians of the Universe who gave the


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