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Inhuman #05
23 pages | 34.7 мb.

Tags: Inhuman Gorgon Medusa The Unspoken
Medusa and from Attila Lonely demolished difficult. Unspoken back and not taking his kingdom back, regardless of the cost.
Fantastic Four #10
FALL Reed Richards !!! Savage and strategic attack on Reed Richards! Can WYATT Wingfoot save suicidal Johnny Storms? Sue Richards goes to Latveria to return his daughter ... and she will take on DR. DOOM, if it is (continuing directly in this month's fantastic four annual)!
Edge of Spider-Verse #01
Spiderman NOIR is back! Peter Parker in the 1930s reveals itself not only against Mysterio, but knee when Spider-Man 2014!
Annihilator #01
42 pages | 67.1 мb.

Tags: Annihilator Max Nomax Ray Spass
Legendary Comics is proud to present Annihilator, original graphic novel from an extraordinary odyssey mind Grant Morrison, brought to life with beautiful art of Frazer Irving. Ended Hollywood screenwriter Ray Spassky caught in a downward spiral of disturbed relationships, wild parties and self-destruction. No luck and chance that he alone could
Amazing Spider-Man #06
The final record of the first arc of Amazing Spider-Man, where all hell will collapse on Peter Parker. Parker Industries promised a humane and safe super-villain detention system, but Black Cat and Electro have other ideas ... Secrets of silk were found!
The United States of Murder Inc. #05
From the Eisner award-winning creators POWERS comes another chapter in this completely new crime epic. Make Valentine man and woman Jagger hit-Rose is getting closer and closer to the discovery of who made ​​them, but the CIA and the FBI in on them, will they discover the truth about the five families before it is too late?
Collection DC - The New 52 (10.09.2014, week 36)
13 issues pages | 539.7 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 10.09.2014 (36 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl Futures End #1 2. Batman Eternal #23 3. Batman Futures End #1 4. Birds Of Prey Futures End #1 5. Constantine Futures End #1 6. Green Lantern Corps Futures End #1 7. Justice League United Futures End #1 8. New 52 Futures End #19 9. New Suicide Squad
Nightcrawler #06
As ambassador to the Jean Grey School Night ear to find recently manifested mutant. But little he knows that the classic X-MEN villains CRIMSON pirates have their nefarious designs for mutant. Just what it will take for Nightcrawler, to save the new mutant and escape from his own skin?
Hawkeye #20
24 pages | 29.4 мb.

Tags: Hawkeye Kate Bishop Madame Masque
Kate-GUY! Ms. MASQUE! LOS ANGELES! Blast! At the end of the summer holidays,! Final battle for all the marbles! Marble metaphor! You belong you belong you belong you belong to a gay marbles marching society! This ... BIG ONE. Faction and Wu and Hollinhsvort too - OH MY!
Mars Attacks - First Born #04
Post invasion, abandoned on earth was born on Mars was taken by Uncle Woody and his blind niece. But the baby is not the only Martian still here ... and others are much more aggressive, especially when they learn about the child's place among human survivors.
Hexed #2
32 pages | 55.4 мb.

Tags: Hexed Hexed comics boom

Hexed #2 (2014)

Publisher: Boom
Captain Action Cat – Digital Exclusive Edition #4
Download comics Captain Action Cat – Digital Exclusive Edition #4
Wasteland #57
27 pages | 37.5 мb.

Tags: Wasteland Antony Johnston
END OF THE WORLD as we know it! One hundred years ago, Big Wet civilization destroyed. Now, at last, the truth can be revealed as ancient power awakens to remind humanity of its weakness ... and pick up children!
Powers - The Bureau #11
The game-changer for the entire series, Special Agent Christian Walker has to choose between his humanity or office - with the cost! Every once in a while something happens in this book that makes you say, "How are they going to get out of this?" This is one of those times! From the writer of your favorite comics Marvel, including the all-new
Magneto #09
Martha's AXIS continues! When Magneto discovers that mutants being taken to re-education camp, he goes to investigate ... And when he learns that the Red Skull is behind robots and a brain and powers of his late ally and friend, Charles Xavier, Magneto-Still is determined to close it! But can the Master of Magnetism overcome the Red Skull and his
Avengers #34.1
34 pages | 68.1 мb.

Tags: Avengers Hyperion
Last son dead utopia. My father-figure of a new kind of humanity. Avenger. Hyperion has all these things ... and more! Now search for Nowhere Man sorry police killer stolen child ... And ... the answers to the questions that haunt him.
Sally of the Wasteland #02
26 pages | 46.7 мb.

Tags: Sally of the Wasteland Sally Tommy
SHE CAJUN QUEEN carnage! Hellspawn Victor Gischler (X-Men, Angel & Faith, Noir) and newcomer Tazio Bettin, Sally, as sexy as she psychosis. She and crew Mississippi Duchess found their trip down the mutant-infested bayous of Louisiana post-apocalyptic interrupted giant deadly crawgators! Their ship sank, the crew scattered, Sally seeks to find out
Ms. Marvel #08
Kamala Inhumanity intersects the first time - by meeting the royal pup, tetanus! Every girl wants a puppy, but this may be too much of a few, even a super hero with powers embiggening. It can be a dog queen, but a royal pain in the neck of the dog. And the return of Adrian Alphona!
George Romero's Empire of the Dead - Act Two #01
THIS VS VAMPIRES VS Zombies intruding Police as the legendary George Romero unleashes a new chapter in his Undead EPIC! Welcome back to New York after years of world-changing undead plague and external forces are now knocking on the walls of Manhattan! To make matters worse, roaming Flash eaters who seem to grow smarter every day ... ruling leech
Avengers Undercover #10
IT IS AGAINST THE WORLD ZEMO In the final series! Avengers & S.H.I.E.L.D. Attack as Baron Zemo true plan is revealed! What is Killing the world of the living master of evil? Be there as the nature of travel that began in Avenger Avengers Academy & ARENA end here!
Armor Hunters - Harbinger #03
Harbinger team-up! Mexico just became the epicenter of the invasion of Earth armor hunters and fugitive army of super-powered soldiers called Generation Zero should bring in a backup. Better call ... Renegade ?! But when power brawler torque and lighter than air free spirit Zephyr join phi OTV, everything is going to go on for grim brutal as the


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