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Jim Henson's The Storyteller - Witches #03
Matthew Dow Smith (XHELLBOY) tells the epic tale of the Irish "Phantom Island." When the young man shipwrecked on a mysterious island governed by the Board of witches, he has the choice of freedom or stay on the island, where it is not stareet.Soblazn immortality is hard to resist, but it comes with a price that can not be prepared to pay.
Invincible #115
29 pages | 58 мb.

Tags: Invincible Battle Beast Grand Regent Thragg
As the events of the world are becoming more acute, we turn our attention to the space ... we turn our attention to ... THRAGG VS. Battle Beast!
God is Dead #24
26 pages | 43.5 мb.

Tags: God is Dead Mike Costa
The last chapter of the fourth story arc inexorable concludes that shake the world to its foundations. Tying together threads disposed across the series so far, the most unexpected players are key to stop World-Wide conflict. Comes with a regular, at the end of the day, and Iconic capped by Jacen Burrows, a revolving lid Carnage German Nobile, and
Amazing Spider-Man #10
SPIDER-verse begins here! Superstar artist Olivier COIPEL (THOR, siege, Day M) joins Dan Slott, to bring you the biggest spider event ever! When the power of evil threatens Spider-symbols of the entire universe, EVERY Spiderman anything needed to save the day!
DC week - The New 52 (19.11.2014, week 46)
Collection DC Comics for 19.11.2014 (46 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman '66 The Lost Episode #1 2. Batman And Robin #36 3. Batman Eternal #33 4. Batman Superman #16 5. Batwoman #36 6. Earth 2 World's End #7 7. Green Lantern New Guardians #36 8. Harley Quinn #12 9. Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three #8 10. Justice League #36
Crossed - Badlands #66
24 pages | 44.9 мb.

Tags: Crossed - Badlands David Lapham
David Lapham reaches the skull and pulls his brains with a rusty fork with its visceral and painful story about a man who has nothing to do but to kill the man who ruined his life. Who can survive in the world of crossed? Managed. Hatred fuels survival when your life is just a chance to inflict the same pain that you live with your abuser
Crossed - Badlands #65
25 pages | 45.1 мb.

Tags: Crossed - Badlands The Crossed David Lapham
Master of horror crossed: family values and crossed: Psychopath, David Lapham continues dirty story of exploitation and revenge. The tale is set before and after the outbreak crossed, one father has to know how far he will go to avenge the sadistic destruction of your family. This search becomes more difficult when trying Crossed so that they do
X-O Manowar #30
36 pages | 68.1 мb.

Tags: X-O Manowar Armor Hunters Armorines
ALL-NEW ARC! Enter: ARMORINES! Armor Hunters only the beginning! Now, still recovering from his painful encounter with armor, hunters, Aric Dacia could face a new threat - the estimated militias known as ARMORINES! Armed with a number of brilliant abilities far beyond the capabilities of armor XO Manowar, is already bleeding edge commando unit
Wonder Woman #36
21 pages | 39.8 мb.

Tags: Wonder Woman Ares Artemis Cassandra Eris First Born Hera
This is the end of Olympus and the gods? Wonder Woman is locked in a desperate battle with the fate of the first-born of immortals at stake - and it must make a decision that will affect the lives of those she loves most.
Storm #05
24 pages | 45.3 мb.

Tags: Storm Kuva Yukio
Death of Wolverine Aftermath! Storm mourning the loss of his friend, teammate and lover, Wolverine. His death left ends and a pair of shoes that are difficult to fill. But with the help of his longtime friend and ally, Yukio, Storm may just find comfort in taking care of unfinished business Wolverine ... and all too well to fill their shoes!
Sonic Universe #70
The first ever Sonic Universe TRILOGY reaches a stunning conclusion in "Total Eclipse" part four! Joints and shadow should end their fight, because Eclipse fled from the master Emerald! Can two fuel chaos warriors embark on a dark force, a weapon? Joints may be forced into a choice, he does not want to do! Do not miss the meaning of a stunning
Mega Man #43
26 pages | 37.8 мb.

Tags: Mega Man Auto Dr. Wily Magnet Man
The battle is not over yet, and legend has just begun! Based on the famous game Mega Man 3 Comes "Legends of the Blue Bomber", part three. We saw Mega Man fighting robot masters many times before, but now seeing machine madness unfold from the perspective of their creators! Magnet Man wonders if he led his brothers astray, as he prepares to stop
Superman - Wonder Woman #13
26 pages | 46 мb.

Tags: Superman-Wonder Woman Superman Wonder Woman
What do we know about the girls of Superman? Exactly - 99% say "Lois Lane." Few doubt that even in times New 52 Superman and Lois are together; at least, that is all there is, given all sorts of rumors out of the camp and the desire of most DC fans. And until that happens, Charles Soule, in tandem with a great artist Tony Daniel invites us to look
Fantastic Four #13
Blue back, baby! Restoring FR starts here, with the return of the blue uniform! Maybe it SANDMAN and escape from jail super villain? Camp Hammond attacked and abducted children FUTURE FUND ... Thor?
Regular Show #17
25 pages | 44.7 мb.

Tags: Regular Show Mordecai Rigby Skips
REGULAR SHOW always brings something new and crazy every issue. It's always great when choosing a book, because no matter how good you think you are, there is always completely strange twist there to take you by surprise! Mordecai and Rigby are up to something again, and it's only a matter of time when the situation gets out of control.
Elektra #08
23 pages | 41.7 мb.

Tags: Elektra S.H.I.E.L.D. W. Haden Blackman
Electra assumes all SHIELD object alone! What could be important enough for Elektra push themselves with the most advanced intelligence in the Universe Marvel? How about to come face to face with the man who killed her and repaid?!
Peanuts #23
Irritability Lucy finally put to the test! When it comes to winning this year's Miss Crabby Pageant, Lucy struggles. But with competition as Molley volleyball Crybaby Boobie, can Lucy from annoying your way to shiny trophy winner? Enjoy "Miss Crabby Pageant" and many others Peanuts adventure in this latest edition, full of heart and fun galore!
My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic #25
Literary madness continues Bookworm digs deeper into favorite books pony! As more stories come to life, our only chance to save the day pony have to write their own version of a fairy tale! Their cooperation can get on the same page? Read on!
Daredevil #10
25 pages | 36.5 мb.

Tags: Daredevil Mark Waid
Daredevil goes! All Matt Murdock made, stolen from him the purple kids! Now, what is worse, another old enemy Daredevil suddenly enters the fray!
Earth 2 - World's End #07
Huntress & Power Girl returned to Earth 2, to help keep it from the threat of Apokolips, but even their combined strength is not enough to protect against the first of four furies of this deadly world: girls, known as war.
Batman ’66 – The Lost Episode #1
80 pages | 128.8 мb.

Tags: Batman 66 The Lost Episode Batman comics
During the original Batman television series run, legendary science-fiction writer Harlan Ellison turned in an outline for a story that would have introduced Two-Face. The story never made it to air, and Two-Face never entered the TV show’s Rogues Gallery. Now, �The Two-Way Crimes of Two-Face’ is adapted to comics by two comic book legends:
The Punisher #12
22 pages | 33.7 мb.

Tags: The Punisher Punisher Nathan Edmondson
PUNISHER RETURNS TO LA! In his absence, the City of Angels has been consumed Hellfire! Frank can save his adopted home? Traps Howling Commandos "sprung! Frank will take the bait? Witness the full force of the Howling Commandos!


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