New comics
Collection Marvel (03.12.2014, week 48)
13 issues pages | 728.2 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 03.12.2014 week 48 Collection Marvel
Collection Marvel Comics for 03.12.2014 (48 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New X-Factor #17 2. Deadpool #38 3. Death Of Wolverine The Weapon X Program #3 4. Hulk #9 5. Iron Fist The Living Weapon #7 6. Legendary Star-Lord #6 7. Thanos Vs Hulk #1 8. Men of Wrath #03 9. Angela - Asgard's Assassin #1 10. Captain America Peggy
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Realm War #05
Age of Darkness tie-in The world is in ruins with 4 spheres merged into the Earth. Sela continues her search for a way to save humanity, but things get more difficult as the reign of Queen Dark grows more sadistic.
Aquaman and the Others #8
Alien to the people of his kingdom, Arthur Curry decides to throw his life on the land where he grew up. However, among the human race it will face not only with the wicked, and with prejudice. Let it be so easy to sea?
DC week - The New 52 (03.12.2014, week 48)
Collection DC Comics for 03.12.2014 (48 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics #37 2. Batman Eternal #35 3. Detective Comics #37 4. Earth 2 #29 5. Earth 2 World's End #9 6. Gotham Academy #3 7. Grayson #5 8. Green Arrow #37 9. Green Lantern #37 0. Justice League 3000 #12 1. Lobo #3 2. Looney Tunes #222 3. New 52 Futures End
Hulk #09
22 pages | 41.9 мb.

Tags: Hulk Betty Ross Doc Samson
"OMEGA Hulk" SHOCKER !!! This blush it be Hulk needles on DOC GREEN. Doc Green visits and old friend. Wait - he has friends? In addition, you do not think that we forgot about who shot a banner?

Hulk #09 (2015)

Publisher: Marvel
The Extinction Parade - War #05
35 pages | 80.5 мb.

Tags: The Extinction Parade - War Vampires Max Brooks
New York Times best-selling author, Max Brooks delivers a devastating commentary on the privileged life of vampires in this blood-soaked new section when the horrors of the year! After a parasitic vampire race began to act on their own initiative with respect to growth flushes subdead hordes. Taking swords and guns and fists, they amassed Army
Jennifer Blood - Born Again #05
Licking his wounds in the underground, Jen is forced to reinvent itself under the watchful eye of a designated hitman to kill her. This is the strangest novel of the year. But will her new school be enough to win her vicious impostor? Life Jennifer Blood and future Los Angeles ride on the answer.
Fairy Quest - Outcasts #02
WHY WE LOVE IT: The fairies is a passion project of Paul Jenkins and Humberto Ramos, the team behind the revelation and the legendary run on Spectacular SpiderMan. They put their heart, love and creative miracle in this stunning series, and we are excited to explore more of the world Fablewood! Why you'll love it: We all grew up reading fairy
Chastity #06
34 pages | 62.1 мb.

Tags: Chastity Alyce Stonecliff Marc Andreyko
Finally discover some of the secrets of its "non-life", chastity, and an unexpected ally to go after murderous Alice! But, will get a chance to avenge Hour woman who destroyed her family or will beat Chastity Council on strike? The first story arc comes to a head in В«Disco Bloodbath"!
War Stories #03
24 pages | 42.7 мb.

Tags: War Stories Garth Ennis Keith Burns
No one captures the horror and suffering of war as Garth Ennis! Horror WW2 bombers faced were so much more than just a enemy fire. Human temperament tested what the conflict of this magnitude. Ennis proves again and again that the battle is not technology or weapons that you own, but the fire that leads to the final result on the battlefield.
The X-Files - Season 10 #19
25 pages | 37.4 мb.

Tags: The X-Files - Season 10 Mulder Scully
Abortion clinic bombing leads Scully and Mulder investigate a group of right-Helmed by a teenage girl who claims to hear God's voice in her head. But its actions are far from heaven ...
Madman - In Your Face 3D Special!
69 pages | 182 мb.

Uber #20
30 pages | 44.8 мb.

Tags: Uber Caanan White Kieron Gillen
Kieron Hyllen captivated comics community "with horror and drama unfolds in the extended human war World War II. As the war began to slide in favor of the Nazis neostanavlivaemoy Ubers, allies strike out on a desperate gamble. They can not match the uber ships one-on-one, but maybe they may use surgical strikes the mounting tide. Join legions of

Uber #20 (2014)

Publisher: Avatar
Dark Gods #02
27 pages | 46.6 мb.

Tags: Dark Gods Murdock Tiamet
Justin Jordan is unleashed in an epic all-new, ongoing series! Murdoch is The Storm, last line of defense against the looming human primordial chaos and the Serpent, Tiamet yourself! But her children are slow to emerge ahead of her return as a man-monster hybrids inflicting horrors on the way. Storm to keep it bottled up, avoid the rest of
Crossed - Badlands #67
27 pages | 50.7 мb.

Tags: Crossed - Badlands The Crossed Garth Ennis
GARTH ENNIS revised grueling bloody horror with Crossed world. In this penultimate issue of "The Thin Red Line", we trace the steps of C-Day, the horrific events that turned the planet into a crypt. As the last vestiges of global governments are trying to identify and contain the rapidly spreading plague, a group of soldiers sent on a desperate
Crossed +100 #1
34 pages | 66.5 мb.

GARTH ENNIS revised grueling bloody horror with Crossed world. In this penultimate issue of "The Thin Red Line", we trace the steps of C-Day, the horrific events that turned the planet into a crypt. As the last vestiges of global governments are trying to identify and contain the rapidly spreading plague, a group of soldiers sent on a desperate
Grimm Tales of Terror #05
25 pages | 34.7 мb.

Tags: Grimm Tales of Terror Shane McKenzie
When plague strikes Earth, it kills 99% of the population, but many survivors use their status to production on weak and positive. But at what cost? Inspired Tales from the Crypt, Twilight Zone and creep Show, Zenescope goes back to its roots of horror, a publisher known reinvent classic delves into an entirely new tricks.


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