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Green Lantern #42
"Divinity", act 3, Part 1: Hal Jordan must enlist the support of one of his greatest enemies, the Black Hand, or watch the universe to fall to the growing army of new gods! But blackening hand to help and get him help as you need to get it are two very different things.
The Valiant
Battle ten thousand years in the making is about to begin ... Eternal Warrior defended the Earth more than 10,000 years. Master countless weapons and long forgotten martial arts, he is guided Geomancers - those who speak in the world. During his long hours, Eternal Warrior failed three times. Every time Geomancer was killed ... and a new dark age
Mummator and the Conquerors of the Cosmos
Evilfaces King and Fountain of Youth! During a three-pronged black holes Gamma nebula. ,, Past the spiral arms of the galaxy heaven. ,, Lies peaceful world Celestonia, the fourth moon of the fourth planet of the fourth star space! Celestonia, when the world of the world is currently suffering from the tyrannical evil! But four of the fortress
Mortal Kombat X #26
26 pages | 15.6 мb.

Tags: Mortal Kombat X Kotal Kahn Mileena Reiko Skarlet
Mileena vs. Skarlet! Reiko vs. Kotal Kahn! The brawl for it all continues as a surprise new character joins the fray!
Go Boy 7 - The Human Factor
106 pages | 124 мb.

Tags: Go Boy 7 - The Human Factor Brian Augustyn
When the blood was infused Johnny Zero rescue nanotechnology plasma his life changed forever. No longer just a teenage boy, Johnny became GO BOY 7 machine in action! Now life is one adventure Jonny as he fights against evil, mindless genius cultist who seek the destruction of logic, reason, and a boy 7 Go! In this collection, the destructive work
Effigy #06
26 pages | 25.2 мb.

Tags: Effigy Chondra Jackson Edie Chacon Grant Moore
As Chondra Grant and close to a murderer Sheila Harmon, agents of the Faith United close in on them! Faith, celebrities and death collide in a spectacular end of the first arc!
Dellec TPB
187 pages | 87.7 мb.

Tags: Dellec Vince Hernandez
Collect all six questions DELLEC, plus zero question "Dellec: Beginnings" This is a common ... Dellec really caught up with the man in the street in the fog of immorality, but his quest is always clearly destroy the forces of evil, where they thrive - or even the place where the line between good and evil is not easily defined. After a tragic set
Tomb Raider - The Beginning
"Tomb Raider: The Beginning" follows the story of how the team came together fateful mission endurance to discover the lost Japanese kingdom Yamatai. It was originally supposed to show how the latest installment of Dr. James Whitman successful archeology show the world Whitman, show business archaeologist gets more than he expected when he enlists
Deathlok Vol.3 #01-11 Complete
11 issues pages | 125.1 мb.

Tags: Deathlok Jack Truman Larry Young Nick Fury Red Skull
Part of the case of M-Tech Marvel, Deathlok has a new Deathlok mashiny.Seriya battle was the second in M-Tech line, but did not catch, and was unfortunately canceled with issue 11. Collected in Deathlok: Rage Against the Machine.
Deathlok Vol.2 #01-34 Complete
34 issues pages | 354.3 мb.

Tags: Deathlok Hellinger Michael Collins Nick Collins Siege Warwolf
With the debut of the new Deathlok, Michael Collins, in a mini-series Deathlok, it proved popular, he got his first own ongoing ryad.Seriya begins where finished the mini-series Deathlok. It lasted for 34 issues in total.
Deathlok Vol.1 #01-04 Complete
New Deathlok comes alive in the Marvel Universe! Employee Search Roxon Michael Collins, a man on a mission! This is his debut mini serii.Seriya proved so popular that the name of an ongoing series Deathlok (Vol.2) was launched a few months later.
Deathlok Annual #01-02 Complete
Four Deathlok stories are combined in one question! In its first annual Michael Collins is the harsh truth of his human family. Deathlok detects Journal Harlan Riker. Could this be a public key to becoming human again?
Deathlok #01-07 Complete
7 issues pages | 162.5 мb.

Tags: Deathlok Hellinger Luther Manning Mike Travers
Ultimate Marvel cyborg again this 7-issue Marvel Knights limited series written by Charlie Huston (Moon Knight) and exciting, shown in Lan Medina (FOOLKILLER). In the not too distant future, war is a spectator sport, soldiers die hard and live fast, and live more than one super-soldier, Lieutenant Mike Travers. That is, as long as the Travers
Death Metal #01-04 Complete
4 issues pages | 40.7 мb.

Tags: Death Metal Abysss Argon Simon Furman
Abysss consumed everything in its own dimension, and now refers to the mainstream Marvel Universe. He is hungry and he goes.
Deadline #01-04 Complete
Kate Farrell hates "cape" (superheroes). Unfortunately for her, this is her rhythm as a reporter for Daily Bugle. As you can see mysterious new vigilance, leaving his body count by supervillains, he left Kat to solve the mystery of a judge. Kate Farrell presented the four limited edition, showing its interaction with the heroes and villains of the


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