New comics
Bee and Puppycat Vol.1
126 pages | 119.6 мb.

Tags: Bee and Puppycat Bee PuppyCat Bee and Puppycat Vol.1
PuppyCat hungry, so he's going to make pizza ... or it would be if the BBC would stop trying to help. These two friends have to work your way around the kitchen and some unexpected surprises, before they can get some grub!
Burning Fields #06
28 pages | 38.8 мb.

Tags: Burning Fields Aban Dana Atkinson
This Aban and chase down leads through a series of tunnels near any military bases, not knowing what Decker and AML headed just ready to fight. But the real threat is something far more sinister than any of them could have imagined.
Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #01
Welcome to Battleworld - where, in what remained of the Mondo-City One, the boss Cage law! When the fascist futuropolis application Yinsen neighboring city that will be a dream Ho Yinsen to world peace? If you like The Mighty Avengers - you'll love the mighty defenders!
Champions #54
27 pages | 38.2 мb.

Tags: Champions Icicle Tigress
ICICLE found a new friend! Or have it? Her name is Jim Tucker, she researcher's Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology, and is an old friend of his older brother's icicle, IceStar. But Jimmy has a secret, and it's something to do, to a certain speed of the green wool riding troublemaker who recently leading the police
Sons of Anarchy #23
29 pages | 39.8 мb.

Tags: Sons of Anarchy Bobby Munson Ryan Ferrier
New story arc! When strangers nephew Bobby rolls charming, it seems a promising avenue. However, when it comes to the Sons of Anarchy, one mistake is all you need to fall from grace ... and violence.
John Carter Warlord Of Mars #09
John Carter and Dejah Toris visit a remote Martian city, where residents are now terrorized monstrous, murderous presence. Will Commander and Princess of Mars will unravel the mystery, or they will be accused of violent crimes? A more masterful Martian adventure from writer Ron Marz and Eisner nominated co-author Ian Edginton, authorized by Edgar
E Is For Extinction #02
SERIES Secret Wars Classic X-Men rally against Magneto and his new X-Men, to save the life of one of their own! Emma Frost against her cuckoo! Were the students become teachers ??
G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero #216
Torpedo causes dangerous GI JOE rescue operation in Olliestan, and the odds are stacked against the team, whether they make evacuation time before they are overwhelmed? A tense game of cat and mouse continues in GI Joe: Real American Hero 204 number!
Kanan - The Last Padawan #04
While the Jedi makes him a target that can Padawan do? A devotee of those he once called friends, young Caleb Duma learns to survive as a smuggler! Continuing the story of the secret origins of Star Wars Rebels "Kenan Jarrus!
Charmed Season 10 #10
The Curious Case of Benjamin TURNER Replies revelation, and back! Prue, armed with the knowledge that it has become, decides to take the responsibility of his position ... Cyrus leaving a new world at your fingertips. Meanwhile, when the COOP and Henry actions are identified, the Charmed Ones are separated.
Future Imperfect #03
SERIES Secret Wars Come to the MAESTRO, you'd better not miss it !!! THING captured? Layla Miller knows the material ... like how to get hold of maestro! But can RUBIN summer and its rebels Layla trust at all?
32 pages | 46.9 мb.

Tags: RUNLOVEKILL Rain Oshiro Jonathan Tsuei
Cornered, wounded and unarmed. What will make rain? Join us as the rain, it shows that it is much more than women on the run.
All-New Hawkeye #04
In a very special edition, Past and Present Collide, both young and older Clint Hawkeye attempt to keep that innocence they have left. Jeff Lemire and Ramon Perez will bring you a question unlike any other - reminding us why Hawkeye is a series unlike any other.
Ivar, Timewalker #07
"Our History" - part 3! The attack on Obliv-1! Brothers Anni-Padda prepare suicide at the end of time with Amelia Earhart in the Lurkers, and angriest Bloodshot Nanite all times. Meanwhile, Neil Sethi forced to make a decision, along with the dark future of her personality. This is the last battle against the humanity of the Big Crunch, as the
Grimm Fairy Tales #112
27 pages | 44.5 мb.

Tags: Grimm Fairy Tales Druanna Sela Violet Liddle
As Sela makes a shocking discovery about Druanna role in recent events Purple continues his insane rage through secret Acre. Even when one of their own downfall, students continue to fi OTV their lives ... Not knowing what dark horde converges at school. It's time to meet the one they call Rawhead! New war begins in this action-packed issue of all
Book of Death- The Fall of Bloodshot #01
Superstar creators Jeff Lemire (bloodshot REBORN) and Doug Braithwaite ultimate fate (EMPIRE) Chronicle bloodshot visionary tale in the present and the future, torn from the pages of the book of death! He is known lovers, allies he trusted ... All will eventually return to the dust ... But there will be nanites that transformed Bloodshot - body,
DC week - The New 52 (22.07.2015, week 29)
Collection DC Comics for 22.07.2015 (29 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Aquaman #42 2. Cyborg #1 3. Deathstroke #8 4. Flash #42 5. Gotham By Midnight #7 6. Grayson #10 7. Harley Quinn And Power Girl #2 8. Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Four #12 9. Justice League 3001 #2 10. Prez #2 11. Sinestro #13 12. Teen Titans #10 13. We Are
Wolf #01
64 pages | 63.2 мb.

Tags: Wolf Antoine Wolfe Ales Kot
Bestselling writer novae teams ALES cat with white-hot Artist Matt Taylor and fatally CLASS colorist extraordinaire Lee Loughridge for all new ongoing series! Crime noir thrills and characters that resemble real detective meet mythical package worthy Sandman by Neil Gaiman in this original fantasy / horror / crime saga mature readers. Antoine

Wolf #01 (2015)

Publisher: Other
The Punisher #20
23 pages | 28.4 мb.

Tags: The Punisher Punisher Nathan Edmondson
THE LAST DAY With a bang, not with a whimper
Sons Of The Devil #03
32 pages | 53.6 мb.

Tags: Sons Of The Devil Brian Buccellato Toni Infante
The third installment of the five-issue first arc. New family members revealed!
Valhalla Mad #03
31 pages | 44 мb.

Tags: Valhalla Mad Joe Casey
Alcohol. Revelry. Immortality. Betrayal.
Old Man Logan #03
SERIES Secret Wars After surviving the first step in his quest through spheres Battleworld, Logan to face with the horrors of the mutants can produce. But the mutants are not the only providers of horror on the patch-work world. And the work is far from over Logan. With his next step, Logan comes face to face with the sins of man on machines.


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