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Martian Manhunter #3
Real name Martian Manhunter - Dzh'onn Dzh'onzz. Dzh'onn is the last Martian happened to be in the world, where, thanks to their ability to take shape green-humanoid creature wearing a long blue cloak. Also, quite often he took human form, masquerading as detective John Jones and other random individuals. Martian Manhunter is a member of the
Harley Quinn and Power Girl #3
Hey, remember the panel gutter between panels 3 and 4 of page 20 of HARLEY QUINN #12? What? You DON’T? It’s only, like, the most memorable panel gutter of the twenty-first century. Well, either way, have we got the miniseries for you, in which the full tale of that momentous and momentary pause can be told! It’s a cosmic adventure beyond
Superman - Wonder Woman #20
Superman and Wonder Woman to face with the newest arrival in New York 52: Magog!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #18
A new season. New Rules. Age battle against the Vampire Slayer is the focus of life Buffy again, this is nostalgic! But with all the magic of playing with it for the last time, this girl needs to know it's time for another game changing. . . Would it not be? The executive is made Joss Whedon!
Butcher (1-5 series) Complete
5 issues pages | 99.3 мb.

Tags: Butcher Butcher comics dc Mike Gold
A 5 issue limited-series from writer Mike Baron and artist Shea Anton Pensa. The series starred John Butcher, a, native American vigilante.
Rick and Morty #05
Stars hit the [Adult Swim] continue to show his first comic epic adventures in the second part of "The Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Wall Street"! Trapped in the winding maze of their own design Rica, Morty desperately seeking escape, Rick desperately seeking his cache of booze. Meanwhile, the rest of the family is trying to figure out what to do with the
Justice League #43
FOREVER EVIL tie-in! With the Justice League still missing almost not working Cyborg will need help if he is going to take down a criminal syndicate! To do this, he must find a physician Magnus!
Green Lantern The Lost Army  #3
Imagine waking up in a strange place where you didn’t recognize anything, and everyone you knew and loved was nowhere to be found. Now imagine that you are a Green Lantern. The rest of the Corps is missing, you don’t know where you are and there’s not a Power Battery to be found for as far as your ring can scan. Where are you? How did you
Zombie Tramp Vol.3 (TPB) v3 - Breaking Bath
Zombie Rogue begins her new adventures current, learn more about their growing supernatural powers during a trip to seedier streets of the United States has much to offer - and what better place to start than Sin City! But Janey could survive her encounter with the "king" of the sex trade in Las Vegas? It collects the first four issues of the
Zombie Tramp Vol.3 (TPB) v2 - Sleazy Rider
Zombie Rogue begins her new adventures current, learn more about their growing supernatural powers during a trip to seedier streets of the United States has much to offer - and what better place to start than Sin City! But Janey could survive her encounter with the "king" of the sex trade in Las Vegas? It collects the first four issues of the
Uncle Scrooge #05
48 pages | 57.8 мb.

Tags: Uncle Scrooge Dewey Donald Duck Huey Louie
“The Grand Canyon Conquest,” Part 1 of 2: When an old Klondike debt spirals out of control, Scrooge fears his fortune will be colonized by con men!


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