New comics
Meanwhile #2
56 pages | 113.1 мb.

Tags: Meanwhile Meanwhile comics
King #1
31 pages | 55 мb.

Tags: King King comics

King #1 (2015)

Publisher: Other
Giant Days #06
During the pre-Christmas ball, Daisy kissed the boy, she should not have, while Susan can do more than McGraw. Esther afraid to go home holidays for fear of running into her ex.
Empty Zone #03
31 pages | 59.3 мb.

Tags: Empty Zone Corinne White
Burning Fields #07
29 pages | 38.3 мb.

Tags: Burning Fields Aban Dana Atkinson
This Aban and chase down leads through a series of tunnels near any military bases, not knowing what Decker and AML headed just ready to fight. But the real threat is something far more sinister than any of them could have imagined.
Birthright #10
31 pages | 59.7 мb.

Tags: Birthright Joshua Williamson
New Warrior of Terrenos landed on Earth, looking for the father of her child.
Batman - Arkham Knight #7
Delivery twice in April! In question 2, Clown Prince of Crime will have the last laugh from inside the grave? Find out when Harley Quinn Batman only hope to rescue Commissioner Gordon testament of the Joker!
Rai #09
32 pages | 44 мb.

Tags: Rai Matt Kindt Clayton Crain
"Battle for New Japan" erupts into all-out war! Paradise raised an army of former enemies and allies reluctant to name one thing - freedom! This is the final battle between the father and his prodigal son, except that there is no turning back from this as a result could mean the end not only the new Japan, but the whole Earth!
Ivar, Timewalker #08
"Our History" - part 3! The attack on Obliv-1! Brothers Anni-Padda prepare suicide at the end of time with Amelia Earhart in the Lurkers, and angriest Bloodshot Nanite all times. Meanwhile, Neil Sethi forced to make a decision, along with the dark future of her personality. This is the last battle against the humanity of the Big Crunch, as the
Book Of Death #02
47 pages | 70.4 мb.

Tags: Book Of Death Archer Doctor Mirage Livewire Tama
"A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once." The Valiant heroes. X-O Manowar. Bloodshot. Ninjak. The Harbinger Renegades. Unity. This is how they lived. This is how they died. Now we know. The Book of the Geomancer has recorded it all. But only a young girl - the last in a line of the enigmatic
Astro City #26
28 pages | 37.7 мb.

Tags: Astro City Confessor Samaritan Winged Victory
Winged Victoria Samaritan and Confessor remove villain targeting her - and then she has to face the rain. It will be the most famous super heroine Astro City survive? Do not miss the grand finale of this four-part epic!
Archie #02
Comic superstar Mark Waid and Fiona Staples rethink the icon! Change is coming to Riverdale in the beginning of the match you can not miss the new ongoing series Archie! Familiar faces back in new and unexpected ways this should be # 1 issue! As the new school year approaches, you might think that Archie Andrews is looking forward to classes and
X-Tinction Agenda #03
Secret Wars continued the landmark first X-crossover continues! In desperate need of a cure for his people, Havok, Wolfsbane and press-Gang invaded X-City. As old friends become new enemies, a war to save from extinction on Genosha!
Star Wars #08
22 pages | 38.3 мb.

Tags: Star Wars Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi
Special one-time fairy tale, Ben Kenobi! Injustice reigns on Tatooine, as the villainous scum binge. Ben will risk revealing yourself to do what is right? Guest Artist Simone Bianchi (glutton, amazing X-MEN) joins writer Jason Aaron for this special fairy tale!
Spider-Verse #04
SERIES Secret Wars Spider-Man Noir run! Web Warriors outmatched in a world where none of them belongs. Any conduct secret Spider-Ham victory possible?
Secret Wars Journal #04
20 pages | 43.4 мb.

Tags: Secret Wars Journal Doc Samson Wolverine
COMEDY Bang Bang Scott AUKERMAN and RB Silva followed psychologist Doc Samson, as he attempts to lead personal growth and inner peace in the country RAGE-HOLiC-tush! Frank Thierry and Richard bring you ISANOVE tale of murder and mayhem in the style of the mighty Marvel Noir! Wolverine will discover the murder of a prominent citizen ... or be the
Oh, Killstrike #04
29 pages | 54.7 мb.

Tags: Oh Killstrike Jared Max Bemis
Once kidnapped an artist who worked with his father Jared back in the '80s, and Jared Killstrike must infiltrate a comic convention to keep up appearances, and Killstrike gets tons of praise for what seems to be the best cosplay of all time.
Kanan - The Last Padawan #05
While the Jedi makes him a target that can Padawan do? A devotee of those he once called friends, young Caleb Duma learns to survive as a smuggler! Continuing the story of the secret origins of Star Wars Rebels "Kenan Jarrus!
Inferno #04
SERIES Secret Wars What to do to Ulyana Nightcrawler (and we can get a figure)? Colossus can actually trust the Goblin Queen? How weird little demon master to go and what they want from the Boom Boom? Kindergarten Cable? Really? These and other questions will be answered in this hellacious third question.
Guardians Team-Up #10
Far, far away, one of the most dangerous weapons in the galaxy was stolen ... Spider-Man?! Peter Quill returned to Earth, his mission is to recover the weapons and bring the web slinger responsible for his disappearance to justice! Stars clash when Starlord meets Spider-Man!


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