New comics
Anne Bonnie #05
30 pages | 45.9 мb.

Tags: Anne Bonnie Ariana Timothy Yates
Ariana is officially a pirate! Or is it? After signing the documents of conscription for the evil Captain Bilgehart, Ariana is ready to begin his life of piracy really! But with her ship and crew of the only one, it will be able to pass the test to get her Jolly Roger and officially earn the title of piracy?
Alice Cooper Vs Chaos #01
This is the ultimate heavy metal crossover as the original shock rocker meets the original death metal comics universe! Bizarre nightmares plaguing Evil Ernie, chastity and Purgatori, and even hatred for each other in the intestines, they may have to start in the teenage monster team called Favorites Find one and only Alice Cooper!
100 pages | 192.2 мb.

Tags: Virgil Virgil comics

Virgil (2015)

Publisher: Other
Vampirella Army Of Darkness #03
26 pages | 33 мb.

Tags: Vampirella Army Of Darkness Ash Vampirella
It's on! Boomstick against canine! The battle you've always wanted to see between Ash and Vampirella - sort of. Make that Ash and monstrously transformed Vampi, they break through the medieval castle! Happy slapstick action and chills galore Mark Rahner (Vampirella Bites, Army of Darkness / Reanimator) and Jethro Morales!
The Charlton Arrow #02
38 pages | 87.6 мb.

Tags: The Charlton Arrow Betsy Crane Jonnie Love
Ghosts of the past evils Paul Kupperberg, Rick Stasi and Barbara Kaalberg Where are all the heroes gone? An incredible implications specific showdown Sunuria, fans Charlton actions deserve! CAREER GIRL romances Larry Wilson and Joe Staton following the tradition of racy love comics, Chapter One follows the further adventures of Nurse Betsy Crane
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #93
Many years ago, Taro prison and cut off the head of the Dark Elf Azure. Now he escaped his cell, brought back his head and looking for revenge. Meanwhile, Shadow grows inside Raven Hex, she considers her dress shadows and reveals the secrets of his black. But it was Terrible price to pay.
Swords of Sorrow #05
Wild Dynamite crossover epic ever told the whole city continues smashed together in a prelude to the interdimensional war! It is against the Martians monsters against the Barbarians and more women Chaos on the wrong side of Good Vs. Evil ... plus, where Red Sonja, Vampirella and Dey Toris time of their worlds need? Guest stars abound in this
Skullkickers Vol..5 - Infinite Icons of the Endless Epic
In this volume: the dwarf was forcibly returned to their homeland and the deranged inhabitants miniature Dwayre will make it back home like no other. Be prepared for compressed disasters, small skirmishes, truncated trouble and tiny fist fight with a history of gnomes (you know, the "short" version). Collects SKULLKICKERS # 24-29.
Josephine #1
30 pages | 24.7 мb.

Tags: Josephine Josephine comics
Eternal Soulfire #03
24 pages | 39.3 мb.

Tags: Eternal Soulfire Cassidy Miya
The classic adventure series Michael Turner reappears with a completely new era of mystery and magic! Forced to leave his old life behind, Cassidy is on the run from a secret military force that sees her as the ultimate threat. She was tired. It is scary. She is alone. Well, she was alone, yet it does not intersect the path of Miya, a mysterious
Astronauts In Trouble #04
30 pages | 28.5 мb.

Tags: Astronauts In Trouble Larry Young
Poem serious reflection usually complain mertvyh.Paren got to the moon as he wanted, and eventually not enthusiastic about it.
Tyson Hesse's Diesel #01
Di Diesel is not very good at anything. Daughter of the late Tungston Diesel, it is still a great reputation to live up to his father. Her opponent inherited control of the airship of his family and left Dee only job she qualified: work in two-bit garage. But everything changes when a mysterious flying engine falls in the life of Dee and takes her
Phonogram - The Immaterial Girl #02
You will never look at A-Ha's "Take On Me" video in the same way ever again.
The Maxx - Maxximized #23
25 pages | 45.3 мb.

Tags: The Maxx - Maxximized Maxx Mr. Gone Sarah James
Sarah "Horse" Maxx takes her on a journey through the labyrinth of childhood blankets draped over chairs, and there she finds Artie / Gone in a surreal hallucination. Meanwhile, a thug named Pablo chooses the wrong basket, to inject mustard in ... Yellow Slug as a threat looms.
The Bunker #14
29 pages | 49.6 мb.

Tags: The Bunker Billy Ryder Heidi Ryder
Someone other than Heidi finally pays a visit Billy ... but things do not go as planned. Meanwhile, Heidi makes a decision that could change the fate of Bunker - and the world - forever.
Fairest Vol.5 - The Clamour for Glamour
At the end of the collection fairest showing # 27-33, refugees from Fabletown returned to New York, Castle Dark, Reynard and travels the material world to feast on animals with tales of his exploits, rubbing his nose another fable "in his good fortune.


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