New comics
Aquaman #47
24 pages | 38.9 мb.

Tags: Aquaman Atlanna Gontu Harley Quinn Mera
Aquaman’s mother is alive – and she wants him dead! Welcome to the family reunion from hell!

Aquaman #47 (2016)

Publisher: DC
Figment 2 #04
24 pages | 45.7 мb.

Tags: Figment 2 Capri Figment
A NEW DREAMER JOINS THE JOURNEY! A young inventor named Capri gets to meet her idol...but it's not at all like she expected! The creative minds of the Academy Scientifica-Lucidus fall under a dark cloud of doubt! Another imaginative installment of the sequel to the fan-favorite Disney Kingdoms miniseries!
Gotham by Midnight #12
The final battle for the soul of Gotham City begins. With Corrigan and Drake presumed dead, the Ikkondrid returns from Slaughter Swamp to finish what it started. If there’s no one left to protect the city, will its past sins lead to its doom?
Robin - Son of Batman #7
The son of a Bat and a Demon, Damian al Ghul has set out to forge his own destiny – and atone for the shameful Year of Blood! Will he be aided or hindered by the behemoth Goliath? And what mysterious legacy trails behind him? Join writer/artist Patrick Gleason as he chronicles the globe-hopping adventures of ROBIN: SON OF BATMAN!
Deathstroke #13
Slade Wilson was sixteen years old when he lied about his age to join the armed forces of the United States. After serving in Korea, Wilson was sent to Camp Washington, where he was promoted to Major. In the early sixties, Slade met Captain Adeline Kane, which was tasked to train young soldiers new combat techniques due to expected problems in
The Legend of Wonder Woman #07
Diana tries to escape her fated course, but in avoiding her chance to become immortal like the rest of the Amazons, she meets a new challenge!
Astro City #30
27 pages | 38.7 мb.

Tags: Astro City Confessor Samaritan Winged Victory
Winged Victoria Samaritan and Confessor remove villain targeting her - and then she has to face the rain. It will be the most famous super heroine Astro City survive? Do not miss the grand finale of this four-part epic!
Sore Thumbs #05
25 pages | 24.1 мb.

Tags: Sore Thumbs Chris Crosby
Rondel Mayflower IV, Fairbanks' perverted nemesis/best friend, raps his way into Sore Thumbs for the first time! Meanwhile, Cecania and Sawyer break out of the back room! Can Cecania's ample assets increase sales? Is the Pope catholic? Yes, and yes. SEXY BONUS: Each issue includes a peek into Cecania's Private Party, the fan-service-fueled SORE
Diskordia #07
37 pages | 36.2 мb.

Tags: Diskordia Andrew Blackman
Worlds collide as the chaotic duo Jackal & Squidgirl Encounter Iverna Diskerna and her menagerie of freaks and dangerous monsters. All of them desire possession over the mysterious 'object' and many are willing to resort to extroardinary measures to possess it. Calamity will ensue. Jackal's outrageous entrance to the auction sets the tone for the
Brainstorm #05
26 pages | 24.4 мb.

Tags: Brainstorm Cale Isaacs Ira Livingston IV
As the now radioactive Hurricane Brandon begins to fight back, Cale is forced to admit to the Project Zephyr team that he is ultimately to blame for the disaster. Now it is a race against time to out think his meteorological doppelgänger before it destroys him and the entire continent.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #22
A new season. New Rules. Age battle against the Vampire Slayer is the focus of life Buffy again, this is nostalgic! But with all the magic of playing with it for the last time, this girl needs to know it's time for another game changing. . . Would it not be? The executive is made Joss Whedon!
The Transformers - More Than Meets the Eye #48
CYBERTRON FALLS! Monstrous NECROTITAN ruining the world-but if there's anyone left to save it? Meanwhile, in deep space, Ultra Magnus and the crew lost LIGHT struggle to understand what they find in the depths of the sea of scarlet!


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