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Contest Of Champions #04
THE MAN WHO TRAINED DAREDEVIL VS. THE WOMAN WHO LOVED DAREDEVIL! Can the blind martial arts master known as Stick beat a Bullseye who's also his greatest student? Venom-Hulk vs Guillotines... plural? Plus! White Fox gets close to the truth as the enemy Summoner makes his move!
DC week – The New 52 (06.01.2016, week 1)
Collection DC Comics for 06.01.2016 (1 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics #48 2. Batman Beyond #8 3. Detective Comics #48 4. Green Arrow #48 5. Green Lantern #48 6. Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Five #3 7. Midnighter #8 8. Swamp Thing #1 9. Telos #4 10. The Legend of Wonder Woman #9
The Woods #19
26 pages | 43.2 мb.

Tags: The Woods Calder Casey
Casey has big plans for Bay Point that seem great, but Calder knows his brother is up to something.
The October Faction #12
21 pages | 31.1 мb.

Tags: The October Faction Frederick Allan Merle Cope
With a zombified Fred Allan on the loose, it’s up to the rest of the family to save him and all of Gristlewood. But even that might not be enough to stop Merle Cope and his evil Momma—who is finally revealed this issue!
Night of the Red Panda #09
All new, awkward pulp adventure Fantastic couple from Toronto! The question: "Monkey see, monkey do pt 2 of 2" Red Panda and flying squirrel face of the city has gone mad ... literally When the mind of one of its deadliest enemies broadcast with hundreds of citizens of Toronto! , Terrific Twosome Toronto are up to their armpits in the sinister
Giant Days #10
26 pages | 26.9 мb.

Tags: Giant Days Ed Gemmell Esther de Groot
Ed attempts to get over his crush on Esther by working at the student paper, but stumbles into even more embarrassing romantic difficulty.
Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor Year Two #04
Gabby's best friend Cindy remained on Earth at the end of her last adventure with the Doctor – a decision Cindy immediately regretted! Now, with only Gabby's sketchbook of unseen adventures to guide her, she must find her way back to the Doctor... but sinister forces already have her under surveillance!
Paper Girls #04
36 pages | 44 мb.

Tags: Paper Girls Brian K. Vaughan
What lurks beneath the streets of Stony Stream?
The Totally Awesome Hulk #02
CHO TIME CONTINUES AS THE HULK TAKES ON THE BIGGEST MONSTERS IN THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! But can Amadeus handle the brand-new danger of Lady Hellbender? Also: Trouble in the family! Snack time with Spidey! And more revelations about just what the devil happened to Banner!
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Year Two #01
The Golden Years of the Doctor and Clara begin, as the Twelfth Doctor comics leap into Series 9! Writer Robbie Morrison is back with a year-long extravaganza that kicks off with an excellent jumping-on point for new readers - while Rachael Stott (Star Trek) joins us as new regular series artist!
Deadpool & Cable - Split Second Infinite Comic #06
Deadpool has been revealed to be the mysterious time-traveling Split Second! And he's been given a dangerous mission…but will that mean betraying his only friend?
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Robyn Hood #18
The Child of Darkness You know things are bad when Robyn's fate is in the hands of Cindy... Malec's murderous, psychotic lapdog. As the Cabal puts their final plans into motion, Robyn discovers the truth of the prophecy that has been hanging over her head for years.
X-O Manowar #43
ALL-NEW ARC! ALL-NEW JUMPING-ON POINT! X-O MANOWAR AND NINJAK GO DEEP UNDERCOVER FOR…”THE KILL LIST”! With two kingdoms now under his command, Aric of Dacia has pledged loyalty to his adopted nation – the United States of America – and now…America has given him a new mission: destroy the Vine’s network of humanoid alien agents once
Weirdworld #02
24 pages | 41.8 мb.

Tags: Weirdworld Becca Rodriguez Goleta
Lost! Defenseless! No way home! BECCA has no choice but to dive deeper into the chaos of WEIRDWORLD! GOLETA THE WIZARDSLAYER is becoming increasingly suspicious that Becca has overrepresented her experience in slaying wizards... BEHOLD! The infernal winged majesty of CATBEAST!
The Last Contract #01
30 pages | 49.1 мb.

Tags: The Last Contract The Man Ed Brisson
What’s to Love: Last year, John Wick reminded everyone why hitmen make for awesome stories. Of course, we’ve known that for years as evidenced by The Killer and Hit. Ed Brisson’s (Batman & Robin Eternal, Sheltered) take on a retired hitman who finds himself as the target is a calculated thriller that kept us guessing until the end, and
The Fade Out #12
47 pages | 56.9 мb.

Tags: The Fade Out Ed Brubaker
SERIES CONCLUSION! It all ends here! The dramatic wrap-up to the mystery and to Brubaker and Phillips’ bestselling and most ambitious project yet!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Color Classics #13
“City at War, Part 11!” The TMNT and Karai engage in a bloody battle against a dangerous group of Foot Elite Ninja, who are bent on avenging their dead Master Shredder!
Swamp Thing #01
Swamp Thing returns in an all-new series written by his co-creator, legendary writer Len Wein! Swamp Thing has received an ominous warning, and now he finds himself under attack from the forces of dark magic. These are more than just your average monsters—and there’s something much worse looming on the horizon for Alec Holland!
Spider-Man - Deadpool #01
BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT! The Webbed Wonder and the Merc with a Mouth are teaming up for their first ongoing series EVER! It's action, adventure and just a smattering of (b) romance in this episodic epic featuring the WORLD'S GREATEST SUPER HERO and the star of the WORLD'S GREATEST COMICS MAGAZINE. Talk about a REAL dynamic duo!


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