New comics
Blood Feud #03
25 pages | 36.6 мb.

Tags: Blood Feud Cullen Bunn
I've got a story to tell-a story about how me and a couple of poker buddies squared off against the very legions of Hell ... and maybe even saved the world. Like all good yarns, this one has its share of action, adventure, mystery, and romance. As for how it ends, though, you'll have to judge for yourself. Me, I've always been partial to happy
Rick and Morty #09
Stars hit the [Adult Swim] continue to show his first comic epic adventures in the second part of "The Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Wall Street"! Trapped in the winding maze of their own design Rica, Morty desperately seeking escape, Rick desperately seeking his cache of booze. Meanwhile, the rest of the family is trying to figure out what to do with the
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