"ZERO YEAR" is all-important crossroads as Batman and Jim Gordon to try to turn the lights back on in Gotham City. This question leads directly to the final arc zero year, which starts here next month!
The series is about two legendary heroes of DC Comics, in which different methods and outlook on life, but it nemenie have always been friends and allies. Superman and Batman, the heroes pridumanyh back in the 30s, have not lost their popularity in our time, stories which are always amazed and attracted more new readers ...
Diana agreed to help save her Echidna abducted children, but when Harley Quinn commits its own high-profile kidnappings, Batgirl requires Diana abandon her quest and help take down a Harley. As Wonder Woman save all the children at the time?
The first ten issues of the classic all-ages series back in the new collection! Do not miss these tales of the Dark Knight, featuring the Joker, Penguin, Catwoman, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Clayface, The Riddler, and more!
Delivery twice in April! In question 2, Clown Prince of Crime will have the last laugh from inside the grave? Find out when Harley Quinn Batman only hope to rescue Commissioner Gordon testament of the Joker!
Discover the truth about Lobo, including why he left his home, he adopted the Code he lives and how he's going to win six deadly assassins trying to destroy the Earth! If this is not enough, wait until you see what he was doing when special guest star revealed on the last page of this issue!
In these stories from LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT 100-PAGE SUPER SPECTACULAR #2-3, Batman battles The Riddler and Clayface. Plus, young Bruce Wayne discovers a cave that will affect his entire life.
This is the end of Olympus and the gods? Wonder Woman is locked in a desperate battle with the fate of the first-born of immortals at stake - and it must make a decision that will affect the lives of those she loves most.
Day Titans feared throughout the year, finally pribyl.Den unimaginable pain. Insurmountable loneliness. Unimaginable amounts of ice cream. That's right - it's Valentine's Day!
The plot mainly revolves around two main characters - Bugs and Daffy, who left their native forests and moved to the city. They have yet to meet with the same strange characters as Lola Bunny, Sylvester, Tweety, Porky Pig, Tina Russo and many others.