New comics
2000AD 1943
31 pages | 37,6 мb.

Tags: 2000AD Anthology 2000AD comics
Front Lines (T1-T6)
6 issues pages | 461.3 мb.

Tags: Front Lines Front Lines comics Front war delcourt
T1 Stonne T2 The Flight Of The Eagles T3 LRGD T4 The Green Devils T5 Bir Hakeim T6 Hunters' Paradise
Fictionauts #03
24 pages | 33 мb.

Tags: Fictionauts
Fictionauts #02
23 pages | 34.7 мb.

Tags: Fictionauts
Skullkickers #100
38 pages | 49.6 мb.

Tags: Skullkickers Baldy Shorty
"ICON infinite Infinite EPIC," Finale QUESTION 100? !! Hey, if other publishers are just slap any old number on the cover and call it an anniversary, we want to share this problem on our end. Yes, it's a great finish. All of the skull should be kicked. Join us in sending a series of style with a large three-digit number and tweets with the hashtag
Samurai Slasher Vol.1
60 pages | 105.6 мb.

Tags: Samurai Slasher
Morning Glories #47
“Field Trip.”
Gregory Suicide
29 pages | 28 мb.

Tags: Gregory Suicide
Freelance Blues
143 pages | 117.8 мb.

Tags: Freelance Blues Lance Bunkman Leon Mr. Adesh
Whenever Bunkman Lance begins a new work of his bosses turn evil and try to take over the world. Fortunately, he was the only one who can stop them. He has to fight with his boss, to save his colleagues and then he needs a new job, because being a hero does not pay the bills. Lance was too busy with work (not to mention dodging fireballs,
Dark Corridor #01
31 pages | 37.7 мb.

Tags: Dark Corridor Rich Tommaso
From the author of Honey and Clover 8 ВЅ Ghosts rich Tommaso comes new ongoing series set in the fictional coastal town of Red Circle, the city is completely controlled by bandits who, after decades of wielding power, silence being picked up by oneby- one unidentified female killers. As Goodfellas script resubmit Quentin Tarantino is a sprawling
The Harvester #07
28 pages | 54.1 мb.

Tags: The Harvester Justin
We Stand On Guard #02
30 pages | 59.2 мb.

Tags: We Stand On Guard Brian K. Vaughan Steve Skroce
Summer Blockbuster by Brian K. Vaughan and Steve SKROCE continues, and a futuristic conflict between freedom fighters and their American occupiers Canadian takes a shocking turn!
Complex #08
25 pages | 23.5 мb.

Tags: Complex Amber Zach
Each culture has its own traditions and customs ... and Town is no exception. Ezekiel begins his examination as Zak and Amber rush to save him. Can they make it to the Hall of Astrea in the center of Town, before it's too late? Who Zana? Find out in the latest edition of the complex.
The Wicked + The Divine #13
Tremors from the apocalypse Fandemonium tear gods apart. Join us on the new arc invited artists working together Team WicDiv, starting with Keith Brown (Young Avengers).
The Humans #07
29 pages | 52.3 мb.

Tags: The Humans Johnny Keenan Marshall Keller
Drinking all day in a strip club leads Johnny to some unwanted attention from local residents. All the while the turnover of the coat makes the game to rat out the people.

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