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2000AD #1977
32 pages | 35.3 мb.

Tags: 2000AD Judge Dredd Gordon Rennie
Inside: Judge Dredd: The Grindstone Cowboys by Michael Carroll, Colin MacNeil, Len O'Grady, and Annie Parkhouse; Survival Geeks: Geeks Fatales by Gordon Rennie, Emma Beeby, Neil Googe, Gary Caldwell, and Ellie De Ville; Tainted: The Fall of Deadworld by Kek-W, Dave Kendall, and Annie Parkhouse; Aquila: Charon's Mercy by Gordon Rennie, Paul
2000AD #1976
32 pages | 34.5 мb.

Tags: 2000AD Judge Dredd Rory McConville
New Wonder Woman artist and Madefire pioneer Liam Sharp returns to 2000 AD this week for a stunning Aquila cover! Inside: Judge Dredd: The Grindstone Cowboys by Michael Carroll, Colin MacNeil, Len O'Grady, and Annie Parkhouse; Future Shocks: Tour Guide by Rory McConville, Joshua George, and Simon Bowland; Survival Geeks: Geeks Fatales by Gordon
Life-Time #01
35 pages | 53.9 мb.

Tags: Life-Time
Chaos Campus Sorority Girls Vs. Zombies #15
The girls rush to the friendly neighborhood Grab-E-Mart to try and find more clues on the zombie infestation on campus (as Paige’s ex-boyfriend Roger and his friend Billy stole a beer truck from there and were bitten within issue #1).
Noah's Brother's Ark #05
32 pages | 36.8 мb.

Tags: Noah's Brother's Ark Chief Bunny Choop Noah
The Rise of Raccoonicorn Noah's plan for a post flood utopia populated with his hand picked followers was ruined when his little brother Leon showed up with his own ark filled with all of the weird leftover creatures that were supposed to have drowned. But now Noah has been kidnapped by the mysterious villian, Raccoonicorn and it's up to Leon,
Ralph Snart Adventures Vol.1 #03
30 pages | 57.4 мb.

Tags: Ralph Snart Adventures Ralph Snart Marc Hansen
Ralph Snart is Dead! After Ralph's head explodes, doctors debate whether to save him or dump his worthless carcass in the biohazard waste bin.
Switch #03
29 pages | 40.3 мb.

Tags: Switch Kenneth Irons Mary Parker Sonatine
When teenager Mary gets the Witchblade, the plans of Sonatine, Sabine, and Kenneth Irons are disrupted. Emissaries of the Darkness and the Angelus pressure Mary to side with them and her decision causes hilarity and awesomeness to follow in Sejic-style!
Mirror #03
30 pages | 108.6 мb.

Tags: Mirror Emma Rios
EMMA RГЌOS (PRETTY DEADLY, ISLAND) and HWEI LIM (Lalage, Hero) team up for a new ongoing series, following a terrorist talking dog, an idealist mage, and a heroic lab rat on their quest for acceptance.
Cry Havoc #04
30 pages | 91.2 мb.

Tags: Cry Havoc Werewolves Simon Spurrier
BEHOLD THE MODERN MONSTROSITY. X-Men Legacy writer SIMON SPURRIER and superstar artist RYAN KELLY present fiends, fragility, and firepower in an all-new series, mixing the hard-boiled militaria of Jarhead with the dark folklore of Pan's Labyrinth. Includes an unprecedented use of multiple colorists (MATT WILSON, LEE LOUGHRIDGE, & NICK FILARDI) to
From Under Mountains #06
SLOANE LEONG (Adventure time) CLAIRE GIBSON and MARIAN CHURCHLAND (8house Arclight) return with another issue of the magic war between families.
Savage Dragon #213
29 pages | 46.2 мb.

Tags: Savage Dragon Malcolm Dragon Maxine Lai
Trouble in paradise. Malcolm and Maxine on their honeymoon in hell.

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