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Rise #4 - Born Against
They're coming to get you, Barbara. An old story with a new end and a new beginning. Johnny and Barbara escape from the undead, live through the night, then pick up a hitchhiker on their way home. No good deed goes unpunished. Johnny blacks out, then goes to the kind of hospital where patients check in but never check out.
Remote #4 - Technical Difficulties
As ghouls surround her station, KBRF Radio ace DJ Samantha stays on the air all night. Will Rock & Roll save her soul? Burn baby burn. Samantha starts a zombie inferno. Stand back. We don't know how big this girl gets.
Killbox #3
21 pages | 30.5 мb.

Tags: Killbox Other comics
As Sasha shoots her way towards the finish line, Timothy and Emi narrowly escape from contractors who want them "disqualified" - meaning dead. They find brief refuge in a church, where they meet Father Michael and learn the hellish truth about how the Killbox really operates.
Jade Street Protection Services #1
In this new series that mashes The Breakfast Club with Sailor Moon, Kai, Saba, Noemi, Divya, and Emma are (bad) students at Matsdotter Academy, an elite private school for magical girls. When they all meet for the first time in a totally unfair detention, these punk rock witch delinquents cut class and discover the fates Matsdotter has in store
Hillbilly #1
23 pages | 37.1 мb.

Tags: Hillbilly Other comics
An Appalachian Mountain fantasy epic that tells the story of Rondel. A lonely figure who wanders the wooded hills among witches and magical creatures as a folktale hero to those who dwell in this gritty dream world.
Hellina #03
Giant-size 64 pages to celebrate Hellina is back! We kick off the 21st anniversary of the boldest of bad girls with an all-new series! Experience a whole new beginning for Hell's enforcer, given a fresh take by seasoned pro Jai Nitz and stunning sensual artwork by Gabriel Andrade (Crossed +100, Uber). But she is no less of a sexy slayer than
Black Jack Ketchum #1
116 pages | 173.0 мb.

Tags: Black Jack Ketchum Black Jack Other comics
In a dreamlike version of the Old West, Tom Ketchum struggles to clear his name-and stay alive-when he’s mistaken for wanton outlaw “Black Jack” Ketchum. With the aid of his talking sidearm, a secretive gambler, and a mute girl with a Winchester, Tom evades the mysterious Union and its supernatural enforcers, the faceless Dusters.
2000AD #1987
32 pages | 32.7 мb.

Tags: 2000AD Judge Dredd SlГЎine Other comics
he Fall of Deadworld gathers pace as Fairfax battles against the tide of the Dark Judges – will he survive and is there anything he can do to alter the fate of his world? Also in this week’s Prog: Judge Dredd: The Lion's Den by Michael Carroll, PJ Holden, Adam Brown, and Annie Parkhouse; Survival Geeks: Lord of the Ringers by Gordon Rennie,
4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #2
29 pages | 48.6 мb.

Tags: 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank Other comics
The titular 4 Kids figure out what's going on... and develop a plan of their own... and eat some pizza.
Medic #4 - Intensive Care
Doctors, and nurses, and zombies, oh my! These patients just won't die! Something wicked this way comes, taking toes and eating thumbs.
Honor #4 - Insurrection
Protect. Serve. Beat. Burn. Rinse. Repeat. If you get pulled over by these cops, get ready to hand over your License, Registration, and Death Certificate.
Home #04
A happy family, a lovely spring evening, and zombies. The family that faces zombies together stays together. Until they don't. The Foster family learns that blood, literally, is thicker than water.

Home #04 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Dedication #4
Thanks to some hungry customers, the closing shift at George's Market has turned into a graveyard shift. Cleanup in aisle... well, all of them. It's a late night snack attack in George's market. Help wanted: minimum wage, maximum carnage.
Champions #14
28 pages | 50.8 мb.

Tags: Champions Other comics
Sons Of The Devil #08
The final chapter of the first arc. A traitor revealed.
Sex #29
28 pages | 44.7 мb.

Tags: Sex Joe Casey Other comics
The end of one world. The beginning of another. Major Plot Point: An important character dies

Sex #29 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Plutona #05
29 pages | 58.2 мb.

Tags: Plutona Jeff Lemire Other comics
After discovering the body of Plutona—the world's greatest superhero—in the woods, a shocking twist starts to tear the kids apart.
East of West #27
38 pages | 48.5 мb.

Tags: East of West Jonathan Hickman Other comics
“FINDING BABYLON” Death gets closer to finally reuniting with his son.
Billy Hazelnuts #1
112 pages | 141.7 мb.

Tags: Billy Hazelnuts Other comics
Tony Millionaire, creator of Sock Monkey and one of America's most popular weekly comic strips, Maakies, delivers his first original graphic novel for Fantagraphics, Billy Hazelnuts. Billy Hazelnuts transmutes nursery rhymes and the golem myth into a storybook about Becky, girl scientist, her friend Billy Hazelnuts (who was created from cooking

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