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The Terminus Project #1
30 pages | 51.1 мb.

Tags: The Terminus Project Other comics
The Liberty War. Lost from the start. It was war which triggered the acceleration of technological development to such an extent the first long-term space travel was even considered. In all their naivety, governments of the wealthiest countries saw this as an opportunity to secure a longer period of peace. It finally came, but as the result of
Space Pop #1
35 pages | 41.1 мb.

Tags: Space Pop Other comics
LOG#ONE Space, a place where dreams reach out across an endless ocean of stars. It is here, that destiny is fortified and the simple hero...becomes legend. The greatest life experience that can be summoned from the ashes of a fallen that nothing last forever. But, what happens to the children that are to inherit rule over billions? Do
Hellfire #1
52 pages | 131.2 мb.

Tags: Hellfire Other comics
Kane Kage returns to Earth and seeks refuge in an old church. Once inside, he undergoes confession with Jonah Kripke. Kane's origin begins...
Season of the S.H.A.R.K. #1
The first issue of the new ongoing series Season of the S.H.A.R.K.! Agents from an underfunded spy organization fight robots, cops and budget cuts trying to recover a stolen formula for invulnerability.
Pipeline Lizards #1
24 pages | 22.9 мb.

Tags: Pipeline Lizards Other comics
Sulky goes to the forest to find food and gets involved with cats and angry leopards while the other lizards are telling ghost stories by the campfire.
Felony Comics #1
30 pages | 35.0 мb.

Tags: Felony Comics Other comics
All-new, full-color crime stories by a rogues gallery of the indie/art comics world's most devious minds- Alex Degen (Area CC), Lale Westvind (Hot Dog Beach), Pete Toms (On Hiatus), Ben Urkowitz (Real Rap Comics) and Karissa Sakumoto (Crawdads). Cover by Benjamin Marra (Blades & Lazers).
EPIC Bros Atomic Baseball #1
33 pages | 47.9 мb.

Tags: EPIC Bros Atomic Baseball Baseball Other comics
Ely and Paulie's Dad is off saving the world, as super heroes tend to. Now, the boys must entertain themselves with the leftover rayguns and robot parts from his secret headquarters, in order to create a game of- ATOMIC BASEBALL! Under the watch of their talking hamster butler (no, really!), the E.P.I.C Bros. come up with a game with explosive
Self Storage #6
35 pages | 33.7 мb.

Tags: Self Storage Other comics
With the mystery of unit #83's occupant - living dead girl Jessica - now solved, it's time for a dysfunctional family reunion. Letting go of the things we love is hard, but holding on to them forever turns out to be much, much harder. Not to mention this storage facility has a few new undead occupants to contend with, and those numbers are only
Outcast #19
31 pages | 33.4 мb.

Tags: Outcast Robert Kirkman Other comics
Answers are given and secrets are revealed, as the start of a new story arc finds Kyle and Sidney having a conversation that will change EVERYTHING. Kyle has never been in more danger.
Indoctrination #2
32 pages | 57.8 мb.

Tags: Indoctrination Other comics
How do you kill an idea? Across the dusty plains of America's southwest, a deadly storm is brewing. A string of murders portend the sinister designs of an infamous terrorist to bring about the end times. Two FBI agents have heeded the signs, and only their rogue actions, aided by a potentially untrustworthy expatriate with deep ties to the
Hip Hop Family Tree #12
33 pages | 104.1 мb.

Tags: Hip Hop Family Tree Hip Hop Other comics
Too many incredible milestones in this issue to name! LL Cool J makes a record with Rick Rubin and Def Jam. KRS One gets arrested and meets his future DJ. The Fat Boys and Run DMC headline the first national Hip Hop tours. Just to name a few.
Image+ #3
67 pages | 133.0 мb.

Tags: Image plus Image Other comics
IMAGE+ is an all-new monthly magazine featuring Image's upcoming releases, as well as bonus creator-owned comics content. Each issue will be distributed with Diamond's monthly PREVIEWS Catalog and will feature an original, four-page The Walking Dead story concerning Negan's origins, and created by New York Times bestselling team Robert Kirkman and

Image+ #3 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Image+ #2
67 pages | 144.2 мb.

Tags: Image plus Image Other comics
Image+ is an all-new monthly magazine featuring Image's upcoming releases, as well as bonus creator-owned comics content. Each issue will be distributed with Diamond's monthly PREVIEWS Catalog and will feature an original, four-page The Walking Dead story concerning Negan's origins, and created by New York Times bestselling team Robert Kirkman and

Image+ #2 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Image+ #1
67 pages | 162.0 мb.


Image+ #1 (2016)

Publisher: Other
ExMortis #07
35 pages | 59.0 мb.

Tags: ExMortis Andi Ewington Other comics
One might ask the question, what's the one thing a crack-team of classic horror monsters assembled for the single purpose of battling Hitler's secret army of undead super-soldiers should be afraid of? Why, Sergeant Majors boot camp of course! As the team begins to take shape, it's up to Sergeant Major to whip the newly formed Dreadnaughts into a
Chronicles of the Dragon Knights Vol.4 - Brisken
After the stinging defeat of his troops, the Emperor calls on the Order of the Dragon Knights to get rid of thousands creatures deformed by the Veil. They are the only ones capable of stopping them before they reach the Capital. The battle that ensues will go down in history for many reasons, unfortunately not only for the heroism shown by
Thief of Thieves #33
30 pages | 31.8 мb.

Tags: Thief of Thieves Andy Diggle Other comics
This issue sets the stage for the next phase of the master criminal’s legendary career.
The Beauty #09
30 pages | 41.2 мb.

Tags: The Beauty Other comics
Ezerae’s entire life has been about change. Can she find happiness in the world of The Beauty?
Sons Of The Devil #09
The final chapter of the first arc. A traitor revealed.

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