New comics
The Walking Dead Survivors' Guide #1-4 Complete
4 issues pages | 159.3 мb.

Tags: The Walking Dead Survivors' Guide Skybound
Everything you've ever wanted to know about the cast of The Walking Dead. The Survivor's Guide is a handy checklist of all the characters who have appeared in the series thus far, alive or dead. This series is a can't-miss supplement to the hit comic book series that is now a hit TV series on AMC!
The Colonized #1-4+TPB Complete
5 issues pages | 294.7 мb.

Tags: The Colonized IDW
In this all-new miniseries, a spaceship crashes into a separatist camp and manages to reanimate the dead as well! It's aliens vs. zombies vs. militiamen in a carnage-filled tale from the co-creator of Zombies vs Robots! And if that ain't enough, covers for this series will be by acclaimed Cerebus creator, Dave Sim!
Collection Marvel (26.04.2017, week 17)
23 issues pages | 1000 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel free Marvel 2017 Week
Collection Marvel Comics for 26.04.2017 (17 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Darth Maul 03 2. The Mighty Thor 18 3. Weapon X 02 4. X-Men Blue 02 5. Elektra 03 6. Thanos 06 7. Occupy Avengers 06 8. Ultimates 2 06 9. X-Men Gold 02 10. The Mighty Captain Marvel 04 11. Rocket Raccoon 05 12. Great Lakes Avengers 07 13. Black Panther 13
DC comics week (26.04.2017, week 17)
18 issues pages | 1000 мb.

Tags: DC comics DC free DC 2017 Week
Collection DC Comics for 26.04.2017 (17weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Suicide Squad 016 2. Supergirl_-_Being_Super_003 3. Mother Panic 006 4. The_Hellblazer_009 5. Batgirl 010 6. Doom_Patrol_006 7. Blue_Beetle_008 8. Batman_-_Shadow_01 9. Batman_Beyond_007 10. DC Super Hero Girls 002 - Out of the Bottle 11. The Kamandi Challenge
Conan - the Cimmerian #0-25 Complete
26 issues pages | 618.1 мb.

Tags: Conan - the Cimmerian Conan Cimmerian Dark Horse
Conan the Cimmerian #0 marks a transitional period in young Conan's life, as he spurns the magicians, turncoats, and legal trappings of the cities he's seen in order to return to the beloved northern frontiers of Cimmeria, where he was born and raised. It also marks a turning point in the artistic muscle that will fuel Conan's adventures
Conan the Barbarian Annual #1-12 Complete
Collection of reprints: "Lair of the Beastmen" from Conan #2 "Tower of the Elephant" from Conan #4
Think Tank #1-8 Complete
8 issues pages | 370.2 мb.

Tags: Think Tank Top Cow
FIGHTING THE MAN... WITH SCIENCE! Dr. David Loren is many things: child prodigy, inventor, genius, slacker... mass murderer. When a military think tank's smartest scientist decides he can no longer stomach creating weapons of destruction, will he be able to think his way out of his dilemma or find himself subject to the machinations of smaller men?
Conan - Road of Kings #1-12 Complete
12 issues pages | 348.3 мb.

Tags: Conan - Road of Kings Conan Road of Kings Dark Horse
The pirate world is about to get 100 percent more savage as Conan and his crew of brigands ravage the seas in search of treasure and glory. But when the beautiful Olivia appears aboard one of the captured ships and starts speaking of prophetic dreams and king's fortunes, Conan and his crew head in another direction--one that leads straight to the
Templar Vol.1-3 Complete
3 issues pages | 185.6 мb.

Tags: Templar
Claw The Unconquered #1-6 Complete
6 issues pages | 181.9 мb.

Tags: Claw The Unconquered Unconquered Claw Wildstorm
A unique hero gets a new beginning in this miniseries spinning out of the hit RED SONJA/CLAW THE UNCONQUERED: THE DEVIL'S HANDS, with an unbelievable debut issue that sports an alternate cover by GREEN LANTERN artist Ethan Van Sciver! Claw finds himself working as a mercenary when he learns of a dark prophecy that centers around him...and he sets
Clandestine #1-5 Complete
5 issues pages | 85.1 мb.

Tags: Clandestine Marvel
Overview Alan Davis’ freaky family returns! They’ve existed, hidden among mankind for centuries, a mysterious bloodline of superhumans, eternal and apart. And all they’ve desired is to be left alone, to pursue their individual interests in peace. But now, the existence of their hidden clan is threatened with exposure by the activities of one
Kull and the Barbarians #1-3 Complete
3 issues pages | 104.7 мb.

Tags: Kull and the Barbarians Barbarians Kull Curtis Magazines
The first issue of Kull and the Barbarians featured only reprints of R.E. Howard adaptations previously printed in Marvel Comics.
Chronicles of Kull Vol.1-5 Complete
5 issues pages | 1000.3 мb.

Tags: Chronicles of Kull Chronicles Dark Horse
The Chronicles of Kull Volume 1: A King Comes Riding and Other Stories kicks off Dark Horse’s newest addition to its popular Robert E. Howard reprint line. Presenting every color Kull comic from the 1970s and ’80s chronologically for the first time ever, volume 1 features color Kull stories from Creatures on the Loose! #10, Monsters on the
DC comics week (19.04.2017, week 16)
17 issues pages | 1000 мb.

Tags: DC comics DC free DC 2017 Week
Collection DC Comics for 19.04.2017 (16weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Super_Sons_003 2. The_Wild_Storm_003 3. Superwoman_009 4. Harley_Quinn_018 5. Cave_Carson_Has_a_Cybernetic_Eye_007 6. Deathstroke 017 7. Green_Arrow_021 8. Aquaman 021 9. Nightwing 019 10. The_Odyssey_of_the_Amazons_04 11. Batwoman_002 12. All_Star_Batman_009
Collection Marvel (19.04.2017, week 16)
21 issues pages | 1000 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel free Marvel 2017 Week
Collection Marvel Comics for 19.04.2017 (16 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Thunderbolts 12 2. Venom 06 3. U.S.Avengers 05 4. The Totally Awesome Hulk 18 5. Silk 19 6. The Punisher 11_ 7. Secret Empire 00 8. Ms. Marvel 17 9. Poe Dameron 13 10. Royals 02 11. Monsters Unleashed v2 01 12. Nick Fury 01 13. Guardians of the Galaxy -
Chastity - Theatre Of Pain #1-3 Complete
3 issues pages | 35.6 мb.

As the first issue of this three issue mini, this begins a story that tells us of how the young Chastity Marks becomes not only a vampire, but so much more, a weapon to slay the vampires.
Chastity - Rocked #0-4 Complete
5 issues pages | 41.9 мb.

Best of Enemies - A History of US and Middle East Relations Vol.1-2 Complete
David B. and Filiu draw striking parallels between ancient and contemporary political history in this look at the US-Middle East conflict. The reader is transported to the pirate-choked Mediterranean sea, where Christians and Muslims continue the Crusades, only this time on water. As the centuries pass, the traditional victims of the Muslim
Chaos War #1-5 Complete
5 issues pages | 234.0 мb.

Tags: Chaos War Marvel
Bigger than "The Infinity Gauntlet!" More cosmic than "Annihilation!" Since the end of "Secret Invasion," the Chaos King has amassed his army of alien slave gods -- and the time to strike Earth is NOW! Only the greatest Marvel heroes can oppose him -- all led by the newly-returned god of heroes ... Hercules! But are even his incredible new powers
Chaos War - Dead Avengers #1-3 Complete
3 issues pages | 79.0 мb.

Tags: Chaos War Dead Avengers Avengers Marvel
CHAOS WAR tie-in! The Vision. Captain Mar-Vell. Yellowjacket. Deathcry. Swordsman. Dr. Druid. All lost their lives in the line of duty...or in disgrace. When Earth's Mightiest Heroes are themselves laid low in the carnage of the CHAOS WAR and the graves give up their dead, these six find themselves mysteriously returned, to RE-ASSEMBLE against the
Tall Tails - Thieves Quest #15-18 Complete
Tracking the Dogged Part Two As Cromwell recovers from an assasination attempt, Prince Christian's personal guard finally joins them at the Earl Hadge's mansion but it's unsure whether the prince is any safer as the plot against him moves onward. Meanwhile, Ravenwood and the remainder of the group pursue the rats, ever closer to their goal of
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