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Images of Shadowhawk #01-03
3 issues pages | 31.7 мb.

Tags: Images of Shadowhawk Shadowhawk Trencher
Trencher has an assignment to repossess the Blowhole. Trencher runs into Shadowhawk and Fight! Fight! Fight!
DC comics week (07.03.2018, week 10)
17 issues pages | 590.1 мb.

Tags: DC comics week DC comics DC 0-Day Releases Releases
Collection DC Comics for 07.03.2018 (10 week). The collection includes such comics: 1. The Wild Storm 012 2. The Jetsons 005 3. Shade_ the Changing Woman 001 4. Nightwing 040 5. Harley Quinn 039 6. Harley _ Ivy Meet Betty _ Veronica 006 7. Green Arrow 038 8. Exit Stage Left - The Snagglepuss Chronicles 003 9. Deathstroke 029 10. Black Lightning -
Collection Marvel (07.03.2018, week 10)
19 issues pages | 942.8 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel Marvel Marvel comics 0-Day Releases Releases
Collection Marvel Comics for 07.03.2018 (10 week). The collection includes such comics: 1. Avengers & The Infinity Gauntlet 2. Black Bolt 011 3. She-Hulk 163 4. Star Wars 044 5. X-Men Red 002 6. X-Men Gold 023 7. Venom 163 8. Spider-Man 238 9. Rise of the Black Panther 003 10. Rogue _ Gambit 003 11. Marvel_s Ant-Man and the Wasp Prelude 01 12.
Knights of Pendragon vol.2 #1-15 (Complete)
15 issues pages | 138.9 мb.

Tags: Knights of Pendragon marvel comics
Download comics Knights of Pendragon 1-15 series
Jackie Jokers #01-04 (Harvey Comics) (Complete)
4 issues pages | 112.3 мb.

Tags: Jackie Jokers Harvey Comics
Download free comics Jackie Jokers #01-04 (Harvey Comics)
Strike! #01-06 (Eclipse)
6 issues pages | 60.9 мb.

Tags: Strike Sgt. Strike
Eclipse title which lasted six issues, detailing the adventures of Dennis Foreman, who became the hero Strike after inheriting World War II hero Sgt. Strike's strength-enhancing harness.
Steel, the Indestructible Man #01-05
The book is an origin story of Steel in 1939 before America enters into war during World War II (WWII). As a civilian Hank goes to Germany and sees a Jewish man receive a beating and fears that the old man was later killed after he left. When he arrives back to the States, he finds that Germany has invaded Poland and he leaves Princeton to join
Tank Girl Classic #01-14 Complete (HD)
14 issues pages | 643.4 мb.

Tags: Tank Girl Classic
The original Tank Girl comics, in stunning black and white as they were meant to be seen! Ripped from the pages of classic cult comics mag Deadline and tarted up to their original glory, don't miss these anarchic tales in all their world-striding majesty!
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