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Clive Barker's Nightbreed #06
Boone must learn what it means to be human and god god beast. In search Annastajia beauty, monster born of her imperfections. Nation, the demon god of the distant past, live a lifetime in play before eternity chaos. All the creatures of the night have to understand that life is fickle that. Midian calls on all of us.
Bee and Puppycat #05
25 pages | 29.5 мb.

Tags: Bee and Puppycat Bee Puppycat
Temp work can be tiring! I just want to grab a coffee Bee ... or three ... or 20 between caffeine addiction, karaoke contests and costume changes, Bee and PuppyCat a lot to deal with!
Bee and Puppycat #04
24 pages | 35 мb.

Tags: Bee and Puppycat Bee PuppyCat
When a bee and PuppyCat not completing temporary jobs in the Fishbowl space, they make everyday tasks like picking up bags and shopping for plants. So why do these two always so complicated ?!
Memetic #01
45 pages | 70.6 мb.

Tags: Memetic James Tynion IV
WHY WE LOVE IT: After starting James Tynion IV in the woods a lot of recognition, we wanted to see what other ideas he had. When James is one of our favorite new voices in comics-pitched us memetic as a story about the apocalypse in three parts, we were sold! Why you'll love it: memetic really an event comic three oversized, 48-page issues a
Regular Show #16
26 pages | 45.2 мb.

Tags: Regular Show Mordecai Rigby Skips
REGULAR SHOW always brings something new and crazy every issue. It's always great when choosing a book, because no matter how good you think you are, there is always completely strange twist there to take you by surprise! Mordecai and Rigby are up to something again, and it's only a matter of time when the situation gets out of control.
The Amazing World of Gumball #03
When Gumball assumes game tag to settle the dispute, he is unable to understand how seriously people take the tag in Elmore! Can he handle being the "it"? That the depth of it will sink to in order to mark someone else?!
The Amazing World of Gumball #02
Gumball and Darwin would make of the many things that can be considered immature and dangerous over the years that they were alive, but none of that even comes close to what they are going to do in this matter. Anais may have mercy on their souls ...
The Amazing World of Gumball #01
WHY WE LOVE IT: Not only do we get to work with some of our favorite creators of the project, but nothing in these days does not have mixed media view the wonderful world of Gumball, and we are the lucky ones who get to bring it to comics! Why you'll love it: Most popular comics creators Frank Gibson (ADVENTURE TIME 2014) and artist Tyson Hesse
Steven Universe #03
25 pages | 37.8 мb.

Tags: Steven Universe Amethyst Garnet Greg Universe Pearl
Greg Universe plans inlet beach town in the monthly Open Mic Night, to really show Steven and Beach City, even though he may not have a lot of hair, it is Greg universe. Meanwhile, the Gems are busy trying to catch the animal that is moving too fast for them. This is nothing but fighting and mighty beautiful melodies in this super fun question!
Wild's End #02
34 pages | 46.5 мb.

Tags: Wild's End Clive Dan Abnett
The search for the causes of the devastating fire that left Crowchurch in mourning leads Clive and other deep in the woods, where they meet a new ally in the fight against the alien threat to her door.
Sleepy Hollow #01
WHY WE LOVE IT: As fans of the television series Sleepy Hollow (now begins the second season on Fox), we knew we had to make a comic as intrusive, engaging and visually gorgeous as the show itself. Thanks to the multi-layered characters, intense visuals and macabre stories, Sleepy Hollow is primed for comics. Why you'll love it: One of the most
Lumberjanes #07
26 pages | 65.8 мb.

Tags: Lumberjanes April Jo Mal Molly Ripley
After much convincing, the girls were able to negotiate to get Jen to take them camping. Making his way to the tower and hoping to finally get some answers, they make their way closer only to be stopped by a nearby camp boy! April Mel, Molly, Joe, and Ripley must figure out how to get to the tower, even if they have to use Jen as a distraction to
Peanuts #22
Irritability Lucy finally put to the test! When it comes to winning this year's Miss Crabby Pageant, Lucy struggles. But with competition as Molley volleyball Crybaby Boobie, can Lucy from annoying your way to shiny trophy winner? Enjoy "Miss Crabby Pageant" and many others Peanuts adventure in this latest edition, full of heart and fun galore!
Teen Dog #2
25 pages | 39.2 мb.

Tags: Teen Dog Teen Dog comics Dog
Hexed #3
30 pages | 47.9 мb.

Tags: Hexed Hexed comics boom

Hexed #3 (2014)

Publisher: Boom
Dead Letters #05
28 pages | 76.4 мb.

Tags: Dead Letters Sam Whistler Christopher Sebela
The first case of Sam in his new "job" comes to an end, as he reveals the ultimate fate of his predecessor, "Old Op",-along with a secret that will blow the top of the gang war raging across "Here."
Bravest Warriors #25
The bravest warriors must once again save the galaxy! Join Chris, Beth, Danny, and wallow as they, well ... save space! It seems there is a pattern develops in a warrior's life, certainly nothing can surprise our heroes now ... or is there something there? Something is hiding in the shadows ... something so big that not even the bravest of
Big Trouble in Little China #05
Journey of Jack Burton coming to an end. He faces his final challenge, one that will free his friend Van! But what he should do and egg may be saving for one ... or death for all of us!
Adventure Time #32
28 pages | 44.5 мb.

Tags: Adventure Time Finn Jake Princess Bubblegum
Princess Bubblegum looks at the consequences of her science experiment gone wrong, she finally finds a way to save the day! But it's too late? Find out if Princess Bubblegum is capable of true all their grievances, or if her friends will never be himself again, this is a crazy conclusion of this arc!

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