Artifacts Vol.1 (TPB)
- Other publisher
- Pages: 160
- 2011 year
- English comics
- Size: 217.9 mb.
- Tags: Artifacts Aphrodite IV Curator Detective Gleason Hope Pezzini Julie Pezzini Magdalena
Discover the series, which is buzzing with this introductory priced trade paperback collection released simultaneously with the beginning of the second chapter of the annual event! Separately, thirteen mystical Artifacts will determine the fate of the universe. Together, thirteen Artifacts will end the Universe. When a mysterious antagonist kidnaps, Hope, the daughter of Sara Pezzini and Jackie overpasses, Armageddon is set in motion. Starring virtually every character in the Top Cow Universe, this is a series for diehard fans and new readers.
List by Cow Universe architect Ron Marz (Witchblade, Magdalena) with art team of Michael Broussard (Darkness), Rick Basaldua (Darkness), Sal Regla (MAGDALENA) and Sunny GHO with IFS (speed), this volume collects Artifacts в„– 1 - в„– 4 along with the Free Comic Book Day # 0 issue and a beautiful cover gallery, behind-the-scenes extras, and much more!