Doctor Who Magazine Special Edition #25 - The Doctor Who Companion - The Specials
- Other publisher
- Pages: 62
- 2010 year
- English comics
- Size: 80.2 mb.
- Tags: Doctor Who Magazine Special Edition Doctor Who Doctor Who Magazine Magazine Special Edition Panini Comics
Written and researched by Andrew Pixley
Despite not returning to television for a full series in 2009, Doctor Who reached new levels of success over the last year, as over twelve million avid viewers watched, gripped, as the Tenth Doctor's adventures reached an end. Having had to part company with his friend Donna Noble, the Doctor continued his travels alone. His next stop was a trip back in time to a Victorian Christmas, where he was amazed to meet another version of himself — and a threat from the terrifying Cybermen! From there he journeyed on, finding himself trapped on the desert planet of San Helios, with a Number 200 London bus, and a deadly swarm on the horizon. He next travelled to the famous red planet of Mars, as the last of the Time Lords found himself battling against the forces of time itself. From there, the Doctor had to face up to his own destiny, as he faced not only a showdown with his old enemy, the Master, but also had to come to terms with the prospect of the return of his own people, the Time Lords. And through all this, there is the ever-present mysterious prophecy, that the Doctor's death is coming, when “he will knock four times …”
Now Doctor Who Magazine takes you behind the scenes of all the Tenth Doctor's final episodes, with an in-depth episode-by-episode guide, including original storylines, deleted scenes, and thousands of facts about the day to day life of making Doctor Who — all illustrated with gorgeous, never-before-seen photographs. This Special covers The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars, and the apocalyptic two-part finale, The End of Time, plus the Proms Special Music of the Spheres and the animated adventure Dreamland.
This is your essential guide to the worlds of Doctor Who. Get ready for the Tenth Doctor's final battles …