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Collection Marvel (09.11.2022. week 45)
17 issues pages | 669.4 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel Marvel Marvel comics 0-Day Releases Releases
Collection Marvel Comics for 09.11.2022 (45 week). The collection includes such comics: 1. Wolverine 027 2. Venom 013 3. X-Men Legends 004 4. Marauders 007 5. Spider-Man - The Lost Hunt 001 6. Spider-Man 002 7. Moon Knight 017 8. Sabretooth the Exiles 001 9. Amazing Spider-Man 013 10. Marauders 008 11. Legion of X 007 12. Ghost Rider 008 13.
Collection Marvel (02.11.2022. week 44)
Collection Marvel Comics for 02.11.2022 (44 week). The collection includes such comics:
Collection Marvel (26.10.2022. week 43)
17 issues pages | 652.0 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel Marvel Marvel comics 0-Day Releases Releases
Collection Marvel Comics for 26.10.2022 (43 week). The collection includes such comics: 1. X-Terminators 002 2. X-Men Legends 003 3. Wild Cards - The Drawing of Cards 004 4. Wolverine 026 5. Venom 012 6. The Variants 004 7. Ultraman - The Mystery of Ultraseven 00 8. Thunderbolts 003 9. Star Wars - Doctor Aphra 025 10. Strange 007 11. Strange
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