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Uncanny Avengers #17
Conclusion Ragnarok Now! Avengers Assemble! But it's too late? Revenge of the twins at Caen is completed, but at what cost? Planet X is born!
Uncanny Avengers #16
Today , Marvel is pleased to present your first look at the strange Avengers # 16 - from rock stars creators Rick Remender and Steve McNiven! Mutants are disappearing all over the world - delivered into the hands of the Apocalypse twins last desperate act of the Scarlet Witch . Now, with no time to mourn the dead , the other Earth's heroes must
Uncanny Avengers #15
After numerous deaths last issue Avengers team unity is shattered and broken. The fate of humanity lies in the hands of the Torah, but the God of Thunder can defeat the combined might of two of the Apocalypse? At the same time, the Wasp is fighting for his life against the unprecedented power hour!
Uncanny Avengers #14
How Avengers must die to stop Apocalypse Twins?! Wolverine can not humanity. Deyken has his revenge. Wanda recognized his true love. Grim Reaper has his revenge. Painful and desperate story of betrayal, love, revenge and sacrifice.
Uncanny Avengers #13
Ragnar?¶k Now! Against the orders of their masters "deranged and vindictive Sentry kills strange Avenger! Not a hoax, not a dream, and only the first victim of many! To allow for reinforcements from other eras Wasp must find and destroy the transmitter Gemini Tachyon, but first she will have to defeat Grim Reaper. Scarlet Witch makes it impossible
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