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Nova #07
NOVA IN NEW YORK! Sam Alexander and the other ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS team up, and love might be in the air! Featuring guest stars MILES MORALES and KAMALA KHAN!

Nova #07 (2016)

Publisher: Marvel
Secret Wars HC
The Marvel Universe is no more! The interdimensional Incursions have eliminated each and every alternate universe one by one. And now - despite the best efforts of the scientists, sages and superhumans - the Marvel Universe and Ultimate Universe have collided...and been destroyed! All that exists in the vast empty cosmos is a single, titanic
Nova #06
NOVA IN NEW YORK! Sam Alexander and the other ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS team up, and love might be in the air! Featuring guest stars MILES MORALES and KAMALA KHAN!

Nova #06 (2016)

Publisher: Marvel
Nova #05
NOVA IN NEW YORK! Sam Alexander and the other ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS team up, and love might be in the air! Featuring guest stars MILES MORALES and KAMALA KHAN!

Nova #05 (2016)

Publisher: Marvel
Nova #04
NOVA IN NEW YORK! Sam Alexander and the other ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS team up, and love might be in the air! Featuring guest stars MILES MORALES and KAMALA KHAN!

Nova #04 (2016)

Publisher: Marvel
Nova #03
NOVA IN NEW YORK! Sam Alexander and the other ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS team up, and love might be in the air! Featuring guest stars MILES MORALES and KAMALA KHAN!

Nova #03 (2016)

Publisher: Marvel
Ms. Marvel #01
The internationally-beloved, butt-kicking, smack-talking, most adorable super hero makes her triumphant return. Look out world, Kamala Khan is back and officially an Avenger! Yup, the dream to end all dreams has happened for Kamala. She's toe to toe with the best of the best, but will being one of Earth's mightiest heros be everything she
Secret Wars - Official Guide to the Marvel Multiverse
Worlds are colliding! Both on Battleworld, and in the SECRET WARS OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE #1 - a collection of all-new Profiles! Journey through Marvel's multiverse: Old Man Logan! The Ultimate Universe's Spider-Man (Miles Morales)! The Age of Ultron! Weirdworld! The Spider-Verse event! The Age of Apocalypse's Nightcrawler! Plus:
Secret Wars Prelude
Follow the path to the event in 2015 and the end of all the events, Secret Wars - epic more than 30 years in the making! From the senses-staggering climax in 1984 in the original Secret Wars saga, in the origin of Miles Morales, the new Ultimate Spider-Man, all this was leading up to this. And the master planner Marvel, Jonathan Hickman, has long
Avengers - Free Comic Book Day 2015
What better way to celebrate Free Comic Book Day, the gathering EARTH-powerful and most popular characters-?! Iron Man! Captain America! Thor! Black Widow! Hawkeye! Hulk! Vision! Everyone's favorite characters take on a dangerous new threat!
What If  - Age of Ultron
In the age of Ultron, time travel Wolverine killed Hank Pym, before he could create a world conquering Ultron. But what if the other founders of the Avengers were killed as well? Find out in five alternate adventures! In a world without Wasp, Hank Pym created Ultron even more disgusting than the one we know! Without Iron Man Armor Wars firing
Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man #11
Due miles, Ultimates back! Because Dr. Doom has revealed his plan, and it's more than one web-slinger can handle!
Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man #10
MILES Morales: friend or foe Hydra? MILES opposed to the past of his family and his horror of the future The man behind the mysteries of the human FLIES plans finds himself ... And this is not good news for Miles. All this and Miles unleashes a new Spider-power !!
Spider-Man Season One
The biggest story of the origin of all times, retold for a new generation. Read the earliest adventures of Amazing Spider-Man. Spider-Man: Season One fourth title in the first season of the series Marvel. It highlights the origins and early days of one of the most popular and recognizable superheroes in comics history-The Amazing Spider-Man. While
The Amazing Spider-Man #14
CONCLUSION climate Spider-verse! Prophecy to bear fruit, but Superior Spider-Man has something up his sleeve.
Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man #09
Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man #08
Dizzying turn of events! This is great! Life Spider-Man upside down! What is the truth behind the legacy of Miles? WHO was the father of Miles?
Spider-Verse Team-Up #02
SPIDER-Verse TIE-IN! MILES Morales and Ultimate Spider-Man (from Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon) unite! Gwen Stacy Spider Woman comes to the universe to recruit Peter Parker, who never got over his death!
Amazing Spider-Man #11
AMAZING VS. SUPERIOR Spiderman Spiderman! Spider Army did not have time for this squabbles as heirs tighten the noose.
All-New Ultimates #10
ULTIMATE UNIVERSE dangerous place for a teenage super hero !!! The beginning of an epic 3 part climax begins with ruthless retribution in the latest principles "is going to kill! Romantic life of Spider-Man is a deadly conclusion. Heartbreak + LOVE = DIAMONDBACK beating. Bombshell is back and ready for action - just in time to help her teammates
All-New X-Men #33
Journey to the alternate universe, it seems a rite of passage for any young mutant causing himself X-Man ... And it seems that the wife was the turn All-New X-Men, to take the test! But will it ultimately be too much for temporary and adolescents? Guest starring MILES Morales, this confrontation will not want to miss!
Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man #06
Miles life was turned upside down in every conceivable level! New villains are made ​​of wood. Miles decides to change a life!
Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man #05
HE Spider-Man story is talking about !!! SPIDEY VS SPIDEY! What else do you need?
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