New comics
Memetic #1
39 pages | 88.9 мb.

Tags: Memetic Boom studios

Memetic #1 (2024)

Publisher: Boom
125 pages | 170.5 мb.

Tags: Memetic Aaron Marcus James Tynion IV
What’s to Love: Memetic is truly an event comic, and a wholly unique take on the disaster genre. Much like his work on The Woods, writer James Tynion IV—with the help of fantastic newcomer Eryk Donovan (The House in the Wall)—brings horror to a whole new generation of fans of J-horror films like Uzumaki and The Ring. Plus, Memetic was

Memetic (2015)

Publisher: Boom
Memetic #03
41 pages | 59.1 мb.

Tags: Memetic Aaron Marcus
The third day, finally upon us. As reduced team Marcus makes his final assault on the compound of a last-ditch alleged meme creator, Aaron comes to grips with his shocking loss and impending apocalypse.
Memetic #02
46 pages | 69 мb.

Tags: Memetic James Tynion IV
WHY WE LOVE IT: After starting James Tynion IV in the woods a lot of recognition, we wanted to see what other ideas he had. When James is one of our favorite new voices in comics-pitched us memetic as a story about the apocalypse in three parts, we were sold! Why you'll love it: memetic really an event comic three oversized, 48-page issues a
Memetic #01
45 pages | 70.6 мb.

Tags: Memetic James Tynion IV
WHY WE LOVE IT: After starting James Tynion IV in the woods a lot of recognition, we wanted to see what other ideas he had. When James is one of our favorite new voices in comics-pitched us memetic as a story about the apocalypse in three parts, we were sold! Why you'll love it: memetic really an event comic three oversized, 48-page issues a
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