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World War Hulk - Incredible Herc
When the Hulk returns to Earth for the senses-shattering events of World War Hulk, we can all guess which puny humans will fight against him. But which of Earth's heroes will fight for the Hulk? Don't miss the shocking revelations as Amadeus Cho, the boy genius who took on Reed Richards on behalf of the Hulk in INCREDIBLE HULK #100, confronts
Incredible Hulk Vol.3 - World War Hulks
'Planet Hulk' was big. 'World War Hulk' was bigger. Now with 'World War Hulks,' the Marvel Universe explodes with the most emotional story ever to hit Bruce Banner and the Incredible Hulk! Following the mindbending twist ending of 'Fall of the Hulks,' everything Bruce Banner knows has been turned upside-down -- and everything he's ever desired may
Incredible Hulk Vol.2 - Fall of the Hulks
He's fought Thor, Black Bolt, the Juggernaut, and virtually every Avenger on the planet. But nothing's ever hit Bruce Banner as hard as 'The Fall of the Hulks'! As the epic storyline unfolds, Bruce Banner makes the best and worst discovery of his life, Skaar, the savage Son of Hulk, finally shows his true colors, and a Green Goliath in purple
Incredible Hulk Vol.1 - Son of Banner
Get ready for Bruce Banner as you've never seen him, the Son of Hulk in a whole new world of smash, and an insane new adventure that changes everything for everyone's favorite Green Goliath! X marks the spot as the most insane father and son duo in the Marvel Universe take on one of the Green Goliath's most formidable adversaries. That's right,
Incredible Hulk By Jason Aaron Vol.2
It’s the strangest, smashing-est Hulk yet! The green goliath discovers that to remain himself — and prevent the diabolical Dr. Banner from re-emerging — he must STAY ANGRY! The Hulk picks fights against drug cartels, sea monsters, Russian super-soldiers and a lost city of Sasquatches — oh, and the Punisher, Kraven the Hunter, Wolverine and
Hulk #11
23 pages | 38.4 мb.

Tags: Hulk JEN WALTERS Mariko Tamaki
JEN WALTERS here, asking you to kindly pre-order your copy of HULK #11…or else I’ll come into your shop and rip up all of your issues of ASTONISHING X-MEN #1! That last-page reveal won’t be so revealing when it’s in shreds on the floor…What? No, I’m not deflecting. Yes, the events of the last arc WERE challenging, but I’m

Hulk #11 (2017)

Publisher: Marvel
Hulk #10
21 pages | 36.7 мb.

Tags: Hulk She-Hulk Mariko Tamaki Marvel

Hulk #10 (2017)

Publisher: Marvel
Hulk Vol.3 - Hulk No More
137 pages | 183.2 мb.

Tags: Hulk Marvel
Hulk #9
22 pages | 28.7 мb.

Tags: Hulk She-Hulk Mariko Tamaki Marvel

Hulk #9 (2017)

Publisher: Marvel
Hulk #8
21 pages | 61.1 мb.

Tags: Hulk She-Hulk Mariko Tamaki Marvel

Hulk #8 (2017)

Publisher: Marvel
The Totally Awesome Hulk #20
CHO TIME CONTINUES AS THE HULK TAKES ON THE BIGGEST MONSTERS IN THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! But can Amadeus handle the brand-new danger of Lady Hellbender? Also: Trouble in the family! Snack time with Spidey! And more revelations about just what the devil happened to Banner!
Weapons of Mutant Destruction #1
THE WEAPON X PROGRAM IS BACK! For years, the Weapon X Program has engineered the deadliest mutant killers on planet Earth, until they mysteriously vanished. Now, the Weapon X program is back, and it's deadlier than ever, and it isn't to use mutants for their lethal ends. Under the leadership of its mysterious new director, Weapon X has a new
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