New comics
Superman #24
27 pages | 52.5 мb.

Tags: Superman DC comics Clark Kent

Superman #24 (2025)

Publisher: DC / New
Superman #23
29 pages | 87.5 мb.

Tags: Superman DC comics Clark Kent

Superman #23 (2025)

Publisher: DC
Superman vol.3
114 pages | 171.3 мb.

Tags: Superman Superman comics Clark Kent 2013 Superman vol 3
On a distant planet looming devastating disaster. Knowing this, the scientist sends his only son to Earth. Here his family sheltered Kent. But they did not know what force has a child. Pozroslev Clark Kent began to fight for truth and justice under the name of Superman.
Superman vol.2
165 pages | 233.9 мb.

Tags: Superman Superman comics Clark Kent 2013 Superman vol 2
On a distant planet looming devastating disaster. Knowing this, the scientist sends his only son to Earth. Here his family sheltered Kent. But they did not know what force has a child. Pozroslev Clark Kent began to fight for truth and justice under the name of Superman.
Superman vol.1
142 pages | 171.3 мb.

Tags: Superman Superman comics 2012 Superman vol 1 Clark Kent
On a distant planet looming devastating disaster. Knowing this, the scientist sends his only son to Earth. Here his family sheltered Kent. But they did not know what force has a child. Pozroslev Clark Kent began to fight for truth and justice under the name of Superman.
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