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Batgirl #12
20 pages | 30.2 мb.

Tags: Batgirl Barbara Gordon Poison Ivy Hope Larson DC
“RETURN TO BURNSIDE”! On what should be a relaxing flight back home, Babs finds herself and her fellow passengers in mortal peril from…Poison Ivy? Batgirl must get to the bottom of Ivy’s attack and save the plane if she ever wants to see home again!

Batgirl #12 (2017)

Publisher: DC
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #11
“Who Is Oracle?” part one! Someone has stolen the name Oracle right out of Barbara Gordon’s past! Hot on this false Oracle’s trail, Batgirl, Black Canary, and Huntress are all tracking the same mafia capo…so it makes sense to team up, right? Problem is, Barbara and Dinah need the secrets locked up in Oracle’s brain…and Helena
Batgirl #11
21 pages | 26.7 мb.

Tags: Batgirl Barbara Gordon Poison Ivy Hope Larson DC
“RETURN TO BURNSIDE”! On what should be a relaxing flight back home, Babs finds herself and her fellow passengers in mortal peril from…Poison Ivy? Batgirl must get to the bottom of Ivy’s attack and save the plane if she ever wants to see home again!

Batgirl #11 (2017)

Publisher: DC
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #10
“Who Is Oracle?” part one! Someone has stolen the name Oracle right out of Barbara Gordon’s past! Hot on this false Oracle’s trail, Batgirl, Black Canary, and Huntress are all tracking the same mafia capo…so it makes sense to team up, right? Problem is, Barbara and Dinah need the secrets locked up in Oracle’s brain…and Helena
Batgirl #10
20 pages | 23.9 мb.

Tags: Batgirl Barbara Gordon Poison Ivy Hope Larson DC
“RETURN TO BURNSIDE”! On what should be a relaxing flight back home, Babs finds herself and her fellow passengers in mortal peril from…Poison Ivy? Batgirl must get to the bottom of Ivy’s attack and save the plane if she ever wants to see home again!

Batgirl #10 (2017)

Publisher: DC
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #9
“Who Is Oracle?” part one! Someone has stolen the name Oracle right out of Barbara Gordon’s past! Hot on this false Oracle’s trail, Batgirl, Black Canary, and Huntress are all tracking the same mafia capo…so it makes sense to team up, right? Problem is, Barbara and Dinah need the secrets locked up in Oracle’s brain…and Helena
Batgirl Annual #1
35 pages | 60.5 мb.

Tags: Batgirl Annual Batgirl Annual DC
Batgirl and Supergirl must team up to break into Arkham Asylum! In this all-new Rebirth annual Batgirl must seek Supergirl’s help to solve a mystery that leads them to the heart of the most insane insane asylum there is! But what they discover—and who they discover—in Arkham will lead to a much, much bigger story!
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