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Avengers #41
25 pages | 39.3 мb.

Tags: Avengers Marvel
Avengers #40
31 pages | 47.5 мb.

Tags: Avengers Falcon Invisible Woman Namor Thanos
Avengers #34.2
33 pages | 45.2 мb.

Tags: Avengers Kolobus Nightmask Spider-Woman Star Brand
Godlike StarBRAND loses its grip on humanity! NIGHTMASK can return it to Earth? And as our planetary defense, we must StarBRAND more than ever! Feel the warmth of the space threat KOLOBUS ... powerful enough to burn us all!
Avengers Forever
Heroes of the time! Over the years, the Avengers fought myriad villains and monsters, protecting the Earth and its inhabitants from evil. No matter the odds, no matter the victim, most powerful heroes of Earth is not always found a way to get the victory. Now, they face a different kind of threat. The threat is so great, she made allies of sworn
Avengers #39
Avengers #38
26 pages | 40.2 мb.

Tags: Avengers Beast Cyclops
Avengers #37
30 pages | 50.3 мb.

Tags: Avengers Carol Danvers S.H.I.E.L.D.
Avengers #36
Avengers #35
34 pages | 66.6 мb.

Tags: Avengers Hyperion Avengers comics
Last son dead utopia. My father-figure of a new kind of humanity. Avenger. Hyperion has all these things ... and more! Now search for Nowhere Man sorry police killer stolen child ... And ... the answers to the questions that haunt him.
Avengers #34.1
34 pages | 68.1 мb.

Tags: Avengers Hyperion
Last son dead utopia. My father-figure of a new kind of humanity. Avenger. Hyperion has all these things ... and more! Now search for Nowhere Man sorry police killer stolen child ... And ... the answers to the questions that haunt him.
Avengers #34
26 pages | 37.2 мb.

Tags: Avengers Captain America Iron Lad Iron Man
ORIGINAL SIN tie-in! - "This is a problem Avengers" The First Avenger meets the last Avenger ... And the Avengers world is crumbling. You will not believe what happens next.
Avengers #23
29 pages | 37.5 мb.

Tags: Avengers Captain America Star Brand
ORIGINAL SIN tie-in! 50,000 years into the future. Holoworld: Mightiest Heroes of Earth captured in conceptual space. How do you defeat the idea?
Avengers #33
26 pages | 33.4 мb.

Tags: Avengers Captain America Star Brand
ORIGINAL SIN tie-in! 50,000 years into the future. Holoworld: Mightiest Heroes of Earth captured in conceptual space. How do you defeat the idea?
100th Anniversary Special - Avengers #01
Celebrate 100 years of the Earth's mightiest heroes - the Avengers! After the failed invasion of Earth Badong and disappearance of America in the negative zone, as will be the Avengers of 2061 to cope?
Avengers #32
5000 years into the future. Rogue Planet Redux: The mysterious origin found wandering the planet.
Avengers #31
ORIGINAL SIN tie-in! Propelled fifty years into the future, the Avengers come face to face with the legacy of their actions!
Avengers #28
Call of twenty-eight issues in the making, and Bruce Banner puts everything together and confronts Iron Man ...
Avengers #27
46 pages | 79.8 мb.

Tags: Avengers Cannonball Captain America Hulk Hyperion
"Adapt or die" The secret is the new Avengers show! Science is catching up with the world war (s). The answers to the questions you would have remained hidden. Clash of the Avengers and New Avengers inevitable.
Invaders - Complete 1975-2013
75 Issues pages | 1300 мb.

Tags: Invaders Marvel Captain America Avengers
A complete collection of all Invaders title comics from 1975-2013 The Invaders Invaders mini-series Invaders Now! New Invaders Avengers/Invaders Giant-Size Avengers/Invaders All-New Invaders 1 & 2
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