New comics
Stormwatch #29
Storm Watch - dangerous team of superhumans whose existence was kept a secret from the world. Jack Hawksmoor and other team members want to get to his two deadliest superhumans on the planet: Midnaytera and Apollo. What if they say "no"? Possible that the Martian Manhunter can change their opinions.
Earth 2 #21
The first issue of the monthly series from author James Robinson and artist Nicola Scott! Special guests Alan Scott and Jay Garrick, and many more! Who are the heroes of "Earth 2" and what happened to them? May think that you know the "Earth 2" ... but that 52 new items from DiSi Comics, here anything can happen! Do not miss the debut extended

Earth 2 #21 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Green Arrow #29
21 pages | 33.5 мb.

Tags: Green Arrow Green Arrow Green Arrow comics
The owner of a large company "Queen Industries" Oliver Queen seems quite ordinary millionaire slacker. But few people know the opposite direction of his life. Green Arrow - a modern Robin Hood, protecting the innocent and the guilty kicking ass.
Captain Britain and MI13 #01-15 Complete
Skrull Invasion is not restricted to the United States. When the Skrull Invasion hits England, only Captain Britain and MI: 13 stand in their way, but the reflection of this threat has its price. Now all kinds of magical evil was released across the UK and to captain England and MI13 Pete Wisdom to stop him.
Green Lantern #29
24 pages | 41.5 мb.

Tags: Green Lantern new Green Lantern Green Lantern
Guy Gardner and John Stewart are trying to live a "normal" life, as other members of the corps. Meanwhile, someone kills the green light, to find out who is doing it to be with John Guy and their small team. Find out what the outcome of the story.
Forever Evil #6
27 pages | 40.2 мb.

Tags: Forever Evil Forever Evil comics
Preview of the first issue comic Forever Evil # 1, which will fall villainous event and will open a new mini-series of a crossover. Recall that in September declared "Month of Villains" and all current ongoingi come out with the number # 23.1 and the protagonists will be negative characters. Also start a new mini-series Forevel Evil led by Jeff
Batman - Superman Annual #1
The series is about two legendary heroes of DC Comics, in which different methods and outlook on life, but it nemenie have always been friends and allies. Superman and Batman, the heroes pridumanyh back in the 30s, have not lost their popularity in our time, stories which are always amazed and attracted more new readers ...
Action Comics #29
24 pages | 42.9 мb.

Tags: Action Action Comics Geoff Johns
Faster! Stronger than a locomotive! With one bound he was able to reach the top of a skyscraper! Who is he, this mysterious young man, riding through the streets of Metropolis? A mysterious crime fighter and protector of innocents. The police are at a loss, the military head-on ... Who is the hero? It's Superman!
Zombie Tramp Vol.2 #05
32 pages | 13.4 мb.

Tags: Zombie Tramp Janey Belle Morning Xula
"Friend" Morning Janie reveals itself. Mentor Jane XULA turns himself. And Jane, well, she's trying to put himself back together! Lokomotiv massacre rolls on Terror Train in ruin part of the fifth!
X-Men Die By The Sword #01-05 HD Complete
Psylocke reunion with her brother, Captain Britain, takes a turn for the worse when the diabolical minds of some of the The greatest enemies of Excalibur decide that one world is not enough to win. Exiles and Excalibur must join forces to save crosstime before all of creation is destroyed!
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.1 #01-133 + Annuals HD Complete
New beginning for Spider-Man began in the popular Ultimate Spider-Man comic book series. Re-imagined for the new century! Series lasted 133 issues until it is redesigned to Ultimate Comics Spider-Man with a new number 1.
New Exiles #01-16 + Annual HD
The next chapter in the adventures of the exiles. This series is a continuation of the exiles vol.1 series which lasted 100 issues. This is the second lasted 20 issues, after he returned to the former name of the new number one in the Exiles (2009).
New Excalibur #01-24 HD Complete
Captain Britain brings together a new team Excalibur after the events of House of M and the preceding series of Excalibur. Team faces threats such as: Black Air, the Lionheart, Black Tom and the Dark X-Men. The series lasted until the release of 24, after which it was continued in the mini-series X-Men: die by the sword, which he passed with
Grimm Fairy Tales Vol.1-12
For more than 200 years the powerful stories of the Brothers Grimm charmed millions of readers worldwide. Grimm Fairy Tales explores a much darker side of these classic stories. Adapted directly from the original works, stunning illustration and vivid storytelling bring these tales to life. It is a world where morality tests and the results of
Grimm Fairy Tales - The Library Vol.1 (TPB)
Grimm Fairy Tales presents all new miniseries that explores an alternate reality Grimm universe. When fourteen year old Sela Mathers discovers a magical book in the library has condemned her and her younger brother, a spell that unlocks the amazing worlds and characters from the books and novels around them. Hercules, Robin Hood and Pecos Bill all
Grimm Fairy Tales - The Dream Eater Saga Vol.1-2 (TPB)
The person known as the Dream Eater has been released and walks the earth seek to destroy all those who are born with supernatural abilities. Both heroes and villains of the Grimm fairy tales Universe must join forces to fight the all-powerful entity that could very well be the end of them all.
Grimm Fairy Tales - Robyn Hood Vol.2 (TPB)
ROBIN HOOD is back in this new, epic story ARC! How mysterious villain calling himself "Sheriff" begins terrorizing Nottingham, people who immediately released again Robin needs her help. But with the police are looking for her in the world, Robin has his own problems. Robin can grow and be the hero who must Nottingham, or it will be forced to
Grimm Fairy Tales - Myths & Legends Vol.1-5 (TPB)
After the milestone events of Grimm Fairy Tales # 50 creatures from Myst have escaped into our world . Captured by the evil Baba Yaga for her sinister plans they are going to cause major havoc on earth. Britney , our hero from Grimm Fairy Tales number 1 is back working in a rehabilitation center for teens. Little does she know that something from
Grimm Fairy Tales - Hunters - The Shadowlands Vol.1 (TPB)
Prelude to the biggest event of the Grimm universe here! Novel Helsing, Masumi, Elijah, and Villages are the main monster hunters world has ever izvestnyh.Vysvobozhdennaya tie-in! From writer fly in Wonderland trilogy, and irresistible comes this exciting, new series, which officially became the hunters hunted. Novel Helsing, Masumi, Elijah, and
Grimm Fairy Tales - Godstorm Vol.1 (TPB)
Gods and bandits face in this action-packed, critically acclaimed series from Zenescope, collected here for the first time! Lines have been developed in the battle between the Greek gods, and all of humanity is threatened. From Pat Shand (writer of Robyn Hood) and superstar artist Jason Johnson, this series sets the stage for events that will
Exiles Days of Then and Now
100 issues after the team was first assembled, the Exiles are launching an entirely new direction this month New Exiles , but in this exciting one-shot , the focus settles on one piece of unfinished business from their epic run. Quentin quire world is facing destruction that , by law, would never have happened . Sounds like a job for the Exiles
Exiles Vol.1 #01-100 + Annual HD Complete
101 issues pages | 4820 мb.

Tags: Exiles Apocalypse Archangel Beast Bishop Blink Blob Cannonball
One of the best series in history, if you do not mind a butt load of people X-Men in the book. Imagine displaying regulators What if combined. Some of the worlds from the previous books, some of them brand new, but the series really opened up a new and visited Marvel Universe ( Earth- 616). Members may have changed, but the most interesting thing
Daredevil - Road Warrior #02
50 pages | 30.2 мb.

Tags: Daredevil - Road Warrior Daredevil Mark Waid
Now that the whole world knows about his double life, Matt Murdock was forced to leave New York. Among Kirsten McDuffie, he began his journey to his new home in San Francisco. But this is Matt Murdock - You did not think he was going to stay out of trouble, do you? No, he will have to dodge bullets, lasers and survive breathtaking speed chase on


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