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Green Lantern Corps #31
27 pages | 52.4 мb.

Tags: Green Lantern Corps Green Lantern Corps
Guy Gardner and John Stewart are trying to live a "normal" life, as other members of the corps. Meanwhile, someone kills the green light, to find out who is doing it to be with John Guy and their small team.
Superboy #31
They thought it was just a failed experiment. Just a mixture of human DNA and kriptontsa. But when his powers manifested, he became a deadly weapon by the name Superboy. A brand new series about Superboy starts here! Witness the amazing adventures of the Man of steel! After all, a quiet town of Smallville where harbors more secrets than it seems

Superboy #31 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Superman - Doomed #1
Superman turns into an incredible monster Superdoom, when the virus capture Doomsday body and mind Kal-El. Superdum will be the most powerful being in the world, and nobody can escape from its immense strength and fury. Will Superman find a cure for his new status when monster of steel fully mastered it, or someone else will come to his aid?
Action Comics #31
26 pages | 44 мb.

Tags: Action Action Comics Geoff Johns
Faster! Stronger than a locomotive! With one bound he was able to reach the top of a skyscraper! Who is he, this mysterious young man, riding through the streets of Metropolis? A mysterious crime fighter and protector of innocents. The police are at a loss, the military head-on ... Who is the hero? It's Superman!
The Amazing Spider-Man - Who Am I Infinite
With Peter Parker recently returned seemingly turned to a life of crime, what does this mean for the hero, once known as the Amazing Spider-Man?
The Tick - Free Comic Book Day
This FCBD, NEC Press offers fans --- both old and new! --- Full-color 32-page comic book with a brand new FULL-LENGTH Tick stories! Plus all the exciting new features backup as well. "Day at the Beach" starts innocently enough for the tick, Arthur, bumbling Bee & his friends --- until Tick meets invasion force under the sea! The story is sure to
Defend Comics (FCBD)
32 pages | 34.8 мb.

Tags: Defend Comics Mark Evanier CBLDF
For over 25 years, Comic Legal Defense Fund has fought to defend their right to read, and this year we present our mission Free Comic Book Day, with a light-hearted look at a serious subject. Learn censorship comics with some of the most talented creators!
Castle - Richard Castle's Storm Season (GN)
Continued critics , Deadly Storm bestselling graphic novel Richard Castle ! This " adaptation" of Derrick Storm's second novel , a private detective hired to bug African heads of state hotel room - but the procedure is the mission quickly spirals out of control when the storm terrible overhears a woman scream on the wire. Exhausted helpless
Castle - A Calm Before Storm (GN)
Adaptation based on the hit ABC show Castle continue as Derrick Storm grisly discovery draws him into an international spectacle! Who is the fear? What does he want with Derrick ? And why his father Derrick next on his list of hit? As the international situation in New York continues to deteriorate , Derrick turns to the only person who can help
Castle - Richard Castle in Deadly Storm (GN)
This "adaptation" of the first adventure novel Derrick Storm takes our hero from the sandy world of the private eye all the way to the planet on the island intrigue of the CIA. Preparations for the first real Derrick Storm adventure. Derrick Storm has its own graphic novel. It is an adaptation of the first novel of the Storm, which takes him from
Batman Beyond 2.0 #20
Terry and Bruce are forced to work together to remove one of the oldest enemies of Batman ... but their tensions prevent them from completing their mission?
Batman-Superman - Cross World Vol.1
The Dark Knight and The Man of Steel close friends in the modern day - but the two have not always been such close allies. In this first hardcover collection BATMAN / Superman # 1-4 and Justice League # 23.1: Darkseid, learn how these two legends meet for the first time in the New 52, as they begin a mysterious adventure that takes them into the
All You Need is Kill-Terra Formars - Free Comic Book Day Edition
Now a major motion picture starring Tom Cruise ! When the alien Mimics invade , Keiji Kiriya is one of many recruits shoved in the Shell Jackets and sent to kill. Keiji dies on the battlefield, only to be reborn to fight and die again and again. He receives a message from a mysterious ally - is the key to escape Keiji or final death ? The official
Superman - The Doomsday Wars (1-3 series + TPB) Complete
Superman - superhero comics, which are produced by DC Comics. He is considered an icon of American culture.
Piracy (1-7 series) Complete
7 issues pages | 155.9 мb.

Tags: Piracy Piracy comics Ec comics Gemstone
Piracy was a bi-monthly anthology published by EC Comics in the mid-1950's featuring stories from various writers and artists. The series lasted for seven issues, and in 1998 was reprinted issue-by-issue by Gemstone as Piracy.
The New Adventures of Charlie Chan (1-6 series) Complete
Comic adaptions of TV shows were common in the late 1950s and June 1958 saw another hit the stands. "The New Adventures of Charlie Chan" was based on the short lived syndicated TV show, and had an equally short run itself, lasting just 6 issues. The first issue, written by John Broome and drawn by Sid Greene saw stalwart detective Charlie Chan and
Land of the Lost Comics (1-9 series) Complete
9 issues pages | 225.2 мb.

Tags: Land of the Lost Comics Land Lost Comics Ec comics
Incredibly exciting adventure-loser paleontologist, his assistant and a handsome-guides who accidentally find a strange world inhabited by dinosaurs and other australopithecines.
Dandy Comics (1-7 series) Complete
7 issues pages | 144.1 мb.

Tags: Dandy Comics Dandy Ec comics
Download free Dandy Comics
Animal Fables (1-7 series) Complete
7 issues pages | 156.8 мb.

Tags: Animal Fables Animal Fables comics Ec comics
Heroes of fairy tales, legends and songs, being expelled from his world, moving into our reality in New Yoruk. Snow White, Grey Wolf, Bluebeard, Prince Charming and other live among us, masquerading as ordinary people, and dream of one day win back their land.


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