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Judge Dredd #22
"Badges, Part 2." With the judge being killed at an alarming rate, and chaos breaks out in different blocks Dredd more determined than ever to find the murderer-former judge who was crazy about cloned and placed in jail. But the case has attracted Dredd at the crossroads of the Special Judicial Squad, who think he is guilty of all the troubles
Doctor Spektor - Master of the Occult #3
Download comics Doctor Spektor - Master of the Occult 3 series
Brain Boy - The Men from G.E.S.T.A.L.T. #04
It's the end of the world. . . and brain-Boy at the epicenter! Faraday puts a legion of zombies bikers, while brain boy trying to escape the mental cage that drives him crazy, he had to watch the apocalypse again and again. Is there a psychic cult, which also torture him to get the president?
Batman '66 #41
90 pages | 68.3 мb.

Tags: Batman '66 Batman Dick Grayson Shame
Batman and Robin hit the dusty trail to track down the six-firing Sidewinder, shame. He went to rob a train. Can the Dynamic Duo stop it in its tracks?
Armor Hunters - Harbinger #02
34 pages | 84.4 мb.

Tags: Armor Hunters - Harbinger Animalia Telic
Earth besieged by alien bodies, and some of the most influential people in the world ... are the kids! Harbinger Departed still reeling from the tragic death in their ranks, but in the face of monumental destruction they find unlikely allies in the same group of super-powerful teens. But this generation Zero is here to help ... or are they just
Wolverine Vol.6 Annual
32 pages | 50.3 мb.

Tags: Wolverine Beast Iceman Quentin Quire Storm Warbird
This is the beginning of the end for Wolverine! Logan comes clean to his old friends, as saber-toothed celebrating new love Pinch Wolverine for death! Pete Woods (Detective Comics) joins Paul Cornell Logan as part of his most urgent hour!
Deadpool vs. X-Force #03
Journey to the days of the 1990s, when two characters who debuted to change the face of comics ... Cable & Deadpool! In this all-new tale, we learn about the first meeting of the pair, long before New Mutants # 98, the cable and its soon to be X-Force race through the timestream to stop the reckless mercenary Deadpool before he destroys American
Armor Hunters - Bloodshot #02
32 pages | 76.2 мb.

Tags: Armor Hunters - Bloodshot Bloodshot Joe Harris
Hunters become the hunted! With the major capitals of the Earth under siege armor hunters in the world most dangerous weapon decided to come in from the cold - and with a top-secret military extraterrestrial intelligence Outpost (MERO)! But when one of their own stages armor Hunters extraterrestrial jailbreak inside the fortified command center
Angry Birds Comics #6
12 pages | 22.6 мb.

Tags: Angry Birds Comics Angry Birds idw
Yellow and red birds were glad that finally can relax, as the turn of bluebirds monitor eggs. At this time, the black bird read the book "Stay calm and do not explode." But it turned out that the Bluebirds have forgotten that they need to monitor the eggs and decided to make fun of a black bird. They came up with a loud noise to scare him. They
All-New X-Factor #12
X Factor brings in big trouble SERVAL Industries ... strong armed into trouble. Negligence gambit appears. No one is happy.
Batman and Robin #34
Fighting evil, together with his son, Damian, Bruce Wayne realizes that in this case the most difficult - to work in a team. Meanwhile, the last of Bruce Wayne appears dark figure. His name - no one, and his angry that Batman Ikorporeyted prevents his own struggle with evil.
Teen Titans #02
23 pages | 33.5 мb.

Tags: Teen Titans new Teen Titans Teen Titans
Someone is hunting for young heroes. And Robin is going to figure out what to secret organization of young heroes. There is not even a team, but it is already beginning to appear.
The X-Files - Year Zero #2
22 pages | 33.3 мb.

Tags: The X-Files Year Zero X-Files comics Alex Krycek
In the remote deserts of the Middle East show the most terrible weapon of alien colonists - "black oil" weapons of mass destruction, capable of controlling the rights and regenerate it. That Mulder and Scully are taken to detect and isolate the source, and in this case involved Alex Krycek considered dead?
Star Wars – Darth Maul – Son of Dathomir #4
It began with the mysterious pyramid ships--the Tho Yor--scattered to the eight corners of the galaxy, and ended with the establishment of an Order that would change the universe forever. Here's your first look at the Star Wars of 25,000 years ago--before there were lightsabers, when the ties to the Force were new, and before the Jedi spread out
Infinity Man and the Forever People #3
Infinity Man And The Forever People # 2 - the beginning of a new ongoinga friendly team cheeked enthusiasts Dan Didio and Keith Giffen, OMAC which taught only what is necessary to try to make another series of constant characters Jack Kirby. Perhaps it would be the same harmless fun that some of our commentators at the time called OMAC.
Samurai Jack #11
25 pages | 43.8 мb.

Tags: Samurai Jack Scotsman Brittney Williams
[right][/right]In this issue: The fans demanded it and IDW supplies - return Scot! Humungous mountain bully and stoic samurai stalwart team again! This time they fight against strange mystical curse that-well, that part of the secret, but trust us, this Doozy!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #6
A new season. New Rules. Age battle against the Vampire Slayer is the focus of life Buffy again, this is nostalgic! But with all the magic of playing with it for the last time, this girl needs to know it's time for another game changing. . . Would it not be? The executive is made Joss Whedon!
Fables #143
In the first part of the two parts of "The Boys in the group , " we will return to some Scottish roots. So why did Peter Piper , Joe Shepherd , Puss in Boots and Briar Rose all on the way to Scotland ? Well, the team has to stick together , of course! When Danny Boy appears on the farm said Seamus time to go home , the group embarks on a journey
Dark Horse Presents #01
Rabbit Ronin Stan Sakai returns to Dark Horse Presents with full-color story! Chad Lambert and Apri Kusbiantoro tell another story of backstage life in the world after the radio! A new chapter in the secret life of teddy bears is revealed! And long serial Integer city comes to its exciting imprisonment!
B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 122 - The Broken Equation #1
Spread of infection in the wastelands of Chicago residents of the Windy City turns into vicious monsters. Whether these creatures and a giant bat monster face-saving stop BPRD of their missing agents? Wasteland Part 2 (of 3) Cowritten Mike Mignola, with art Laurence Campbell (Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine, Punisher MAX)! "This is as good a time as
2000AD 1895
32 pages | 25.2 мb.

Tags: 2000AD Carcer Judge Dredd SlГЎine
More SF barnstorming thrill of Eisner nominated anthology UK! Secrets of a mysterious section of the Ministry of Justice revealed in 7 Judge Dredd: Mega-City Confidential; Then future LAWMAN rash tackle from shooting spree in 'shooters night; Celtic barbarian Slaine crosses the causeway to the island terrifying Monadh manslaughter; The number of


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