New comics
Magnus - Robot Fighter #7
24 pages | 51.7 мb.

Tags: Magnus - Robot Fighter Leeja Magnus
Russell Magnus thought he was a normal person living a normal life ... until a massive work not tore it from his home and put him in a world where men are controlled cars! How did he get back to his family? Now the mysterious and deadly Leeja Klein? And why Magnus so damn good at fighting robots? Fred Van LENTE (GI Joe) and Corey Smith (Fathom)
Flash Gordon #6
23 pages | 53 мb.

Tags: Flash Gordon Flash Gordon comics Flash Gordon
In January 7, 1934 Alec Raymond released his first mini-comic about Flash Gordon, a young blond searing opposing universal evil in the face of the Ming on the planet Mongo Merciless.
Dark Horse Presents #03
49 pages | 93.8 мb.

Tags: Dark Horse Presents Jimmy Palmiotti
Chris Roberson and Paul Lee reveal the untold tale of aliens movie featuring the character Hicks! Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey put a new action of the Philosophers! that pulls together a whole lot of "philosophy of action!" Plus, new chapters of Peter Hogan and Steve ParkHouse in Resident Alien, Brendan McCarthy Dreams Gang, Jimmy Palmiotti,
Batman '66 #45
120 pages | 60 мb.

Tags: Batman '66 Batman Dick Grayson Shame
Batman and Robin hit the dusty trail to track down the six-firing Sidewinder, shame. He went to rob a train. Can the Dynamic Duo stop it in its tracks?
2000AD 1903
32 pages | 24.9 мb.

Tags: 2000AD Carcer Judge Dredd SlГЎine
More SF barnstorming thrill of Eisner nominated anthology UK! Secrets of a mysterious section of the Ministry of Justice revealed in 7 Judge Dredd: Mega-City Confidential; Then future LAWMAN rash tackle from shooting spree in 'shooters night; Celtic barbarian Slaine crosses the causeway to the island terrifying Monadh manslaughter; The number of
Judge Dredd The Megazine #353
Is Megazine # 350 with a special release of a new landmark and Brian Bolland cover! Hard copies come with A3 poster Bolland Gallery robber pointing to some nefarious individuals Dredd faced down for the past 23 years to celebrate this event. Inside there are three new Dredd-world history, including John Wagner and Henry Flint's "Dead Zone", Dan
The New 52 – Futures End #24
Following the events Forevere Evil, closing and restarting the series publisher DC decided to move to the next phase. This new step was, proven series such as 52, Trinity, Countdoun and Brightest Day / Justice League Generation Lost, a large version of the weekly comic strip with various possible spin-off group offami writers and artists, which
Batman Eternal #28
First Batman Eternal series was announced during the recent Comic-Con New York, where the publisher has shared information with fans about the new project . It was stated that will oversee the ongoing directly Scott Snyder, a team of writers and artists will be changed periodically . Such a rotation is a common practice for such weekly series. On
Batman and Robin #35
Fighting evil, together with his son, Damian, Bruce Wayne realizes that in this case the most difficult - to work in a team. Meanwhile, the last of Bruce Wayne appears dark figure. His name - no one, and his angry that Batman Ikorporeyted prevents his own struggle with evil.
Gearhearts Steampunk Glamor Revue (1-11 series)
Small album covers from the publisher to the popular Aspen stimpankovskomu comics "Lady Mechanika".
B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 124
Spread of infection in the wastelands of Chicago residents of the Windy City turns into vicious monsters. Whether these creatures and a giant bat monster face-saving stop BPRD of their missing agents? Wasteland Part 2 (of 3) Cowritten Mike Mignola, with art Laurence Campbell (Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine, Punisher MAX)! "This is as good a time as
Gearhearts Steampunk Glamor Revue #11
Small album covers from the publisher to the popular Aspen stimpankovskomu comics "Lady Mechanika".
Batman and the Outsiders Vol.1 #01-32 + Annuals Complete
Batman has never been that someone would call a natural team player. True, he was a mentor to Robin since the beginning of his career, but he often had problems engaging with those who are considered equal in the league. So long as his teammates in the Justice League has refused to enter into the country to help rescue Markovia Batman Bruce
DC Comics Essentials - Watchmen #1
Guides on the world of graphic novels and comics about Watchmen
DC Comics Essentials - Kingdom Come #1
Guides on the world of graphic novels and comics about Kingdom Come
DC Comics Essentials - All-Star Superman #1
Guides on the world of graphic novels and comics about All-Star Superman
DC Comics Essentials - Batman #1
52 pages | 75.7 мb.

Tags: DC Comics Essentials DC Comics Essentials Batman
Guides on the world of graphic novels and comics about Batman
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Three #03
John Constantine confronts a deadly demon and later takes a meeting with Batman.
Trinity of Sin #1
23 pages | 42.2 мb.

Tags: Trinity of Sin Trinity of Sin comics Trinity Sin
FOREVER EVIL tie-in! The main turning point for Pandora, who reluctantly joins forces with a team of John Constantine mystical misfits to resist personification of evil: damage! Continuing this month, Justice League DARK в„– 27.


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