New comics
Judge Dredd - Anderson, Psi-Division #03
In all new adventure from the first day in Cassandra Anderson Psi Division, Matt Smith, writer and artist Carl Critchlow true "King of the six sectors." Stealing artifacts Cursed Earth Anderson led deep into the marshes near Texas City, where she is fighting with the mutants and the heart of darkness ... Plus, Judge Dredd!
John Carpenter's Asylum #08
Part one of a two-parter with King Leo as he tracks down a man's soul lost in the Barrens. The Lion King loses himself in this way and find it harder to get back to his mortal body. What he finds, on the other hand, however, is much worse than what he had witnessed in our world. Duran and Beckett have disappeared, and it only takes a power of King
Flare #26
30 pages | 49.3 мb.

Tags: Flare Flare comics

Flare #26 (2014)

Publisher: Other
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Inferno Rings Of Hell #03
DARK AGE SERIES FINAL ISSUE! Mercy and Lucifer are nearing completion challenge the Dark Queen ... but nothing can prepare them for the fact that she was waiting for them after their escape. When the time comes, will be dark to be able to stop him from making a mad queen his daughter's life ... or none of the safe in the midst of war Realm?
Chaos - Chosen
56 pages | 111.4 мb.

Tags: Chaos- Chosen Epitaph Suspira
Spinning out of the events of chaos, elected to represent a group of monsters teens who travel around the world with one agenda - to hunt for the other monsters! In this double shot of horror, action and humor, the selected group to a powerful witch Suspira demolish Epitaph, the forces of evil seeking using three co-ed to help him back from the
Brandi Bare #04
44 pages | 40.6 мb.

Tags: Brandi Bare Dylan
Borderlands - The Fall of Fyrestone #03
It's time to meet the Nine toes in the third part of "The Fall of Fyrestone!" Roland, Lilith, Mordecai, Brick and armed to the teeth and ready for the fight of his life. People are going to die! Lots of them! Innocent people will die in this issue of Borderlands.
Collection Marvel (22.10.2014, week 42)
15 issues pages | 649.8 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 22.10.2014 week 42
Collection Marvel Comics for 22.10.2014 (42 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New X-Factor #15 2. Deadpool #36 3. Death of Wolverine - Logan Legacy #02 4. X-Force #11 5. All-New Invaders #11 6. Avengers #37 7. Amazing X-Men #12 8. Cyclops #06 9. Avengers & X-Men - Axis #03 10. Secret Avengers #09 11. All-New Ghost Rider #08 12.
Memetic #01
45 pages | 70.6 мb.

Tags: Memetic James Tynion IV
WHY WE LOVE IT: After starting James Tynion IV in the woods a lot of recognition, we wanted to see what other ideas he had. When James is one of our favorite new voices in comics-pitched us memetic as a story about the apocalypse in three parts, we were sold! Why you'll love it: memetic really an event comic three oversized, 48-page issues a
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Dark Shaman #01
Sela Mathers visited the town as a guest speaker, but little does she know that the campus is built on an ancient Indian burial ground. And the local shaman will make sure that those who have defiled our land will pay a high price. A brand new series of horror from Zenescope Entertainment has arrived!
The Fallen #04
19 pages | 28.2 мb.

Tags: The Fallen Liz Ray Sam
Very few places actually managed to thrive since the first years after the pulse, but Marston is one of them. When Sam, Liz and Ray come to the city, it is an opportunity to relax and reenergise to quickly go again ... but that's not enough for one of them. And internal division not only threat facing the three survivors, because as grown Marston,
Kinski #05
29 pages | 33.8 мb.

Tags: Kinski Joe Gabriel Hardman
Will Joe finally admit defeat? Losing their jobs and Kinski back in the hands of each Holly, his prospects look bleak. But the prospects Kinski or darker?
Helheim Vol.1 - The Witch War
159 pages | 200.7 мb.

Tags: Helheim Vol.1 - The Witch War Rikard Cullen Bunn
"Once the threshold Helheim runs, not even the gods can be avoided." The age of the Vikings. Savage wild men, dark creatures and hideous undead pawns in the war between witches. Character named Rickard, pays the highest price in this conflict ... but his fight is far from over. Raised as Draugr-undead killing machine-Ricard is intended for use as
Amazing Forest #06
22 pages | 39.1 мb.

Tags: Amazing Forest Ulises Farinas Zac Crockett
A collection of the greatest stories ever told. Tales for the brave. Ideas for the country. Evil thing to stir the minds of those with darkness in their hearts. Modern anthology that lends itself to a time when stories were short and ugly. Author Eric Freitas and Ulises Farinas, every other comic drawn amazingly talented artist, each lending their
Regular Show #16
26 pages | 45.2 мb.

Tags: Regular Show Mordecai Rigby Skips
REGULAR SHOW always brings something new and crazy every issue. It's always great when choosing a book, because no matter how good you think you are, there is always completely strange twist there to take you by surprise! Mordecai and Rigby are up to something again, and it's only a matter of time when the situation gets out of control.
She-Hulk #09
The good old days, part 2 This is Jennifer Walters against Matt Murdock in court of the century! Someone from the past in Cap has come back to haunt them all ... and She-Hulk might be his only hope. Guest Steve Rogers and Daredevil
New Warriors #11
The X-Files - Season 10 #17
30 pages | 32.9 мb.

Tags: The X-Files - Season 10 Mulder Scully
Abortion clinic bombing leads Scully and Mulder investigate a group of right-Helmed by a teenage girl who claims to hear God's voice in her head. But its actions are far from heaven ...
Grimm Fairy Tales Vs. Wonderland #04
The battle between the Village and Calie has come to a halt ... because something bigger and badder made ​​its presence in the country chudes.Tuz peak, under the control of the Dark, invades Wonderland with the intention of the match for his own. When this dreadful warrior challenge will Sela or Calie leave to stand?
Grimm Fairy Tales #103
27 pages | 47.8 мb.

Tags: Grimm Fairy Tales Belinda Red Rose Sela Snow White
Snow White and Rose Red ... Reprise Over the centuries, Belinda has devoted his life to serving the Dark Horde. Now that she has made the atonement, it helps to guide young Sela Mathers highborns to the formation area Knights of the future. However, when they begin to learn about her past, Belinda should reconsider the dark time of his life.
Crossed Special 2014
Justin Jordan locks us in our nightmares, as it takes us into a special federal prison! Jesse Bullock is not a good man, but a very hard man. Down for armed robbery and assault, the only crime they were able to prove that he has only one good quality: he loves his cousin Otis. When they end up in jail at the same prison, Jesse intentionally gets
The Delinquents #03
31 pages | 51.5 мb.

Tags: The Delinquents Archer Armstrong Quantum Woody
GET guilty! As the road trip from hell comes in the penultimate pit stop, our curious cuatro must make a choice that will forever change the world ... or at least change the course of HOBO STORIES as we know it! Only a mysterious ass map (yes, we said ass card!) To guide them, Archer and Armstrong and Quantum and Woody about to discover the hole


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