New comics
The Bad Guy
Damon Kaine Bad Guy. He is a mercenary, a trained killer, and a self-proclaimed ladies' man. But he just looking at myself. When the world is in danger of a terrorist faction Red Claw and their leader, the evil Comissar Klutch, greatest spy in the world, Reginald Cross, too much reproach to save the day! Bad Guy may be our only hope. If he is not
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #17
Wonder Woman takes covert mission from the Queen Hippolyta: enter Apokolips, find a group of Amazons prisoners there Darkseid, and bring them home alive.
128 pages | 185.4 мb.

Tags: Damned Steven Grant
In a world of lies, honor killing can be ... 2 guns creator Steven Grant reunites with his artist from Punisher: circulation, Mike Zeck, to really hardhitting crime noir stories that will knock you senseless! When Mick Thorne is parole and released from prison, the only thing on his mind holds promise. But according to that promise to deliver the

Damned (2013)

Publisher: Boom
The Heart of the Beast - A Love Story
Heart of the Beast explores timeless themes of classic horror literature on the background of a decadent world in New York contemporary art. Sandra, a beautiful bartender who aspires to be an actress, meets Victor, a mysterious man who hides scars strange and weird secrets. Always at the beck and call of their employer, the mysterious Dr. Wright,
Quantum and Woody Vol.3 - Crooked Pasts, Present Tense
There is a new scourge to sweep the streets of the big city - ROBO-crime! Eric needs to know that he can trust Woody - and this means that Woody has to get a job, open a bank account, register for a library card, and do all the things a responsible adult does. But when a new gang of rogue mad scientist super-criminals to launch a wave of robots
Escape From New York #01
Why we love: we can not get enough of John Carpenter! It means so much to us that he brought Big Trouble in Little China comics right put.Reaktsiya was so strong that we knew that we had to bring another Carpenter classics to comics in style and approach, making Escape from New York justice. Why you'll love it: If you already like Escape from New
Artful Daggers #16
20 pages | 23.8 мb.

Tags: Artful Daggers Adam P. Knave Sean E. Williams
The truth about The Boss is finally revealed!
Archer & Armstrong Vol.3 - Far Faraway
Castaways in far! Mary Mary Archer arch nemesis / love interest / adopted sister returned and dead set on taking the claim by any means. What better way to take control of the most secret of secret societies than revealing their most private secrets inside secretest place on Earth? Now, as Mary Mary sneaks its way in the area of 51 to qualify for
Vampirella Vol.2 #07
44 pages | 51.7 мb.

Tags: Vampirella Leptirica Lord Drago
In "Kauzstadt", the penultimate episode of "Our Lady of the Shadows" story arc, Vampirella and Drago travel to Eastern Europe in search of the necessary blood vampire to defeat Lady Umbra, Queen of Shadows. Their first stop is in Serbia, where they must find and hunt down the rarest of vampires, eerily beautiful Leptirica, before heading to the
The Twilight Zone #10
Diane Westby has a decision to make and not much time in which to do it. She knows that she can not go to the police she saw a nuclear catastrophe in the minds of others, because there is no evidence, and they are too well hidden tracks. The only way to stop the explosion, which killed large numbers of people, if it is personally going after
The Double Life of Miranda Turner #04
The case went all kinds of crazy down in the theater, where Miranda rehearsing for her debut on stage. Actress suffers from the rapid aging, and now the director has turned into a mad hippo. Can a cat get to the bottom of all the bad events? And how is it connected to the death of Linda's sister?
Men of Wrath #03
26 pages | 36.7 мb.

Tags: Men of Wrath Ira Rath Jason Aaron
Delve into the bloody history Raths, Alabama in a family caught in a generational cycle of violence. Do all the members of this clan murderers cursed to live and die by the sword, or one of them can break the chain?
Inhuman #09
21 pages | 44 мb.

Tags: Inhuman Black Bolt Flint Inferno Medusa
Unspoken attacked the island nation of Medusa and successfully took it. With all the inhuman royal family captive, it's up to NuHumans show your character!
Guardians 3000 #03
Guardians and their reluctant allies space are drawn into a deathtrap ambush ... but who is behind them in the blood? And eventually collapses, they stand a hope of survival? Guest starring Gladiator of the Shi'ar, "the original" Star-Lord, and all the new Herald .... You know who!
Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor #05
This is just one of the reasons Dr. Alice came to a remote space research center. Types of breathtaking ... but formless creature creeping through the station, stealing votes and striking places on those scientists and researchers are not lucky enough to be caught. Tracking should be temporary slippery Corporation SERVEYOUinc, Doctor has found
Axis - Revolutions #03
22 pages | 43.3 мb.

Tags: Axis - Revolutions Nightcrawler Sabretooth Thor
Companion series to the latest blockbuster Avengers Marvel events & X-Men: AXIS! New World Disorder is the name of the game! Night decides to avenge the death of Wolverine ... by tracking down Sabretooth! And Thor is sent to Bender?
Adventure Time #34
28 pages | 40.3 мb.

Tags: Adventure Time Finn Jake Princess Bubblegum
Princess Bubblegum looks at the consequences of her science experiment gone wrong, she finally finds a way to save the day! But it's too late? Find out if Princess Bubblegum is capable of true all their grievances, or if her friends will never be himself again, this is a crazy conclusion of this arc!


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