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Eternal Warrior Vol.1 - Sword of the Wild
Soldiers. Guardian. Warrior. Legend. Ten thousand years and a thousand battles, Gilad Anni-Padda passed the darkest, most mysterious corners of history. But the horror and bloodshed of constant war has finally taken its toll on human myth is eternal warrior ... and he abdicated his responsibilities as a fist and began to Earth for a quiet life
Edison Rex Vol.2
139 pages | 124 мb.

Tags: Edison Rex Chris Roberson Dennis Culver
Collects Edison Rex # 7-12! Edison Rex continues its efforts to transition from a super villain super hero in his quest to be the self-appointed defender of the Earth. However, the other characters are not sure about changing hearts Rex and other baddies less than happy with his new career.
Edison Rex Vol.1
119 pages | 126.7 мb.

Tags: Edison Rex Valiant Chris Roberson
Collects Edison Rex # 1-6! Edison Rex smartest person in the world, criminal mastermind, and arch nemesis greatest defender in the world, Valiant. Devoting his life by defeating Valiant and prove once and for all that he is a threat to humanity, not the hero, what would Edison do when he finally manages? And Valiant out of the way, who will remain
The Transformers - More Than Meets the Eye #36
CYBERTRON FALLS! Monstrous NECROTITAN ruining the world-but if there's anyone left to save it? Meanwhile, in deep space, Ultra Magnus and the crew lost LIGHT struggle to understand what they find in the depths of the sea of scarlet!
The Transformers – Drift – Empire of Stone #2
Drift: Empire of Stone - IDW comic book series for the first generation. Events occurring after the Drift left aboard the Lost Light. Editions series will come out from November 2014 to February 2015.
Batman and Robin #37
Fighting evil, together with his son, Damian, Bruce Wayne realizes that in this case the most difficult - to work in a team. Meanwhile, the last of Bruce Wayne appears dark figure. His name - no one, and his angry that Batman Ikorporeyted prevents his own struggle with evil.
B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 126
Spread of infection in the wastelands of Chicago residents of the Windy City turns into vicious monsters. Whether these creatures and a giant bat monster face-saving stop BPRD of their missing agents? Wasteland Part 2 (of 3) Cowritten Mike Mignola, with art Laurence Campbell (Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine, Punisher MAX)! "This is as good a time as
The Multiversity Thunderworld #1
Sam Cameron Stewart illustrated "Thunderworld" about Shazam and other characters publisher Fawcett. When you see the first image, Morrison said: "This is the best of all time Shazam !!!" Stewart remembered that did not even know about his participation in the Multiversity, until I read the announcement Morrison in an interview, but gladly agreed
Justice League #37
FOREVER EVIL tie-in! With the Justice League still missing almost not working Cyborg will need help if he is going to take down a criminal syndicate! To do this, he must find a physician Magnus!
Batman #37
34 pages | 44.4 мb.

Tags: Batman Scott Snyder Greg Capullo Danny Miki
"ZERO YEAR" is all-important crossroads as Batman and Jim Gordon to try to turn the lights back on in Gotham City. This question leads directly to the final arc zero year, which starts here next month!

Batman #37 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Supergirl #37
Part two of a new confrontation Kara deadly Lobo. After the shock of last extremity issue, the issue we find an even greater threat to Shay Veritas, which make Superherl make a deadly choice!
Red Hood and the Outlaws #37
Criminals have their final bloody showdown with Ras al Gul League and Assassins!
Green Lantern - New Guardians #37
Training Kyle with the new Guardians continues as he tries to solve the mystery of what caused the exclusively peaceful nature of civilization to go to war!
Catwoman #37
23 pages | 26.5 мb.

Tags: Catwoman Catwoman comics new Catwoman
She loves the night. She likes shiny trinkets. She seduces Batman. Most of all, Catwoman beckons danger. And she can not help it ...

Catwoman #37 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Batwoman #37
Batwoman faces off against a new black spider as mystery deepens! That many citizens of Gotham City have what he wants? Batwoman arrogance will cost her life? And on the personal front: Kate greets daughter Maggie!

Batwoman #37 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Batman Eternal #37
Events ETERNAL Batman Batman changed the world for a few months - jump on here to see the new world order! The third act begins with a bang, as the police in Gotham done the impossible - they beat Batman!
Batman - Superman #17
The series is about two legendary heroes of DC Comics, in which different methods and outlook on life, but it nemenie have always been friends and allies. Superman and Batman, the heroes pridumanyh back in the 30s, have not lost their popularity in our time, stories which are always amazed and attracted more new readers ...
Grimm Fairy Tales #01-105
105 issues pages | 2330 мb.

Tags: Grimm Fairy Tales Zenescope Collection 2005-2013
The series, which is aimed at updating stories to tell a story, often with an added touch of horror to them. As a rule, they explained how something izpritchi to modern conditions rotating character. Stories are usually told by either Belinda or Sela. Two control two books of fairy tales, and they are usually used to either help or hinder those
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Three #12
Showdown in the Hall of Justice as the squares of the Demon Etrigan with Superman. But Jason Blood dead, who is "a form of human"?
The Flash - Season Zero #08
With thousands of innocent lives hanging in the balance, flash squares off against Mr. Bliss and his gang of circus freaks in one final battle!
Power & Glory
151 pages | 266.1 мb.

Crime fighter genetically engineered to be a super-hero - but when the test goes awry, and he did not need a superhero quality, it must be combined with a former CIA agent, who is the brains of the duo. One gets all the glory, and one has all the power. Collects issues 1-4, as well as special holiday one shot!
Neil Gaiman's Graveyard Book - Vol.1
196 pages | 114.7 мb.

Tags: Neil Gaiman's Graveyard Book Neil Gaiman
"There was a hand in the dark, and he had a knife." Nobody Owens, known as BOD, is a normal boy. It will be completely normal if he does not live in the cemetery was made ghosts, with the guardian who belongs to neither the world of the living nor the dead. There are adventures in the graveyard for a boy - an ancient Indigo Man, the gates of the


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